
Needs a life
I eat Fish...
Posts: 7889
posted July 23, 2009 05:41 PM
Edited By: FastestBusaAround on 24 Jul 2009 02:59
Time to piss of a few idiots now...
So - lately, I've been perusing the "other" site (the one that keeps going off the air for extended periods of time), where I'm no longer a member (self-imposed), and I keep seeing these brainless morons posting blither about how the bike handles like shit on slow rides/turns. I've read where they say that it "turns in too fast" and then where it's 'too hard to lean it in", while in a slow turn.
Now, am I missing something here or they just fucking stupid, douche-bag idiots with like only 3 weeks of riding a bicycle under their belt??? Gee, BMW goes through such great lengths in design to make all of their SS and ST bikes feel like they're literally "falling over" into the turns, making for easy, effortless turning. It's one of the things I love about those Beemers.
Some riders there say it's (Connie) to hard to turn at slow speed and others say it's too easy to turn - so what, are these commentators just plain brainless morons? Do they not know how to ride a fucking motorcycle? Others blame the OE tires -- holy fuck! Granted, the OE tires tend to perform like shit after a bit of wear, but certainly do not make the bike too hard or too easy to turn...geez.
This bike has to be the easiest ride in the world to lean/turn/scrape just does it so effortlessly, inspiring total confidence in the rider. My former liter bikes and my current ZX couldn't do what the Connie can when it comes to effortless turning and clean handling. Even with the crappy OE tires it comes with, it turns so's like a knife through warm butter, and as precise too. I guess that's what happens when you put idiot riders on this beast.
If I had to chose just one of my bikes to keep, it would be the Connie, as much as I love my ZX...the Connie is simply the best all around ride I've ever had the pleasure of owning, especially with the flies out full AreaP exhaust/PCV setup. It has the power/brakes and handling to outperform any sport tourer I've ever ridden as well as a number of sport bikes, and I've ridden many. For a 620 LB machine, there's simply nothing that can touch it - even at a few hundred pounds less.
I think these idiots should just learn how to handle a bike and shut the fuck up until then, or get off the bike and ride a bicycle.
Quote from other site --
"By the time I had hit the first roundabout I had realised that this is probably the worst steering bike I have ridden for years. All the weight seems to be on the front and it just wants to flop into corners. You really need to muscle it to go where you want. As the speed picked up the steering got a bit better and the suspension felt quite plush, but it still didn’t handle as well as my 12 year old Trophy."
Talk about a controversy in terms...idiot.
First it "flops" into turns (good thing), then he has to "muscle" to go where he wants it too...
Silver Hawk

Zone Head
addition to riding no rehab4me
Posts: 725
posted July 23, 2009 08:43 PM
i here first bike ever and i am loving the hell out of it...
2008 Concours ABS 23k miles in a yr Sold
2009 R1 16k miles in a yr Sold
2005 Honda Goldwing..6k miles in 2 months ..Sold
2012 Concours ABS 5k in 1 month..Sold
2011 ZX 10r 2k in 1 month...Sold..
2012 ZX 10R ABS black and red 144 miles as of 4-23-2013 sold.
2013 F6B deluxe sold
Back to the 2012 Connie present
2014 Green and Black ZX14r ..Beast mode!! present.
The Pope

Novice Class
Posts: 44
posted July 24, 2009 02:29 AM
Poser's!!!!! Want to be bikers!!!! (Just watched a re-run of "Wild Hogs".)
I don't have a C14 yet, but ...... I agree with ya FBA. Flops into turns is a good thing!
The Pope

The Truth is Out There
Posts: 21892
posted July 24, 2009 07:38 AM
i thought wild hogs wuz pretty funny, though
What business is it of yours where I'm from, Friendo?
The Pope

