Camping for the MotoGP in Monterey, California is selling fast! Anyone who wants to join us camping at Laguna Seca for the MotoGP in the summer of 2005 must purchase tickets & camping on Fox Hill NOW and email their order number to us at
Although our Bikeland package is not yet in place officially, SCRAMP (the group that handles camping at Laguna Seca) assures us that our needs are being met and is asking our members to purchase Fox Hill camping and provide us with their order # until SCRAMP has a chance to finalize the details on the Bikeland package. SCRAMP is requesting this as there is a very realistic concern of camping selling out by December of 2004. Please be assured that Bikeland members will have exclusive access to our camping area on top of Fox Hill. Anyone wishing to be part of the Bikeland event at MotoGP, must buy FOX HILL MOTORCYCLE CAMPING and race tickets and send us their order number ASAP.
We need this because we will have to send a list of everyone in our group to SCRAMP so they can arrange our special roped-off area at the top of Fox Hill. If you do not send us your order number you will not be able to access the Bikeland area.
Follow the link below and book now!