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BIKELAND > FORUMS > ZX-14.com > Thread: let's clear the air about the 2012 ZX14 VS Busa head to head showdown NEW TOPIC NEW POLL POST REPLY

Needs a life
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posted November 24, 2011 02:02 PM        Edited By: 1badzx12r on 24 Nov 2011 22:04
all other things being equal.

that don't happen at none the tracks i go to...

I know right, hell the Bus a guys we already putting rockets on their bikes...lol

i won that event ..
the busa guys won't claim him thats a 1397 busa with N20 and a rocket running 10's..

Its like arguing with children that have no clue!!! First of all the busa in this clip is "jon von busa" from new mexico. Secondly it is a 1441 on 100 shot that maded 320whp. It was brought to texas to race the UGR lambos that were making 1550whp plus. He lost by they way. And the guy that flipped it at the track was his friend trimnator who drives a 8 sec camaro. And was giving jon shit for making 10 sec passes and not leaving hard enough.

I have not started racing in the events at SAR yet. Getting my own bike squared away.

WHO YOU CALLING CHILDREN .. You don't even have a bike to race with..and you come on a forum and talk shitt .. go hang on a nut sack by your teeth cause that all your gonna do

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Novice Class
Posts: 40
posted November 24, 2011 02:15 PM        Edited By: 03SGBUSA on 24 Nov 2011 22:23


Dont take it literally!!!

you posted a pic about a busa launching at the track and the details were all wrong.


You don't even have a bike to race with..and you come on a forum and talk shitt .. go hang on a nut sack by your teeth cause that all your gonna do

What? You should probably reread the thread man. You can see in the thread I have a gen 1 busa that I race. All I said was I have not entered the events at SAR aka the motorcycle shootouts yet because I was getting my bike all squared away.

I just ran a PB a few weeks ago on my gen1 9.47@144. bike made 171whp with normal boltons with a race weight of 780lbs. I have sprayed it twice on a 40 shot from the middle-top of 2nd. Ran a 9.38@150. Its 63'

Here you go guys!! take shots!!

The motor is coming out this weekend because I have a Bob Carpenter head,web cams and a sidewinder we are installing. Along with a nano kit and a NLR nitrous controller

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Zone Head
Posts: 943
posted November 24, 2011 02:25 PM        
Just imagine what my gen 1 zx14 would run with a 40 shot.

Better build that Busa- I live in Texas and I may come looking for you.
06 ZX14 65"

Best 1/8 mile 5.68@126.4 on a 1.41 60'
Best 1/4 mile 8.87@152.7 on a 1.47 60'

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Posts: 1181
posted November 24, 2011 02:25 PM        
Its like arguing with children that have no clue!!! First of all the busa in this clip is "jon von busa" from new mexico. Secondly it is a 1441 on 100 shot that maded 320whp. It was brought to texas to race the UGR lambos that were making 1550whp plus. He lost by they way. And the guy that flipped it at the track was his friend trimnator who drives a 8 sec camaro. And was giving jon shit for making 10 sec passes and not leaving hard enough.

I have not started racing in the events at SAR yet. Getting my own bike squared away.

WHO YOU CALLING CHILDREN .. You don't even have a bike to race with..and you come on a forum and talk shitt .. go hang on a nut sack by your teeth cause that all your gonna do

Don't worry 1bad, he is just another "Internet Tough Guy", guaranteed he wouldn't talk so tough in person.

And for the record, I know it was John Von Douche's bike, and i know it was his friend riding, still doesn't save the fact that it has 1441 and runs 10's, and lets not forget the awesome jet motor.
2008 ZX14
Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference. ~Mark Twain

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Novice Class
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posted November 24, 2011 02:29 PM        Edited By: 03SGBUSA on 24 Nov 2011 22:32
Just imagine what my gen 1 zx14 would run with a 40 shot.

Better build that Busa- I live in Texas and I may come looking for you.


Well like you I not done with my busa yet either. Just getting started.


