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BIKELAND > FORUMS > ZX-14.com > Thread: 1320 video from texas NEW TOPIC NEW POLL POST REPLY

Needs a job
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posted June 05, 2010 08:47 AM        
1320 video from texas

PayPal, vigilart22@yahoo.com

Email, artvgl@yahoo.com

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'08 ZX14 (Blue)
Posts: 4558
posted June 05, 2010 11:22 AM        

Just wanted to make it clickable so I don't have to paste it in my browser.

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Friend of Fast
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posted June 05, 2010 11:06 PM        
Well you got a little bit of love. Have any good races? How does a 1000whp supra do against your bike on the freeway?
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Needs a job
Posts: 2243
posted June 06, 2010 08:44 AM        
Well you got a little bit of love. Have any good races? How does a 1000whp supra do against your bike on the freeway?

depends on the roll we go from, but the Viper that made like 1100-1200hp was on his way around me when we shut them down that viper also has another 200-300hp left on the table if he needed it lol
PayPal, vigilart22@yahoo.com

Email, artvgl@yahoo.com

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Posts: 1181
posted June 06, 2010 08:49 AM        
I am out on deployment and can't open YouTube. Ahh, just as well, last time I watched one of your videos it just made me want to do some street racing...lol
2008 ZX14
Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference. ~Mark Twain

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KC Jr 54

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Fat Guy
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posted June 06, 2010 10:31 AM        
My buddy said there were some ridiculous races that took place, but i had no idea anything like this...lol.

01, which bike were you, i saw a couple 14s.

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Needs a job
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posted June 06, 2010 11:18 AM        
My buddy said there were some ridiculous races that took place, but i had no idea anything like this...lol.

01, which bike were you, i saw a couple 14s.

the blue turbo one, the races out there are crazy if your street racer this is the super bowl of street racing
PayPal, vigilart22@yahoo.com

Email, artvgl@yahoo.com

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Posts: 1494
posted June 06, 2010 08:01 PM        
My question is if you can afford a twin turbo Lambo or a twin turbo Viper why not just pool your $$$ and find a local track and rent it for the day. Would be alot safer than endangering the lives of others who are on the highway when you decide to race. Theres just to much traffic at all times these days. Just my 2 cents
2012 ZX14, Ceramic Coated Brock's CT Meg, PCV, throttlemeister

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Needs a job
Posts: 2243
posted June 06, 2010 08:21 PM        
My question is if you can afford a twin turbo Lambo or a twin turbo Viper why not just pool your $$$ and find a local track and rent it for the day. Would be alot safer than endangering the lives of others who are on the highway when you decide to race. Theres just to much traffic at all times these days. Just my 2 cents

they do rent the tracks out alot but its just not the same as running on the street, i race on the street just like i do on the track, both are fun as hell to me
PayPal, vigilart22@yahoo.com

Email, artvgl@yahoo.com

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