
Expert Class
If it ain't fast it aint me
Posts: 270
posted November 13, 2015 08:19 AM
dont believe the hype
This is real world results
Posts: 1654
posted November 15, 2015 09:12 PM
My H2 Is stock.You want to bring a stock s1000rr and race me for some real money...Stock for stock.Dead dig 1/4 or flying 1/4 mile.You don`t even own either fucking bike so what do you know......Nothing that`s what....Put your money up.......
Zone Head
Posts: 806
posted November 16, 2015 06:10 AM
Masterbater, you are such a bag of shit. Did your mom have any kids that lived?
The link you posted is absolute bullshit.
Check this link if anyone wants to see the truth.

Expert Class
If it ain't fast it aint me
Posts: 270
posted December 14, 2015 08:45 AM
?Wow your a retard that video is as real as it gets.
If you don't believe it call the guy out he went to Cleveland has can come to you idiot city .
why is it so hard to believe. is it because you own an H2.
You guys are jokes and blind he even went back to race the guy again and he chicken out.
Now he has sold hi H2 cause it got its but beat so bad.

The Truth is Out There
Posts: 21892
posted December 15, 2015 07:27 PM
I like the H2. Wish I could have one.
What business is it of yours where I'm from, Friendo?