Novice Class
Posts: 44
posted July 24, 2009 08:39 AM
Yes, yes it was!
The Pope

Needs a life
I eat Fish...
Posts: 7889
posted July 24, 2009 03:56 PM
Indeed -- now stop lojacking my thread fish..
Posts: 8222
posted July 24, 2009 09:56 PM
I have to agree with FBA, They really seem to dwell on issues they really don't understand. I try to give good advice but seldom do they listen or comprehend. It is like the slipper clutch, few over there have a clue how good it really is because they seldom engage it.
2000 Green ZX12 sold
The fast color!!
Green 2005 ZX10R
2009 Concours Black ABS

Expert Class
Posts: 339
posted July 25, 2009 07:29 AM
I haven't checked in over there in months, might have to check it out for laughs. Mostly just lurking here. I've become a total track head but still manage around 20K a year on my C14.
All I could say to those who think the bike doesn't turn well is to try and spend more time above 5 mph. It turns just fine then.
GodDamnit there's always such a big temptation to be good, to be good! (Tom Waits)

Needs a life
I eat Fish...
Posts: 7889
posted July 27, 2009 09:54 AM
I never even tried a 5MPH turn LOL...OH well, I guess at 5MPH, its gotta be a bit heavier than a 600 super sport ...
I do know that at very low speeds (like in a parking lot slalom), I sit in the saddle without moving or leaning at all and can lean it down to the point of almost scraping with no effort at all, so I don't know what all the bullshit is about there with these so called "riders".
Damn, they can't even get the website working for more than 3 days at a time...
Mr Green Genes
Parking Attendant
Posts: 1
posted August 01, 2009 08:29 AM
Well, not that I really care, but if you're going to go around calling other people idiots, learn how to spell "off". And, if you're going to critique other folk's riding abilities, pick a new avatar.

Needs a life
I eat Fish...
Posts: 7889
posted August 02, 2009 07:32 AM
You must be one of those other idiots who bitches and whines about the bikes handling abilities.
1st post here and all you can say, is that I erred in using the word "of" instead of "off"...gee, how constructive of you...moron.
...and if you don't really care, perhaps you should go bother someone who does.
Gee, let's see now, did I spell all that correctly?
Jon P
Parking Attendant
Posts: 3
posted August 02, 2009 08:04 AM
It must be great to be you!
Do you give lessons on how to be such an asshole?
No wonder you're divorced! You're all ass no cock!
Suicide is always an option. Consider it !
Just kidding..... you know I love you!
Parking Attendant
Posts: 9
posted August 02, 2009 09:22 AM
i for one thank you for exiting the COG site and returning to your "happy place" where you are the king of your domain, and can stand up and berate people from afar, with no chance of them discussing thier issues with you.
There was a time I am sure, when you were not quite so knowldgeable(?), but truthfully you never made an astounding contributions there yourself.....just the same old drivel....flies, pc, $1000 exhaust.....
great leaps and bounds of technology.....
oh, but here you can say "fuck " every other word in your diatribe.....and that goes a long way for self gratification......enjoy.
COG# 5977
ex-Tech Editor, The Concourier
Concours Owners Group

Posts: 1662
posted August 04, 2009 02:39 PM
wow.i like my bike. it is the best deal out there i think but you will not convince a BMW person it could save him some money getting it cause he has the BMW gene and does not think like us.