Don't worry 1bad, he is just another "Internet Tough Guy", guaranteed he wouldn't talk so tough in person.[/QUOTE]

Were we talking tough?

I was under the impression I was giving the facts about the picture.

And while Im not trying to come off like a tough guy I do talk the same way in person.

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Needs a life
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posted November 24, 2011 02:36 PM        
still doesn't save the fact that it has 1441 and runs 10's, and lets not forget the awesome jet motor.

ain't that a fact... YOU FORGOT THE N20 on it also

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Needs a life
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posted November 24, 2011 02:41 PM        Edited By: 1badzx12r on 24 Nov 2011 22:43

I just ran a PB a few weeks ago on my gen1 9.47@144. bike made 171whp with normal boltons with a race weight of 780lbs. I have sprayed it twice on a 40 shot from the middle-top of 2nd. Ran a 9.38@150. Its 63'

Here you go guys!! take shots!!

my gen 1 stock motor stock clutch bike the last time i ran it before i sold it ran a 9.42@ 144mph with a 835lb race weight.. SOOOOO HA

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Novice Class
Posts: 40
posted November 24, 2011 02:54 PM        

my gen 1 stock motor stock clutch bike the last time i ran it before i sold it ran a 9.42@ 144mph with a 835lb race weight.. SOOOOO HA

well it took you 1352cc to do what i did with 1299cc!! SOOO HAAA!!

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Zone Head
Justoyz Racing
Posts: 858
posted November 24, 2011 02:54 PM        
SHORTEN THAT STUFF UP; let's have a 62 inch shoot out......
2012 zx14R-blue,2012 zx14R-black, 2014 zx14Trbo, 2011 zx10R, 2007 zx10 Turbo.....

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Novice Class
Posts: 40
posted November 24, 2011 02:56 PM        
SHORTEN THAT STUFF UP; let's have a 62 inch shoot out......

are we talking about my 1299cc vs some 1352cc and 1430cc?

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Needs a life
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posted November 24, 2011 02:59 PM        

my gen 1 stock motor stock clutch bike the last time i ran it before i sold it ran a 9.42@ 144mph with a 835lb race weight.. SOOOOO HA

well it took you 1352cc to do what i did with 1299cc!! SOOO HAAA!!

you don't want to know what i did with 1199cc..it will make you blush

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Novice Class
Posts: 40
posted November 24, 2011 03:03 PM        

you don't want to know what i did with 1199cc..it will make you blush

after seeing that cbr 1000rr run a 6.99@199 nothing shocks me

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Zone Head
Posts: 943
posted November 24, 2011 03:08 PM        
03SGbusa, I would have to go backwards to catch you..
06 ZX14 65"

Best 1/8 mile 5.68@126.4 on a 1.41 60'
Best 1/4 mile 8.87@152.7 on a 1.47 60'

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Novice Class
Posts: 40
posted November 24, 2011 08:32 PM        Edited By: 03SGBUSA on 25 Nov 2011 04:33
03SGbusa, I would have to go backwards to catch you..

there is always the future!!

im from racing cars for the last 16 years. Im enjoying the newness of racing motorcycles but also modding up the motorcycle to see what they do in the different stages. My future plan does consist of a 1441cc setup on dope. i bought the bike in may and having stopped doing things to it.

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Zone Head
Posts: 943
posted November 24, 2011 08:39 PM        
1441,head,cams,mrx01- you can' t go wrong there
06 ZX14 65"

Best 1/8 mile 5.68@126.4 on a 1.41 60'
Best 1/4 mile 8.87@152.7 on a 1.47 60'

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Expert Class
Posts: 184
posted November 24, 2011 11:42 PM        
03SGBusa I believe this UGLY Busa is your first bike & you are already talking so much crap can't wait to hear you in 1 year's time, typical Suz rider.

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Novice Class
Posts: 40
posted November 25, 2011 05:41 AM        Edited By: 03SGBUSA on 25 Nov 2011 14:05
1441,head,cams,mrx01- you can' t go wrong there

That is looking to be the plan. Been seeing some nice ones putting down 230-235whp.

