Expert Class
Posts: 331
posted February 19, 2012 03:52 PM
valve cover leak
i used the search and they say to use a washer under the bolt . does any one know how thick the washer should be the bike only has 2000 miles thanks
conn-e-rot ninja
Novice Class
Posts: 92
posted February 19, 2012 04:33 PM
here you go
2007 zx14
Expert Class
Posts: 331
posted February 19, 2012 06:02 PM
quote: here you go
wat is that the part number or some thing
conn-e-rot ninja
Novice Class
Posts: 92
posted February 19, 2012 06:54 PM
It's a link to website with a how to on fixing your leak
2007 zx14
Expert Class
Posts: 331
posted February 19, 2012 08:51 PM
quote: It's a link to website with a how to on fixing your leak
found it thanks I'm gonna give the m10 washer first then go from their thanks
conn-e-rot ninja
Novice Class
Posts: 92
posted February 20, 2012 06:00 AM
becareful not to over tighten the bolts
2007 zx14

Posts: 1125
posted February 20, 2012 04:25 PM
Edited By: Rook on 21 Feb 2012 00:36
LOL I remeber the days when I never touched a computer not so long ago.
that's a link
you click on it this
thanks for posting the link, BTW. the tutorial also has a few links to other tutorials that you may wish to look at. If you can get by without properly removing the heat blanket, that will cut the job to 1/4 the time.

Needs a job
Posts: 4209
posted February 20, 2012 04:36 PM
shimming the valve cover bolts with a washer works great, dont ask me how I know
2006 Black ZX-14,6 inches over,16/42, flies out,BMC Street Filter,Brock's Street Meg,Brock's Radial Mount Strap,PClll with Race map,Dynojet LCD w/Techmount, ZX-14 fender eliminator,Pilot Power2CTs,Speedohealer,Pazzo Levers,Cox Radiator Guard, Garmin Nuvi 265WT

Posts: 1125
posted February 20, 2012 07:25 PM
Mine is up on stands. No leaking like last Winter. The washer trick didn't work for me but it helped. Hope the break in action allowed that leak to seal up completely.
I torqued to spec. As mentioned, DO NOT try top fix this by tightening because the aluminum threads in the head will strip pretty easy and then you really are supposed to get a new head--according to Kawi.
I believe the best thing to do us get the newand improved head gasket and replace the washer/rubber rings on top as well as the head hole gaskets inside. If that doesn't fix it as it should be done, you know the problem is not parts and you know the only thing to do is throw washers in there.
Expert Class
Posts: 331
posted February 20, 2012 07:40 PM
quote: LOL I remeber the days when I never touched a computer not so long ago.
that's a link
you click on it this
thanks for posting the link, BTW. the tutorial also has a few links to other tutorials that you may wish to look at. If you can get by without properly removing the heat blanket, that will cut the job to 1/4 the time.
thanks good post