Posts: 1664
posted December 28, 2011 06:03 AM
Best of luck! Oh yea.......... Dibs!
Expert Class
Posts: 496
posted December 28, 2011 07:05 AM
quote: Hope all goes well today. Good luck and get well soon!

Needs a job
Posts: 2033
posted December 28, 2011 07:06 AM
Prayin' for you.

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08 Turbo zx14!!!
Posts: 133
posted December 28, 2011 09:13 AM
Hope you get better lee!!!!!!

Zone Head
Justoyz Racing
Posts: 858
posted December 28, 2011 10:28 AM
Lee, best wishes and I will keep you up in prayer
2012 zx14R-blue,2012 zx14R-black, 2014 zx14Trbo, 2011 zx10R, 2007 zx10 Turbo.....

Posts: 1230
posted December 28, 2011 02:13 PM
Hoping to hear from Smoking... Good luck there buddy, we are all pulling for you!
2012 Black 14R -> Completely done!

Needs a life
Posts: 10197
posted December 28, 2011 04:45 PM
I'm home but feel like warmed over dog shit .. Got there very early and got released around 4:00 pm .. I don't even remember Judy driving me home .. I went right to bed and got up at 7;00 ... DR said everything went well and he will have tests back in a few days, judy said i was awake when the DR talked to me but i don't remember it or even seeing him in the recovery room ..They said i got up and went to the bathroom , Gee i hope i didn't pee in the sink ..
Thanks guys for all the well wishes..
Smokin Performance Cycles..
Tampa Bay , FL .. Brocks Performance Dealer ..
Gen 2 ZX14R Best ET 8.43 , Best MPH 164.95

Expert Class
Posts: 342
posted December 28, 2011 05:23 PM
Hope you get to feeling better, will keep you in my prayers.
06 zx14, 65", lowered, muzzy pipe, pcIII, air shifter, Litz revalve, Adams cut seat, OSR cut pan 87 pump gas.
8.97 at 149mph

Expert Class
Posts: 178
posted December 28, 2011 05:28 PM
Good luck glad you are home mate you din pee in the sink an what yopu daid to that nurse lol hope you are feeelin better my son is twenty he has been in a walking frame for a year now doctors don't know whats wrong with him lost all muscle an balance ,fits as well as seizures every day. just atke it one day at a time.
Ride it, Respect it, It can an will bite you when you least expect. /smilies/smile.gif" border=0>
Needs a life
2012 14r In Blue and no Mods!
Posts: 5428
posted December 28, 2011 05:36 PM
Glad your home Lee! hopefully they will find whatever's been bothering you.

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high on speed
Posts: 7235
posted December 28, 2011 05:38 PM
quote: Gee i hope i didn't pee in the sink ..
why is this urinal so damn high?
feel better soon
01 ZX-12R 8.84 @ 156.3 no bars, DOT tires. Pump Gas, NA.... turbo 8.47 @ 164.
00 ZX-12R 8.62 @ 165.2 no bars, slicks, Pump Gas, 55 shot.... turbo 8.32 @173
00 ZX-12R Fastest NA Kawasaki in the world 1: 222.046 1.5: 226.390 Loring AFB
00 ZX-12R street turbo 1: 227.9 1.5: 234.1 Loring AFB
00 ZX-12R LSR turbo 1: 263.1 1.5: 266.5 Loring AFB Worlds fastest ZX-12R
CMG Racing RCC Turbos
Expert Class
Posts: 424
posted December 28, 2011 06:20 PM
I have a good feeling about this.
"Gee i hope i didn't pee in the sink .." well I did give you advice yesterday I think it applies, "Don't worry about the things you can't control"
Yep it applies, stay strong and one day at a time.

Needs a job
Friend of Fast
Posts: 3196
posted December 28, 2011 06:40 PM
Good luck smokin, life sucks without your health! I had a back injury that kept me from doing ANYTHING for about 6 months. Luckily I fully recovered, and I hope and pray you will too. You're too young to be feeling like "warmed over dog shit."

Posts: 1134
posted December 28, 2011 10:42 PM
I've had some scary moments healthwise...stay positive and all will be good :-)
2007 ZX-14 black
Brocks s-meg exhaust
PCIII w/track map
BMC race filter
Flies removed
16 tooth front sprocket
APE cam chain tensioner
Vortex rearsets

Needs a job
Posts: 4209
posted December 29, 2011 04:20 AM
I am home and healing up from my last surgery. Give me a call or IM and we can commiserate. Every day I get better and I am sure it will be the same for you. If they didnt keep you that long it can't be that bad. Look forward to seeing or hearing fro you soon!
2006 Black ZX-14,6 inches over,16/42, flies out,BMC Street Filter,Brock's Street Meg,Brock's Radial Mount Strap,PClll with Race map,Dynojet LCD w/Techmount, ZX-14 fender eliminator,Pilot Power2CTs,Speedohealer,Pazzo Levers,Cox Radiator Guard, Garmin Nuvi 265WT