03SGBusa I believe this UGLY Busa is your first bike & you are already talking so much crap can't wait to hear you in 1 year's time, typical Suz rider.

Sir I dont consider anything I said talking crap. The typical suzuki owner might be one-sided or brand loyal. I have put chevy motors in fords sir. I have not bad mouthed the zx14 other then to say what everyone else including some people that I have met that own them say. which is that they are ugly as sin.

I call bs on the video for reasons already stated. I have seen gen 2's put down higher numbers,post fastest ET's/ MPH in stock form. I have also seen a Stock Gen 2 with a pro rider run quicker et/ mph then what RG ran on the zx14r. None of which is talking smack about the zx14. They are just facts. Im just not blinded by brand loyality to see it.

Here is the rider and gen 2 speak of. I have seen this bike go 8.8@157 mph with the same mods that were on the 8.99@156 pass rickey made on the zx14r.

Here is the same kid's bolt-on gen2 thats extended with a intake cam. Has gone 8.5's

My opinion of the new zx14r is why?

Why did they only go to such a little improvement over the previous generation. Why not have made it a 230-240whp na monster.

I have a good friend that has a stock headed gen 1 busa 1441cc that makes 218whp with 127wtq. All suzuki will do is throw some 3mm pistons in what they already have and maybe degree the cams to take out the zx14r with ease.

Why didnt they do away with the zx14 styling and replace it with the zx12 styling?

I think kawa should have done like BMW did to the 1000's and straight blew them out of the water.

Its not gonna make me lose any sleep. Im suzuki will answer back with something. Hopefully they wont make the already ugly gen 2 any uglier.

As far as my bike being ugly. We are all entitled to our opinions sir. I get so many complaints on my bike that I expect a few bad ones.

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Posts: 1809
posted November 25, 2011 05:56 AM        
1441,head,cams,mrx01- you can' t go wrong there

That is looking to be the plan. Been seeing some nice ones putting down 230-235whp.

03SGBusa I believe this UGLY Busa is your first bike & you are already talking so much crap can't wait to hear you in 1 year's time, typical Suz rider.

Sir I dont consider anything I said talking crap. The typical suzuki owner might be one-sided or brand loyal. I have put chevy motors in fords sir. I have not bad mouthed the zx14 other then to say what everyone else including some people that I have met that own them say. which is that they are ugly as sin.

I call bs on the video for reasons already stated. I have seen gen 2's put down higher numbers,post fastest ET's/ MPH in stock form. I have also seen a Stock Gen 2 with a pro rider run quicker et/ mph then what RG ran on the zx14r. None of which is talking smack about the zx14. They are just facts. Im just not blinded by brand loyality to see it.

My opinion of the new zx14r is why?

Why did they only go to such a little improvement over the previous generation. Why not have made it a 230-240whp na monster. I have a good friend that has a stock headed gen 1 busa 1441cc that makes 218whp with 127wtq. All suzuki will do is throw some 3mm pistons in what they already have and maybe degree the cams to take out the zx14r with ease.

Why didnt they do away with the zx14 styling and replace it with the zx12 styling.

I think kawa should have done like BMW did to the 1000's and straight blew them out of the water.

Its not gonna make me lose any sleep. Im suzuki will answer back with something. Hopefully they make the already ugly gen 2 any uglier.

As far as my bike being ugly. We are all entitled to our opinions sir. I get so many complaints on my bike that I expect a few bad ones.


Let me ask you a question... Have you asked Suzuki people why they come up with such a small difference between the 1st and second gen busa? Except for better braking I don't see a significant changes except the rear got uglier... And I had them both in the past...

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Novice Class
Posts: 40
posted November 25, 2011 07:02 AM        

Let me ask you a question... Have you asked Suzuki people why they come up with such a small difference between the 1st and second gen busa?

If I had bikes longer Im sure I would have barked some questions out there when the gen 2 came out. I dont like the looks of the gen 2.

