Parking Attendant
Posts: 13
posted July 21, 2007 04:35 PM
zx14 for first bike
alright im not an idiot and im not gona buy it, go on the highway, and put it to full throttle to blow myself off the bike and into the wind or better yet the cement. Im going to get my motorcycle permit, take msf courses, buy the Zx14, practice in the driveway with the controls, then about 3 months on my back road which is about a mile long goen up and down, and then go on the highway and go 45-50 and as i get more expierence and comfortable with it ill increase my speeds as the months go by and maybe in a year take it to a track. Im only 16 and i just got my drivers license in the beginning of june. Im gona ride matureley and not like a teenage lunatic. Im not even gona buy the bike until next spring. Do you think that itll work out? thanks and i understand if u call me an idiot
Jim K
Expert Class
Posts: 141
posted July 21, 2007 04:42 PM
Ever think about the cost of insurance? (@ 16)
Never did get the whole "Harley" thing!

Needs a life
Old Man
Posts: 6902
posted July 21, 2007 04:43 PM
get a used 600 for now, ride it and get use to street riding, then get the 14 when you feel you are ready, wee

Needs a job
Posts: 2739
posted July 21, 2007 04:49 PM
I'm not going to call you an idiot. I will suggest that you do all of the above but substitute the 14 for ANY of the fine 600 sport bikes available out there. They handle great, are not heavy and intimidating at slow speeds ( like turning around on a narrow street with your handlebars at full lock and your feet up on the pegs ) and are FAST as heck when you pin the throttle.
Trust me...........I am giving you sound will develop your skills much faster with a 600 and a used dirt bike than you ever will with a 14. Ride off rode as much as you can, and do some classes and track days with your new will be glad you did....................

Needs a job
Posts: 2739
posted July 21, 2007 04:51 PM
And stay in school......................then you won't spell off road, like I rode..........

Zone Head
Posts: 666
posted July 21, 2007 04:51 PM
quote: alright im not an idiot and im not gona buy it, go on the highway, and put it to full throttle to blow myself off the bike and into the wind or better yet the cement. Im going to get my motorcycle permit, take msf courses, buy the Zx14, practice in the driveway with the controls, then about 3 months on my back road which is about a mile long goen up and down, and then go on the highway and go 45-50 and as i get more expierence and comfortable with it ill increase my speeds as the months go by and maybe in a year take it to a track. Im only 16 and i just got my drivers license in the beginning of june. Im gona ride matureley and not like a teenage lunatic. Im not even gona buy the bike until next spring. Do you think that itll work out? thanks and i understand if u call me an idiot
We are not going to call you an idiot. The 14 is a very tempting machine, but what is the sense of getting a bike that is this expensive when you are just learning to ride? Start with a 600 or a 750, take the riding course, and get comfortable in your own skin before jumping on this one. You are ONLY sixteen and you have plenty of time to get a ride like this one. If you start with this one chances are you won't make it past 16.
2009 B&O Special Edition, Brock's CF Gen 3 Exhaust, Dark Smoke ZG Double Bubble Windshield, PCIII, Muzzy Fan, Heli Risers, Throttlemeister Heavy, Nautilus Stebel Horn, Waiting on HID's and Tinted Signal Lens
Old Guy

Expert Class
Posts: 470
posted July 21, 2007 04:55 PM
Not a idiot, may alittle optimist or misled.
You would be Much, Much MUCH better off by going with a used 650R , or any late model sport twin, Or possible the best overall bike available to you, a 2000 or newer gxsr 750. That way you will gain riding skills on a bike that wont over power you and wont kill you on insurance and depreciation.
Besides there isnt a 16 yr old.American male that would stay out of the power. Sorry, you will be just like the rest of us and go for it long before your skills can handle it.. That is where a superbike kills. Even if you have ridden all your life in the dirt you are not ready for 0 to 150mph in less than 10 seconds. or a two wheel drift or power slide on a 500lb + bike. Even on a track you'd be in huge trouble. On the road you will just become another sad bit of news.
Ive been riding 35 years and the 14 and its like (Busa and any 1000) blow my mind on how quickly I can get over my head.
A big bore superbike WILL just kill a nice enthusiastic young Cat like you.
Its just a fact I've seen repeated over and over.
Don't become another, dude . Get real.
Living the good life...,
On a XZ !!!!!
Tsukigi stainless full system
pcIII w/custom map
NO freakin flies!!
GP suspension forks
Penske rear shock
Rich's custom seat
And a whole bunch of other stuff.
97 zx6r full race bike with all the
good stuff
Parking Attendant
Posts: 13
posted July 21, 2007 04:59 PM
i know i should put alot of miles under my belt b4 i go and ride a zx14. but im gona be 17 and in 11th grade in september, and im not even going to be buying the zx14 until spring 08, and at the end of 09 im off to the airforce academy where i will have to leave my job behind and all my free time meaning i will have no money. so to buy a 600 would be cool but by the time id be ready for the 14 i wouldnt have any money nor free time. i mean to buy a 7000 dollar bike and then a year later to get one that cost 11600, shit id still be maken payments on the first one and i wont have a job to pay it off either. but if i just got the zx14 id have it all payed by the time i go to the academy. hope u understand and i would do what u were saying if i was goen to a normal college but this college is far from normal.

