Needs a life
Posts: 8321
posted October 13, 2007 05:56 PM
quote: Anyone heard of entrapment?
Get a smart phone that records. (nice back up for court.)
1 ask the guy you wish to race if he is a cop or has any association to any poilce agency before you twist the throttle.
If he says no, go.
If he doesnt answer the question leave.
When u see the prick on the bike causing the trouble. Find out who he is. Publish a photo of the suspect.
I hate dirty tactics.
Never race alone.
Meet in a group. 20-40 bikes. Everyone leaves when the race is set.
Split up. Confusion. Drive at least 15 minutes to destination. (change it up) 20 minutes. Helicopters cannot stay in the air hovering over all of you.
Nor can the unmarked cars follow u. Choose an area where you can split up fast. Link up with head sets. Blue tooth is nice. 30 foot range max. Hard to listen in unless they are right there. Password the freq. Nice and quiet meet and greets. Challenges private and quiet.
Go hi-tech or go home...
Eyes open lad's.
We used to meet friday nights. Cops everywhere. Had our races and had fun. It was funny watching them. Confusion all around. When we lft it was like a fan. We were going everywhere. They waited in their fav spots for us to show up. What they thought was a great race area. Troll the street then race it. Always do the speed limit. They get bored.
Stay safe.
and why didn't you dumbasses just didn't TAKE IT TO A TRACK

Needs a job
Posts: 2033
posted October 13, 2007 07:14 PM

Needs a life
Posts: 10197
posted October 13, 2007 08:37 PM
quote: Anyone heard of entrapment?
Get a smart phone that records. (nice back up for court.)
1 ask the guy you wish to race if he is a cop or has any association to any poilce agency before you twist the throttle.
If he says no, go.
If he doesnt answer the question leave.
When u see the prick on the bike causing the trouble. Find out who he is. Publish a photo of the suspect.
I hate dirty tactics.
Never race alone.
Meet in a group. 20-40 bikes. Everyone leaves when the race is set.
Split up. Confusion. Drive at least 15 minutes to destination. (change it up) 20 minutes. Helicopters cannot stay in the air hovering over all of you.
Nor can the unmarked cars follow u. Choose an area where you can split up fast. Link up with head sets. Blue tooth is nice. 30 foot range max. Hard to listen in unless they are right there. Password the freq. Nice and quiet meet and greets. Challenges private and quiet.
Go hi-tech or go home...
Eyes open lad's.
We used to meet friday nights. Cops everywhere. Had our races and had fun. It was funny watching them. Confusion all around. When we lft it was like a fan. We were going everywhere. They waited in their fav spots for us to show up. What they thought was a great race area. Troll the street then race it. Always do the speed limit. They get bored.
Stay safe.
and why didn't you dumbasses just didn't TAKE IT TO A TRACK
You know it's funny myself and others have tried to get the street racers to the track but they never show up ...We had a street bike race tonigh at our local track and ONLY 7 bikes showed up...I myself don't even ride on the street anymore, not even to go to the store ...It's been a year since my bike has been on the street and i mostlikey never ride on the street again ....Last few times i rode mine on the street i had cops on my bumper just waiting for me slip up and bust me for nothing ...I don't need that kind of hassles ...
Smokin Performance Cycles..
Tampa Bay , FL .. Brocks Performance Dealer ..
Gen 2 ZX14R Best ET 8.43 , Best MPH 164.95

Needs a job
'08 ZX14 (Blue)
Posts: 4558
posted October 13, 2007 09:31 PM
quote: This guy got busted attempting to flee the popo in FL.... charges totaled up to a $6000 bond!