Seems to me like the hayabusa has been chased by everyone including its own brother the gsxr 1000 boys since 99. Now this is just me looking at it from the outside in.....but its almost like the gen 1 hayabusa set the bar that all others want to measure up too....everytime a new bike comes out they pit it againest the hayabusa. The 1000cc sportbikes that are in their own class, yet they throw the ole sport touring busa in the mix.

And Im not trying to sound like a cocky suzuki owner. watching all the videos online and reading its like all everyone wants to do is compare everything to the hayabusa.


Except for better braking I don't see a significant changes except the rear got uglier... And I had them both in the past...

As far as changes.................... I havent ridden a gen2. I dont have any complaints about my gen 1 when it comes to braking. slows me down at the end of the track just fine. I think suzuki felt comfortable when they released the gen2. It was still at the top of its game.

Suzuki maybe like ford. Its more about sales then performance. If the sales dont drop why make big changes. Shit who knows!!!

We will see if a gen 3 is released and what with.

Like I said it doesnt bother me!!

I love the gen 1 busa. I knew it was slower then the zx14,gen2, 05 up gsxr 1000's,zx10,bmw's and a few others. But I also know that the aftermarket world is huge for it. And once I got use to the power the sky was the limit. Ugly is ugly but you can make anything fast. I would rather put the money I would spend on a new bike into this one to make whatever new bike that comes out see tailights.

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Zone Head
Posts: 943
posted November 25, 2011 07:09 AM        
03gen2busa, Brandon Mitchan is riding that SWB bike as good as it can be ridden. A 1.46 short time is the reason for the 8.89 and the 156-57 mph trap speed is becuase of his weight.
The only thing that is impressive about that entire pass is the 60' Brandon is pulling.

It's the RIDER skill in the case of the SWB busa he rides that his Dad sets up for him- and it is set up.

The orange bike I know about and proves something here. Rider skill starts to go away and the bike takes over at this length. It ONLY goes 8.40's and 50's, just 3-4 tenths quicker then the SWB stock motor bike. That's not unusual or impressive for a bike that long with that light of a rider and I know of a few Gen 1 ZX14's that WILL run those numbers with that length and I promise a heavier Jockey.

Here are the facts. A fully built 1441 Hayabusa will be lucky to go 8.90's at stock wheelbase and Brandon would have an even harder time trying. It's like pissing in the wind. Now, when you put the 1441 busa at 68-70" like Brandons orange bike, your talking 8.20's. The power can be used. That's what built ZX14's do at that length.

The new ZX14R with that kind of length will end up pulling those numbers with a jockey as small as brandon. 8.20's and 30's- untouched motor, and you will see that happen.

Bottom line man, you are comparing rider to rider, not bike to bike. The gen 2 hayabusa is no quicker then the gen 1 zx14 all things set up the same and with the same weight rider.

That's the truth- there are no holes in anything I just put up.

06 ZX14 65"

Best 1/8 mile 5.68@126.4 on a 1.41 60'
Best 1/4 mile 8.87@152.7 on a 1.47 60'

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Needs a life
Posts: 8321
posted November 25, 2011 07:15 AM        
sgbusa there a reason theres a hump on the back of them gayabusa..

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Posts: 1230
posted November 25, 2011 07:22 AM        
Umm, obviously you are brand loyal as many here are. As far as the Suzuki, looks like they ate a big dick this year and most will be in the 14's mirrors... How is Suzuki doing in Moto GP this year? Oh ya, they pulled out due to a bad economic year. But don't worry, I'm sure they are going to spend a ton of $$$$$ on R&D this year to make a better Busa next year. Have a nice day. Oh ya, I used to own 2 Suzuki's but they were not built as well as Kawasaki.... Enough said :-)
2012 Black 14R -> Completely done!

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Posts: 1809
posted November 25, 2011 07:24 AM        

Let me ask you a question... Have you asked Suzuki people why they come up with such a small difference between the 1st and second gen busa?

If I had bikes longer Im sure I would have barked some questions out there when the gen 2 came out. I dont like the looks of the gen 2.

