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BIKELAND > FORUMS > ZX-14.com > Thread: 14R dyno and street results NEW TOPIC NEW POLL POST REPLY

Expert Class
2012 ZX14R SE
Posts: 195
posted January 30, 2012 07:47 PM        
14R dyno and street results

I picked up my bike on Friday night in Tampa drove all the way back to Ft Lauderdale (bike on trailer) so I could break it in per Mototune on Sat. and put it on the dyno later Sat. Local dealer was having free dyno runs at open house just like his other store did the week before. First let me say that everyone was saying that his dyno reads low and I would have to agree as he did my BKing the week before and it only made 156hp which is think is low for that bike. Took the 14R there after break in and it made 184hp so I wasn't all that pleased but I guess sometimes you get what you pay for and in this case it was free.
Now to the good part. On Sundays I ride with a group of guys and we fly. We have roads that are straight without intersections and we routinely do 160-180mph cruise. There is a guy with a modded R1 that I would race with my old 07 ZX14 and would beat him but only slightly like 3-4mph on a third or fourth gear roll. Now my old 14 made 191hp SAE but uncorrected at Daytona dyno shoot out last year so it is no slouch for a street bike. Heads and tuning by Ace Performance. So I figure that if I race the R1 and if I beat him bad my 14R is certainly making more than 184hp. Well we race from a 4th gear roll and I walk away from him pretty bad. Now I'm happy because the proof is in the pudding and I proved that my new bone stock 14R is substantially faster than the 07 14. Now one of the other guys has an 09 Busa with a Brocks pipe, power commander and BMC filter and mapped with Brocks map for the mods.
We run from a 3rd gear roll and I couldn't believe how bad I beat this guy. I jumped him immediately by 5-7 bikes just in 3rd and then continued to pull away until he was just so far back it wasn't worth even getting into 6th. When we stopped I asked him if he was shifting at redline in all the gears and he said he was. So unless the Busas or other 1st gen 14s are bored with good heads you will make short order of the stock or even in my case one with good heads.
Needless to say I'm a happy camper and can't wait to get the speed restriction removed and a little extra rpm to see what this thing can do.

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Expert Class
Posts: 178
posted January 30, 2012 07:58 PM        
enjoy thats what itis made for
Ride it, Respect it, It can an will bite you when you least expect. /smilies/smile.gif" border=0>

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Posts: 1654
posted January 30, 2012 08:54 PM        
hell yeah.thats real power gains there.thats like the jump from the zx11 to the zx12r...........
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Posts: 1230
posted January 31, 2012 02:53 AM        
The new 14 is no joke. Congrats on new ride, enjoy it
2012 Black 14R -> Completely done!

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kaw now

Expert Class
Posts: 446
posted January 31, 2012 08:05 AM        
These new bikes sound really good. The power improvement has to be real. Personally I like it if the dynos read low from what I read it's more like true hp numbers.
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Novice Class
Vern Baby Vern
Posts: 91
posted January 31, 2012 09:30 AM        
It's a good day when the Busa goes down! What did the Busa rider have to say about it?
1990 zx11 8k miles MINT 2012 zx14R...FAST

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Expert Class
2012 ZX14R SE
Posts: 195
posted January 31, 2012 10:17 AM        
It's a good day when the Busa goes down! What did the Busa rider have to say about it?

Not much other than he was impressed. He is fairly new to sportbikes so I'm not sure how tuned in he is to the ZX14 versus Busa wars on the internet.

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Expert Class
Posts: 451
posted February 01, 2012 04:52 PM        Edited By: davej on 2 Feb 2012 01:10
Busa bashing is like Harley bashing, love both. Never kick a man down or Karma will get you. Hate bashing, in all forms. The new 14 is on a new level. Just doesn't have any thing to compete with. So don't be uppity, hope that this hp war goes on forever.
Triumph guy

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Zone Head
Justoyz Racing
Posts: 858
posted February 02, 2012 09:50 AM        
WOW, humbleling words......
2012 zx14R-blue,2012 zx14R-black, 2014 zx14Trbo, 2011 zx10R, 2007 zx10 Turbo.....

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