Needs a life
Old Man
Posts: 6902
posted July 21, 2007 05:06 PM
why do you have to learn on a $7000 motorcycle?
Parking Attendant
Posts: 13
posted July 21, 2007 05:15 PM
Edited By: ace_402 on 21 Jul 2007 18:17
well thats what the 600 cost which is what there recomending, but the only bike i really want is the zx14

Zone Head
Posts: 548
posted July 21, 2007 05:27 PM
I would start off with something the 08' Busa.
Expert Class
Posts: 424
posted July 21, 2007 05:32 PM
Here is the way I built my motorcycle resume.
3/90 Bought a new Kaw 305. Perfect enough power to go just about anywhere I needed to go but not at a high cost.
Ups If I hated riding I did not spend a lot to find this out.
Downs Sure there was an L on my forehead but I was riding.
4/92 Bought a EX 500 I could not believe the power this puppy churned out and could not see why people ever needed anything bigger. True thought
Ups Liquid Cooled.
Down Just a slightly smaller L was on my forehead
4/93 Bought a ZX6, I realized there was such a thing as smooth out there. Man I could cruise all day on this puppy and I no longer had a L on my forehead and disc brakes all around...Sounds silly today but I hated drum brakes.
11/94 Bought a ZX-11 Well what can I say, a very fast touring machine. OK for me anyway.
My point in less then 4 years I went from 300cc's to 1100cc's. You have plenty of time to work your way into bigger and nicer bikes.
I think you should go with your thinkings either way. But you did not ask a bunch of bikers with a ton of riding experience and most with a serious love of the bike you want to buy this question off the fly. I suspect you knew if anyone were to bless you buying a ZX-14 it would be us. Most people here love riding and have leaned road rules on a more forgiving motorcycle.
Example, on a rainy day/night the throttle of the 14 demands respect. a rookie mistake here could get you hurt or worse. A 600 or less HP motorcycle will (most likely) allow you to make this mistake and learn from it.
There's a ton of examples like this, even todays 600 are not as forgiving as before but 100 Hp is still easier to tame then 190. Look for a good used 500-650 get your feet wet and in a year or two maybe you will be ready for the 14.
Good luck either way.
PS most here would agree with this, there is something like a 96% chance you WILL drop your motorcycle in the first year, so I'd suggest a naked type bike FZ600, Ninja 500-650 and a-like.
Just trust me on that last comment....yes my hand went up too.
ZX-14 28,573 miles
VFR 94,772 miles

Needs a job
Posts: 2853
posted July 21, 2007 05:36 PM
What you should do is purchase a dual purpose ARE going to fall over , it WILL get knocked over. With any of the sportbikes you see mentioned above, to knock it over can cost you a thousand bucks easy. Take the dual purpose bike and ride the fuck out of it...after a year or two you will be ready to hop on a 600 or a 750 and have a blast. The classes are the only good idea you have so far....besides wanting to ride.
What we don't understand, we can
make mean anything...
mages/smilies/smile.gif" border=0>
Parking Attendant
Posts: 13
posted July 21, 2007 05:47 PM
yauh i understand, but i guess u didnt see my post about me not haven any time or money. i just hope u understand the cautiousness and responsability i am going to be taking when riding it. hopefully u see im going to be mature enough with it to learn on it.

Needs a life
Posts: 10197
posted July 21, 2007 05:48 PM
Lets see at 16 years old and that was in 1973 ...I got a honda 100 and damn near killed myself ( twice ) Just think if i would have got the bike i really wanted Z1 900 !! My guess is that i would not be setting here typing to you right now.....I worked my way up to the bigger bike and i'm damn glad i did ....The zx14 is no Joke!!! I know of two riders that got zx14s and the first day the owned them they were DEAD !!! That's no Joke it really happened ...These two rides were older and had many bikes before....You getting the picture ?? Smokin...
Smokin Performance Cycles..
Tampa Bay , FL .. Brocks Performance Dealer ..
Gen 2 ZX14R Best ET 8.43 , Best MPH 164.95
Parking Attendant
Posts: 13
posted July 21, 2007 06:48 PM
ure storys r scary but u can get a 250 and be riding it the first time and die. theres always a chance u will die no matter what ure doing. sometimes it wont even be ure fault when u die, will i have less chance of getting hurt on a 250 of course, but the zx14 i think if i baby it ill be safe.
Novice Class
Posts: 31
posted July 21, 2007 07:27 PM
Edited By: Ranast on 21 Jul 2007 20:35
PS most here would agree with this, there is something like a 96% chance you WILL drop your motorcycle in the first year, so I'd suggest a naked type bike FZ600, Ninja 500-650 and a-like.
Sage advice here. I have been riding for 24+ will most likely drop it and not at high speed. You will be tooling around a parking lot (practicing maneuvers maybe) or making a slow speed U turn and ooops. Faring busted and hundreds or a thousand or more in damage from a 0-5 MPH drop. Frame sliders help but won't eliminate damage...just so you know.
In addition, nothing you have ridden before (assuming this isn't truly your first motorcycle....just first street bike) will prepare you for the ferocious power this bike has.
Get a used 650r/sv650 that has some dings and scratches....won't bother you when you drop it. Ride the piss out of it. Then in 6 months/a year....sell it for what you bought it for and buy yourself whatever you want. You may find that buying an $11k ZX-14 isn't even what you want at that point. Get some miles under your belt on the street before committing that much money to your first bike.
Edit to add:
In stock form the ZX-14 has a Jeckle and Hide personality....below 5k RPM's the power is significant but not spooky. That is my experience anyway. After 5k RPM's it turns into a monster. If I didn't know better I would think it had a turbo installed. It is not a bike for someone just starting out. To be honest, no Super Sport bike is (600cc through ZX-14/busa). Be safe no matter what your decision.

