quote:One of the biggest advantages is available power after the shift. By shifting at a higher RPM, you will naturally fall back into a higher power level on the curve after the gear drop. With the stock exhaust, it's not a big deal, but once our pipe is added (and the power keeps climbing towards the rev limiter without 'nosing over'), much larger overall average power gains in the higher RPM range will be noticed to help accelerate the vehicle.
Brock, do you think degreeing the cams for a little more high rpm power along with having the flies open earlier to get some of that lowend power back would help as well.......................also will you be offering a package with modded ECU and maps to work with your pipes?
quote:I have been writing and waiting on this forum for about 4 years now waiting and waiting and waiting for any news on the ZX14 06/07/08/09 ECU reflash........but NOTHING.
People have been promising for years to be working on a reflash for the zx14 ecu where you can adjust fuel and ignition maps, adjust MAP sensor compensations for boost etc etc. but STILL NOTHING.
Now we have a bike that just came out and are being told that the reflash for its ecu is already available???
Can someone enlighten me PLEASE
Your not alone there,
I was hopefull for the end of last year and kept putting off some work on a couple of 14's in the hope of flashing them , but now made other arrangements $800 worh of piggybacks i would rather have put to flashing equipment
John have you tried Christian Piansini (sp?) more local to you if the US guys don't respond
posted January 05, 2012 02:48 PM
Has anyone tried a reflashed ECU that opens the flies earlier.............I'm real curious what types of gains this might offer?
posted January 05, 2012 04:46 PM
Cool Shane can't wait to see the power curve and if the TQ comes up in the low and mid range ..
Smokin Performance Cycles..
Tampa Bay , FL .. Brocks Performance Dealer ..
Gen 2 ZX14R Best ET 8.43 , Best MPH 164.95
posted January 05, 2012 05:21 PM
Hello John Bull, I had my ECU reflashed by Dynotronics in Texas about 5 or 6 months ago. The cost was $450.00 and the bike gained 7 hp. I call Dynotronics about 2 weeks ago and asked about some additional work on the ECU and he mentioned he could possibly get a few more horses from the ECU. Their phone number is 678-488-1011.
posted January 05, 2012 05:38 PM
You going to pull Air Filter ??
"I have never met a man so Ignorant that I coun't Learn from him"..."Galileo"
posted January 05, 2012 06:50 PM
Edited By: Brock on 6 Jan 2012 02:56
quote:One of the biggest advantages is available power after the shift. By shifting at a higher RPM, you will naturally fall back into a higher power level on the curve after the gear drop. With the stock exhaust, it's not a big deal, but once our pipe is added (and the power keeps climbing towards the rev limiter without 'nosing over'), much larger overall average power gains in the higher RPM range will be noticed to help accelerate the vehicle.
Brock, do you think degreeing the cams for a little more high rpm power along with having the flies open earlier to get some of that lowend power back would help as well.......................also will you be offering a package with modded ECU and maps to work with your pipes?
Yes on the packages. I could write a book on how much time people waste on cam timing... want to know the best numbers? Our big secret to crushing the competetion in AMA SuperSport year after year? ITS EASY+++++STOCK CAM TIMING FOR STOCK ENGINES! A fleet of engineers spent months (and millions!) figuring it out. The high rpm power comes from the ram air, guys can't see that on the dyno, so they think its not there. That's why we head to the drag strip to measure back half et's right after we get off of the dyno, so we know what we REALLY have after developing an exhaust.
posted January 06, 2012 02:29 AM
Keep up the GREAT INFO & GREAT BROCK... And get that Shorty Smweg out for a 14R....!!! LOL
"Cajun Boyz with Bad Ass Toys"
posted January 06, 2012 07:50 AM
dont mean to get off topic
Brock when the new SMEG system comes out any chance you will offer just the header pipe? I just purchased the smeg system couple of months back and i would hate to have to sell it just to get the new one.
'12 Gully Blue ZX14
-PCV/Guhl ECU/Blue CT Meg/<0 Alyson Oil/+8 Evil Arm/+1 Rear Sprocket
'07 Acura TL-S
'87 Buick Grand National
quote:Hello John Bull, I had my ECU reflashed by Dynotronics in Texas about 5 or 6 months ago. The cost was $450.00 and the bike gained 7 hp. I call Dynotronics about 2 weeks ago and asked about some additional work on the ECU and he mentioned he could possibly get a few more horses from the ECU. Their phone number is 678-488-1011.
Thanks for the info. but what I am looking for is a reflash that will enable you to tune your fuel/ignition maps, compensation maps (i.e air inlet temp sensor compensations maps or manifold pressure compensation maps for using boost) etc. like what has been made available for the busa guys.
John Bul Racing. Malta.
No sorry. The 14R is a completely new exhaust system. We have taken advantage of the revised oil pan to enhance the ground clearance (so the secondary collector will no longer work), the exhaust port (and corresponding flanges)- aka both headpipes are different... they are apples and oranges.
