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BIKELAND > FORUMS > ZX-14.com > Thread: Summer riding in hot weather. NEW TOPIC NEW POLL POST REPLY

Zone Head
Chicken Strips!
Posts: 589
posted July 15, 2010 11:24 AM        
Summer riding in hot weather.

For the guys who live in places where it gets damn hot in the summer how do you guys stand it? Yesterday it was 103 deg here and i was wearing my leather jacket and my usual gear but i felt like i was gonna pass out riding through heavy traffic. Lets not forget the nasty hot air emanating from the fairing roasting my legs. I remember last summer i was out in Vegas (in my car) and it was like 115 outside and i see these dudes on sport bikes wearing leathers and i was sweating just watching them sit in blvd traffic. Sucks for those guys as you cant lane split in NV. Then there were guys that were riding with no helmet or any gear besides shorts and a tank top which i thought was odd, i though NV had helmet laws like us. I don't think i could ride without my gear even though it must feel good to have all that wind cooling you down.
2006 Kawasaki ZX14, Muzzy Full Titanium Exhaust w/ Carbon Can, PCIII, BMC Street Filter

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Needs a job
Posts: 2013
posted July 15, 2010 11:28 AM        
I love my textile jacket when it's hot -- but there's not much you can do when your head stuffed in a lid with traffic standing still
British flying couch with endtables and an orange thumper

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Posts: 1439
posted July 15, 2010 12:24 PM        
Google for "motorcycle cooling vest"
Goes under a textile jacket.
You only need two tools: WD-40 and Duct Tape.
If it doesn't move and should, use the WD-40.
If it shouldn't move and does, use the duct tape.

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Zone Head
Chicken Strips!
Posts: 589
posted July 15, 2010 12:58 PM        
Google for "motorcycle cooling vest"
Goes under a textile jacket.

Interesting concept, do they make one for inside the helmet? lol
2006 Kawasaki ZX14, Muzzy Full Titanium Exhaust w/ Carbon Can, PCIII, BMC Street Filter

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Wet side of Washington
Posts: 1059
posted July 15, 2010 02:24 PM        
For the guys who live in places where it gets damn hot in the summer how do you guys stand it? Yesterday it was 103 deg here and i was wearing my leather jacket and my usual gear but i felt like i was gonna pass out riding through heavy traffic. Lets not forget the nasty hot air emanating from the fairing roasting my legs. I remember last summer i was out in Vegas (in my car) and it was like 115 outside and i see these dudes on sport bikes wearing leathers and i was sweating just watching them sit in blvd traffic. Sucks for those guys as you cant lane split in NV. Then there were guys that were riding with no helmet or any gear besides shorts and a tank top which i thought was odd, i though NV had helmet laws like us. I don't think i could ride without my gear even though it must feel good to have all that wind cooling you down.

I ride full leathers. I'd rather die sweating than die bleeding. I have a joe rocket mesh jacket with armor but I wouldn't wanna slide down the pavement in it. textile sounds interesting. winter gear is just HOT in the summer! A friend of mine wears shorts and slippers on his Harley..hmmm
Black 06

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Needs a life
Posts: 6046
posted July 15, 2010 03:00 PM        
I will be one of the guilty ones. When I ride mine to work, which is about 30 min, I wear my mesh jacket but I wear shorts because that's what I work in. If the weather is tolerable I wear jeans when riding, but I think it's worse wearing shorts if your JUST riding because the heat off the motor is fierce!!
Best: 60ft 1.351 1/8 5.68 mph 123.98 1/4
8.89 mph 151.32

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Posts: 1494
posted July 15, 2010 07:49 PM        
I have a few mesh jackets for when its really hot. I prefer my perf leather jacket for warm weather. Usually Jeans but I do have a pair of the mesh Joe Rocket pants with armor in them. Not sure if they fair any better than a good pair of jeans since you can see right through them. I also always wear my sidi's. religiously. Always gloves also depending on the temp, mesh for super hot and leather gauntlet for warm and cool. Always a brain bucket also. Thats how I roll in case I roll!!
2012 ZX14, Ceramic Coated Brock's CT Meg, PCV, throttlemeister

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Posts: 27920
posted July 15, 2010 07:55 PM        Edited By: SteveWFL on 16 Jul 2010 03:56
I live in FL..... so I come up here to the cool mountains of NC and hang out for the summers and give the twisties hell. Then when it gets chilly...back to FL for the winter and some track days
2010 Concours14
ZX14 gone!
CBR600RR track bike

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Posts: 1736
posted July 16, 2010 06:22 AM        Edited By: BobC on 16 Jul 2010 14:26
I'm pretty sure I've told this story on here before. In the UK we think it's roasting hot when it occasionally reaches 30 degrees Centigrade (86 Fahrenheit). Anyway, I was in the local bike shop wearing my two-piece leathers, it was very hot weather and we were discussing some of the locals who were riding around in shorts and T-shirts. I said "these are the guys who have never fallen off - yet".