Posts: 1218
posted July 21, 2007 07:47 PM
You will be a much better rider in the long run starting on a smaller bike. All of the GP racers started on a 125 or a dirt bike. You will have plenty of time to get a ZX-14.
Speed has never killed anyone,
suddenly becoming stationary...
That's what gets you.

Posts: 27920
posted July 21, 2007 09:15 PM
quote: I would start off with something the 08' Busa.
lmao thats bad
2010 Concours14
ZX14 gone!
CBR600RR track bike

Posts: 27920
posted July 21, 2007 09:17 PM
I vote get a 14 and bling the hell out of it. fat tire and one of those short straight exhausts that rob the horse power. it'll go slow and be king of your local sonic parking lot.
2010 Concours14
ZX14 gone!
CBR600RR track bike

Needs a job
Didn't read the owners manual
Posts: 2207
posted July 21, 2007 11:03 PM
this thread is fucking ridiculous.
Long Island, New York
2006 ZX-14, 2003 ZX-12R

Needs a job
Posts: 2058
posted July 21, 2007 11:27 PM
Dude do not get a ZX14 teenage girls would be more impressed with something like a C-50 Boulevard or something... Also let me remind you of something, the first time after you got your Regular Drivers Liscense and your dad let you take his truck or car out ALONE what was the first thing you did when you got around the corner from your house!!!!!!!!!!! you dont have to answer because everyone here knows exactly what you did... Now imagine the temptation you would face the first time you rode the most powerfull and fastest production motorcycle ever made!!! the difference is in your dads truck you squeal the tires fishtail adn run off the road you maybe hit a tree and break your arm or something. On a ZX14 your dead or worse a vegetable. I want you to think about this long and hard this would be the biggest mistake you ever made I promise you. You can say all the BULLSHIT you want about being carefull and responsible but the truth is after about 2 days of WHITEKNUCKLING the shit out the bike (grapping the handlebars so hard your knuckles turn white) from being nervous then you will get the idea hey this aint so hard I am gonna try and pop a wheelie Then BAM!!!!!!!!! Start off with a NICE Cruiser something that is LOUD and cool like a 1200 sportster or something like that dude the Teenage tang will LOVE A Harley.... Also, where do you live and what is your address I am coming over and SLAPPING THE SHIT OUT OF YOUR PARENTS!!!!! LAstly if you dont think you will have the money to buy a ZX14 when you are in college so that is why you think you should buy it now HOW IN THE HELL ARE YOU GOING TO AFFORD INSURANCE IN COLLEGE... your insurance is going to cost at least 2000-3000 a year AT LEAST if not more!!
Expert Class
Posts: 297
posted July 22, 2007 06:03 AM
I just sold a 1996 CBR600 F3 for $2000. They're great bikes and have more than enough power for a beginner rider. Get something you won't lose your ass on if you wreck it.
Novice Class
Posts: 75
posted July 22, 2007 06:22 AM
I am not gonna bash you for wanting the 14, sweet bike but the 500+ lbs and the power is not for a first time rider. My first sport bike was 97 CBR 600 F3. That is what you should consider, older model 600. That bike had about 93HP at the wheel if i remember right. Will scare the shit out of you it is so fast. If you really plan to ride for a long time, do yourself a favor and wait on the big bikes. Even if it's a summer or two you will be a much better rider.Oh, and screw a cruiser the hot chicks love sport bikes. P.S. you better check the insurance first on any bike. Big bucks if it's gonna be in your name.
06 zx14 black ( stock)
Parking Attendant
Posts: 13
posted July 22, 2007 06:31 AM
nah its gona be in my dads name, well im gona get my permit and try out the msf course and depending on how comfortable i feel riding whatever motorcycle they let me ride on ill decide what i want. im either gona get a zzr 600 or a zx14. i rode a jetski for the first time in my life yesterday and it was tough goen 45 mph cuz u really had to hang on to the handlebars so u wouldnt fly off and my arms are still sore from it. but i think i could easily adapt to something like that if i rode it everyday. like if i bought the zx14 i could get used to its power through riding it everyday. ill just have to see how scary it is riding a slower bike first in the msf course.