
Zone Head
Leader of the Back.
Posts: 537
posted June 26, 2009 12:08 PM
To answer the direct question, the 08 and 09 should run the same, mine did. I only saw that the 08 had 3hp less on the dyno, but I attribute that to dyno differences and 8 months later.
Even after mods my 09 got +22 hp over my +17 gain on the 08. but the BUTT DYNO shows no difference.
+1 on the Battery Tender
My 08 had a vibration, mostly on bumpy roads. Turned out to be the kickstand banging on the frame. A simple rubber pad used for furniture stopped that.
Other than that, exact same back, same riding experience.
Ditch the battery, get a new one, regardless fo what it meters. Any shop will work tha tunder warranty for you.
Also, are you still in AZ, or did you just buy in AZ and ship out of state.
Tucson here. Hot .. but no sand.
PC-III w/USB, Muzzys M14 + Carbon Oval + M10, BMC Race Filter, Flies Out, Buell Pegs, Heli Risers
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Zone Head
Posts: 987
posted June 26, 2009 03:22 PM
Looks like you need to cancel your road trip. Maybe you should twist the throttle a bit.

Expert Class
Upgrade I Must
Posts: 146
posted June 26, 2009 04:36 PM
quote: Also noticed when going steady on a good-quality street today (no bumps or anything) that bike cycles through the constant motion of pulling forward an inch, then decelerating, pulling forward, deceleration, as if engine was skipping a beat. Barely noticeable, but there. Word.
Mine had a similar surging issue. I checked the air filter and the Pipercross that was in it was gunked up pretty bad (lots of sand in New Mexico too). I replaced it with a BMC street filter...problem solved.
"no time to be void or save up on life
you got to spend it all.."
Expert Class
'08 ZX-14 SE
Posts: 144
posted June 27, 2009 12:47 PM
Edited By: AlexTheUkrainian on 27 Jun 2009 20:48
Vibration: it was coming from the tilt sensor under the wind screen. Added 2 rubber washers to each bolt - problem solved. The buzz moved down to 3.5k RPM but it is so much more quiet and there's so much less of it that I need to pay attention hard to even notice, and who stays at 3.5k rpm anyway?
Power issues: charging battery helped, I think. It's been charging for 14+ hours and this morning it felt much better. Still took it to dealership and 2 people there test-drove it and said they couldn't feel any problems. They could both power-wheelie it just fine. So they thought there was no need to run diagnostics... I guess battery charging helped enough to where they don't see a problem, and nooby you may be right, I probably baby it too much. After all, I test-drove dealership bike... and this is MY bike now ha-ha.
LLcool: I'm definitely going to replace air filter soon. I find sand EVERYWHERE as I do mods, so air filter must be f-ed too after standing there for a year in sand storms.
Kawa: Thanks for info. I bought it in Sierra Vista, but I am not sure where the original dealership was that stored the bike outside... The sand I find everywhere inside the bike is very fine, and it's so set-in by now that in some places brushing it harshly with a cloth doesn't get it off. I'll find a shop that will replace the battery - if it was dead on arrival and charging it helped performance so much, something is definitely badly wrong with it, so I would love me a new one.
About to replace oil again after hard break-in, hopefully that will help some as well.