Seems to me like the hayabusa has been chased by everyone including its own brother the gsxr 1000 boys since 99. Now this is just me looking at it from the outside in.....but its almost like the gen 1 hayabusa set the bar that all others want to measure up too....everytime a new bike comes out they pit it againest the hayabusa. The 1000cc sportbikes that are in their own class, yet they throw the ole sport touring busa in the mix.

And Im not trying to sound like a cocky suzuki owner. watching all the videos online and reading its like all everyone wants to do is compare everything to the hayabusa.


Except for better braking I don't see a significant changes except the rear got uglier... And I had them both in the past...

As far as changes.................... I havent ridden a gen2. I dont have any complaints about my gen 1 when it comes to braking. slows me down at the end of the track just fine. I think suzuki felt comfortable when they released the gen2. It was still at the top of its game.

Suzuki maybe like ford. Its more about sales then performance. If the sales dont drop why make big changes. Shit who knows!!!

We will see if a gen 3 is released and what with.

Like I said it doesnt bother me!!

I love the gen 1 busa. I knew it was slower then the zx14,gen2, 05 up gsxr 1000's,zx10,bmw's and a few others. But I also know that the aftermarket world is huge for it. And once I got use to the power the sky was the limit. Ugly is ugly but you can make anything fast. I would rather put the money I would spend on a new bike into this one to make whatever new bike that comes out see tailights.

Personaly I like the look of 1st gen hayabusa better than 2nd..
Manufactures don't just go crazy in HP and torque like you mentioned why not 230 HP... There are slot if reasons.. one is as long as they stay on top that is what matters... 2nd.. you have to leave some room for after market performance to sell too... 3rd.. if you have 230 HP now what are they going to do 4-5 years from now... 260 HP?? You got to leave some for down the road.

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Needs a life
Posts: 8321
posted November 25, 2011 07:25 AM        Edited By: 1badzx12r on 25 Nov 2011 15:28
only thing i do know ..i bet if a stock busa showed up to the track Brandon Mitchan could not get a 8.88 @157mph out of it ...

i seen what he did on a stock 1k when he owned 1 .. they sold it real fast.. not hating just saying .

ask him if he won the stock bike shoot-out at kennedale a couple years back .. there was only 3 entries and they all rode the same bike


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Needs a life
Posts: 10197
posted November 25, 2011 07:27 AM        Edited By: smokinZX14 on 25 Nov 2011 15:31
Busa bullshit is flying .. Just like every Busa owner tells us his motor is stock only to find the truth from people he races with .. HTP Performance and Carpender racing names pop up when his friends are asked these bikes ..stripped and gutted bikes running race fuels ... But we hear "OH it's stock with a slip on muffllers "

You can plainly see the stock wheel base bike is stripped , slammed and does not have slip on Exhaust .. You can also see the rear axle is moved all the back .. This kind of prep and motor work is why it can run as fast as it has in good air and race fuel .. That little jocky is no more than 120 pound but he wants us to believe he is 150 pound lol.. I'm twice the size of that guy and i don't weight 150 pounds ... lies lies and more lies.. Here are some facts .. Super sport bikes making 207 HP with pro light weight Jockys just get into the 8.90s .. We all know SS engines have milled heads with port work around the valves .. Compressions as high as 15.1 running race fuels , ceramic wheel bearing , non oring chains ..Every trick in the book has been done to these SS bikes just to bump into the 8.90s .. It takes people like Brock , Adams , Carpender , HPC , Jim at CNC to prep A SS engine to run those numbers..Jim at CNC heads have set records in SS class ..

But this Busa troll to tells us a stock busa with a stock motor and slip ons runs faster .. Go sell your bull crap at the local bike night and don't fuck with guys that have been racing bikes 40 years .. Even the busa guys on his own web site don't buy his bull shit ..

Now make like a cow pie and hit the funking road you troll ..
Smokin Performance Cycles..
Tampa Bay , FL .. Brocks Performance Dealer ..
Gen 2 ZX14R Best ET 8.43 , Best MPH 164.95

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