Posts: 27920
posted October 13, 2007 10:04 PM
fury, are you serious? When you pull up to a starnger on a bike at a red light and ya'll rev up to run when the light turns green, you pull out a tape recorder and ask him if he's a COP!? Lmao..... c'mon man I never heard of such.
2010 Concours14
ZX14 gone!
CBR600RR track bike
Expert Class
Posts: 427
posted October 14, 2007 03:45 AM
The recorder stays on the whole night. Then a radio shack recorder digital before that analog.
Finch and Weston rd.
You have to ask, and they have to answer.
This way we knew we were ok.
Tracks? None even close to toronto. THe closest track in cayoga raceway.(spelling)
4 hours away in the country from toronto.
Racing is not looked upon as a sport. Nusance.
Canada in general is really spread out.
I cannot drive from my place, over 6 hours.
Who do u think will show up on friday night when they get off at 6:00pm.
Any ways that is what was done. Finch and weston gone not.
I am older. THe track is the right place, but there just isant 1.
Needs a life
Posts: 8321
posted October 14, 2007 04:42 AM
You know it's funny myself and others have tried to get the street racers to the track but they never show up ...
me too..and i'm not even fast...but them street racers will be at the local bike meet talking smack every weekend ...or telling everybody what a ass the cop was for pulling them over for doing a wheelie or burn out from a redlight

Needs a job
Posts: 4209
posted October 14, 2007 09:07 AM
thats why they call them street bikes, you ride them on the street,doh!
2006 Black ZX-14,6 inches over,16/42, flies out,BMC Street Filter,Brock's Street Meg,Brock's Radial Mount Strap,PClll with Race map,Dynojet LCD w/Techmount, ZX-14 fender eliminator,Pilot Power2CTs,Speedohealer,Pazzo Levers,Cox Radiator Guard, Garmin Nuvi 265WT

Expert Class
Posts: 148
posted October 14, 2007 12:45 PM
Out in NC they have put together a little task force. They set up at the race site with cameras and wait till the fun is over and strike. How do they know where it is? You say. Big mouth talking about it all day back and forth fat lipping and then wonder who told on them. They trapped themselves.
I'll have some cole slaw with that beef.
Needs a life
Posts: 8321
posted October 14, 2007 03:09 PM
quote: , you ride them on the street,doh!
KEY WORD 'ride' ... not ' race' DOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Expert Class
Posts: 336
posted October 14, 2007 04:08 PM
I just got a mini-Stinger pod mounted on the tail section, which will solve any "entrapment" issues.
2006 Kawasaki ZX-14 Ninja, Red now with mo' Brock's in my lyfe
1991 Yamaha Vmax - Because I need a mule to carry the manhood
2002 Ford Lightning - Ford GT Aluminum block engined, 802HP 911TQ now WhippleCharged
Parking Attendant
Posts: 24
posted October 24, 2007 07:18 AM
sounds like entrapment; i bet those cops concentrate more on puzzy than other sportbikes,its the nature of the snake
and thats the way it is

Posts: 27920
posted October 24, 2007 08:52 AM
its sad how cops are.
2010 Concours14
ZX14 gone!
CBR600RR track bike

Zone Head
Posts: 620
posted October 24, 2007 05:13 PM
Fury, Finch and Weston?? South on Weston I assume?
We used to do 7 & 50. Back when I had my Mustang....by summer of 2001 it was just getting to risky, not dangerous, just too many police!!!
I haven't been out much with my 14 at night.
I'll have to look you up in the spring!!!
01 ZX12R
07 ZX14 - YEAH BABY!
03 ZX9R-traded in for the 14!!! June 07!
05 636-traded in for the 9 Sept 05
Novice Class
Posts: 73
posted October 25, 2007 12:40 AM
Well cops here in Philly are the same with drag racers and have been taking cars and bikes together. I have a twin turbo mustang and got pulled for driving through.. I think the only thing that got me off was my age and I was still wearing my work uniform and they knew that was the only route I had.. TIP (if going racing wear your work uniform...LOL)
But we as Sportbikers are just starting to gain some respect.. Black Bike week in Myrtle beach Is about to be a sanctioned event with concerts, venders and everything else.. So I will be there in 08 with bells on. should be over 100,000 sportbikes there. Should be more to do there than just look at tits and ass. not like thats not my fav past time..
Guys and you don't have to be black to show up--lol