I haven't had many bike accidents but on the way home I lost the front end of my ZX-11 at around 80mph. I hit the ground and the bike landed on top of me and I slid along under it for a bit before I could extract myself. When I did manage it I stopped pretty quickly and the bike carried on sliding away from me.

I stood up and did a quick health check. Lots of contusions under my leathers and the skin on my elbows and one hip had disintegrated from the impact - underneath my leathers. The leathers were just scuffed, hardly damaged at all. If I'd been wearing ordinary clothes, or shorts I would have lost a lot of flesh and my injuries would possibly have been fatal. As it was I walked away.

I don't need to explain where I stand in the debate about what to wear in hot weather. At the very least get some decent textile riding gear with abrasion resistance and armour. Halvarssons make some good stuff.
Candy Thunder Blue 2006 ZZR1400
Stock wheelbase
Max: 205.4 mph in 1.25 miles

2012 ZZR1400 in Golden Blazed Green
Brock CT Full System. etc
Max: 203.1 in 1 mile (so far)

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Expert Class
Posts: 393
posted July 16, 2010 08:10 AM        
I also live in S.Florida and the heat and humidity are nothing to sneeze at here. 7 months of 90+ degree days.

When I street ride, I always wear the following at a minimum. Helmet, cycle boots, high gauntlet gloves, jeans, and more often than not, my armored leather jacket. The leather pants only come out at the track or 200+ mile days touring.

It sucks stewing but it beats healing. I need to get some good armored textile pants for my street riding still.
08' Atomic Silver, PCIII, Brocks pipe,BMC, -1, strapped front end

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Posts: 27920
posted July 18, 2010 07:27 AM        
My C14 has a second fan, my ;06 ZX14 didn't. This bike runs cool. It may be a simple bolt-on to put one on the ZX
2010 Concours14
ZX14 gone!
CBR600RR track bike

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Novice Class
Posts: 88
posted July 18, 2010 08:25 AM        Edited By: swiftnet on 18 Jul 2010 16:28
I know many will think I'm a fool, but I recently switched from perf leather to an armored shirt for the really hot days in sw fl.
I almost passed out after being stuck on a 6mile stretch of road at 35mph with a cop behind me. Usually I'd just speed up to 45~50 for a few seconds to cool down, but I was stuck. I started feeling dizzy/queasy on the last mile. That is when I decided to try the armred shirt.
Abrasion resistance is nill, but the shirt is fully armored, very little mesh would touch the ground in a fall. I am considering a kevlar shirt to wear over the armor because I like my skin in the non-grated format.

Keeping the rubber side down since 1984

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Parking Attendant
Posts: 15
posted July 21, 2010 11:15 AM        
i think i would like a white leather jacked with the perforated to let it breathe. got to have leather.
2009 ZX14 with stock everything and
waiting on the warranty to run out to

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Needs a job
Posts: 2013
posted July 22, 2010 04:46 AM        
I know many will think I'm a fool, but I recently switched from perf leather to an armored shirt for the really hot days in sw fl.
I almost passed out after being stuck on a 6mile stretch of road at 35mph with a cop behind me. Usually I'd just speed up to 45~50 for a few seconds to cool down, but I was stuck. I started feeling dizzy/queasy on the last mile. That is when I decided to try the armred shirt.
Abrasion resistance is nill, but the shirt is fully armored, very little mesh would touch the ground in a fall. I am considering a kevlar shirt to wear over the armor because I like my skin in the non-grated format.


Some protection is better than nothing.........I always see these squid kids running around on their 6's.........no lid, shorts, tanktops...........stupid asses are going to end up a grease spot on some backroad.
I'm wearing an armored textile for now while I'm still cutting weight, but i'll eventually get another good leather -- it only has to work once, you can always spend another $200 on a new textile if you go down, where you would be spending thousands in the hospital on skin graphs
British flying couch with endtables and an orange thumper

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Zone Head
hobbies ( Beating you !!! )
Posts: 927
posted July 22, 2010 08:08 AM        
upgrading summer gear for protection

I am in the process of upgrading my summer gear to save skin. Here's what I have done so far. Arai RX7 Corsair is way cooler then any helmet I've ever worn. Furygan Highlander mesh jacket with ce shoulders elbows and I upgraded it with the optional ce back protector juat last night. Held Airstream gauntlet summer gloves are as cool as short gloves,but breath better than short gloves and are actually safe. Next upgrade will be a pair of Sartso kevlar jeans. Got to check them out at the XDL Show,and they are really nice for a little over a hundred bucks. Lastly some boots to replace my leather high tops. It hasn't been cheap,but every piece of gear I have gotten is a quality piece and makes me feel safer.
Chromed-out,in the dirt 08SE with all the good stuff!!!

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Damn that was Quick
Posts: 1233
posted July 22, 2010 03:51 PM        
I ride naked & fast, scares the hell out of people so they move away quickly. Chicks love scars anyway.
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