You are a custom application and would need to speak directly to Don: sales@guhlmotors.com
posted January 06, 2012 02:41 PM
I ve been saying that for years about cam timing on the stock motored 14 ,but no one believed me!
Cecil County 2010 Motorcycle ET Champ. 9 Wins- 4 RUs .06zx14 turboed for 2012 .
posted January 06, 2012 04:38 PM
Edited By: Shane661 on 7 Jan 2012 00:43
quote:Cool Shane can't wait to see the power curve and if the TQ comes up in the low and mid range ..
Sorry, Lee. I didn't have time to properly test the low-mid rpm with tuning today. I had wanted to do some testing in the lower gears as well....to see what difference there might be. The 10R PC install was a b!tch. I have swapped throttle bodies in and out a lot, and this install took me over 4 hours...with bodywork removed (the TB's have to come out, and there is new stuff on top of the motor, some extra brackets, etc).
After burning 1/2 of the day on the install, I was confronted with some Power Commander gremlins while on the dyno. I think I have these mostly sorted, but it basically meant we had very little time to tune. I wanted to get the richness out of top of the map, so we just played with things from 6500 rpm up:
Right now the curves are very similar, but I won't turn down 3 hp at 11k rpm. Again, please disregard any low rpm results...
Anyway, once I get everything sorted and reliable, I will post more. It could be a few days or more before I can do any more testing.
posted January 06, 2012 04:58 PM
Edited By: Shane661 on 7 Jan 2012 01:05
One thing I have also noticed is that the 14R already makes around +10 hp over the Gen 1, by 5k rpm on a 5th gear pull...and that is compared to a Gen 1 mapped for flies removed.
That is why I think it needs to be tested in the lower gears. I am not sure that I can do that properly on the dyno. Then again, we may be looking a very good secondary control out-of-the-box? The bike feels pretty strong.
posted January 06, 2012 05:33 PM
Edited By: Shane661 on 7 Jan 2012 01:35
Although it warmed up later in the day, this is what I faced in the garage, first thing:
I was out of diesel fuel for my heater...but I didn't want to waste time going to get any. Sure made those velocity stacks and intake boots tough, though! In hindsight, the fuel for the heater might have been a good call...
posted January 07, 2012 06:31 AM
Did the Pc5 install was a plug and play or was that the difficulty with the 4 hour install?
2012 zx14R-blue,2012 zx14R-black, 2014 zx14Trbo, 2011 zx10R, 2007 zx10 Turbo.....
posted January 07, 2012 06:56 AM
Edited By: Shane661 on 7 Jan 2012 15:13
Well, it is plug and play (you need to extend the ground wire)...but...
The throttle bodies had to come out, and that means taking a lot of stuff apart. There are some new pieces and parts that have to be removed compared to a Gen 1. I have some more pics, but have not had time to sort through them.
I had some issues yesterday, which seemed to be helped/fixed by upgrading to the latest software/firmware. I need to do some more testing.
posted January 07, 2012 07:33 AM
Seems alot tighter compared to the Gen 1... Dude, you have patience! Its a pleasure to watch you test components... You know next week the PCV is going to be released right? (I'm kidding... LOL)
2012 Black 14R -> Completely done!
posted January 07, 2012 07:48 AM
Edited By: Shane661 on 7 Jan 2012 15:54
quote:Seems alot tighter compared to the Gen 1... Dude, you have patience! Its a pleasure to watch you test components... You know next week the PCV is going to be released right? (I'm kidding... LOL)
The physical layout of everything is close to the same. Of course you are also looking all of the piggyback connectors from the 10R Power Commander. The Kleen system actually connects to the throttle bodies in some way now, and there are two hoses going into the bottom of the frame/airbox. Soon I will figure out how to get rid of all of that stuff. I am sure that Dynojet is working on a Power Commander solution right now, but in order to really test the Guhl ecu I needed fuel control.
I am anxious to do some more testing as time/weather allows. I actually rode the bike to the dyno and back home yeserday, no time to hook up and load up the trailer. It was a leap of faith with the untested PC, but worth it. This thing absolutely rips, and the CT Meg screams!
posted January 07, 2012 09:05 AM
Shane661,awesome work.My question you have to take off the throttle bodies to install the power commander? Or is that the 10R PC? thanks for you r work and input.
posted January 07, 2012 09:09 AM
Edited By: Shane661 on 7 Jan 2012 17:17
quote:Shane661,awesome work.My question you have to take off the throttle bodies to install the power commander? Or is that the 10R PC? thanks for you r work and input.
I had to remove them to fit a 10R Power Commander. I don't know what the Dynojet 14R solution will be. The 10R unit has piggyback connectors that go on to each injector, that is what all of that wiring is, and why I was unable to do it with the throttle bodies on the bike. Also, you do not connect the crank position sensor to anything when you install the 10R part.
All of this Power Commander stuff is very preliminary. I haven't been able to experiment with it much at all. I will post another thread when I have more info to give.
Otherwise, it was very promising to see the bike holding strong power past the stock redline, with the Guhl ecu. The extended revs mean you can shift higher, without worry of hitting the rev limiter.
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