Needs a life
I eat Fish...
Posts: 7889
posted August 07, 2009 02:49 AM
quote: i for one thank you for exiting the COG site and returning to your "happy place" where you are the king of your domain, and can stand up and berate people from afar, with no chance of them discussing thier issues with you.
There was a time I am sure, when you were not quite so knowldgeable(?), but truthfully you never made an astounding contributions there yourself.....just the same old drivel....flies, pc, $1000 exhaust.....
great leaps and bounds of technology.....
oh, but here you can say "fuck " every other word in your diatribe.....and that goes a long way for self gratification......enjoy.
Gee - what can I say to that -- so go read up on there to see exactly who it was that brought the fly's-out mod to all of you there (and here 3 years ago) -- instead of simply blithering your spew here. Funny that that seems to be the most popular performance mod around on the sites, and no, it wasn't your bow-down-to Fred H God, who's cock you all suck, that gave that to you all. He simply argued that it was a shitty mod, until he did it himself and never went back. I'm probably happier than you that I exited the site, since all I ever heard there was bitching and moaning about the shortcomings of the Connie, mostly due to the inability of some to ride it, who should probably have bought a tricycle instead . BTW, I never "returned" to here, since I never left. At least here, we don't have to deal with censorship and trigger-happy, egotistical mods who've got nothing better to do than issue warnings all day long and at least we have a site that actually stays up and running, unlike there, where one never knows if the site will be there or not when they click. Have a lovely fucking day MOB...
Old Guy

Expert Class
Posts: 470
posted August 10, 2009 08:28 PM
Glad you got it off your chest !!
Dont know what the other site IS nor do I want directions to it. I frequent enough Noob sites as is !!
So you say you love your Connie and if push came to shove the zx goes first.
Care to venture more into that thought?
Just got done with a short tour on my 14 and realize my destroyed rotators wont be happy just with going to the Spiegler bar kit.
I'm going to have to go with a real touring bike for extended rides.
Naturally the first bike that comes to mine is a new Connie !!
Please do enlighten Me with your thoughts and impressions.
Thx TC
Living the good life...,
On a XZ !!!!!
Tsukigi stainless full system
pcIII w/custom map
NO freakin flies!!
GP suspension forks
Penske rear shock
Rich's custom seat
And a whole bunch of other stuff.
97 zx6r full race bike with all the
good stuff

Needs a life
I eat Fish...
Posts: 7889
posted August 11, 2009 03:59 AM
Only and ONLY if push came to shove...because as great as the Connie is, nothing compares to the mighty ZX for pure shits and giggles. That being said, the Connie is a tremendous handling machine, with all of the creature comforts that separate it from its sibling twin. It has a more confidence inspiring ride, probably due to the height; it brakes, has enough power to launch it into the next galaxy and you can ride it all day and night, yet still get off it and go out and party. So as far as ride comfort goes, you can't beat the Connie - now, if you want stellar performance getting closer to ZX territory, you'd just need to upgrade the exhaust to the AreaP full system with a PC and the map and pull the flies, as I did. That setup picks up a huge amount of power and TQ. Then you've got a beast that pulls hard and rides like its on rails. For long rides, you can't beat it! The less aggressive riding position is what allows you to live on this thing for 800 miles in a day without so much as a blip in comfort. Best thing I can tell you is to just go test ride one...then you'll know.
Old Guy

Expert Class
Posts: 470
posted August 12, 2009 08:29 AM
A cat at our local Kawi shop has a 08 C14 that he'll let Me ride. I'll give it a spin.
3 days later and my shoulders still ache. Getting old aint for sissies...,sheesh
Might get a Motard 1st as the rains have started and will stay until .....,june.
Theres a good bunch of skilled riders around here that smoke the back roads on tards, all winter.
Its a lot of fun chasing them on the 14, but it would be funner to stuff them on a tard!
We'll see. If I end up commuting a lot for school (Ha! student at 50+)
I might replace/trade/sell the 14 for the right deal.
Absolutely hate to though.
Be like flushing 3 years of set up and several grand down the toilet.
Living the good life...,
On a XZ !!!!!
Tsukigi stainless full system
pcIII w/custom map
NO freakin flies!!
GP suspension forks
Penske rear shock
Rich's custom seat
And a whole bunch of other stuff.
97 zx6r full race bike with all the
good stuff

Needs a life
I eat Fish...
Posts: 7889
posted August 12, 2009 02:27 PM
I know exactly what you mean - I rode the ZX today...hit 180 a few times and there's no rush at all like 100-180 in a few seconds, especially with the sprocket changes I made that launches the bike like a rocket! There's nothing like that feeling...damn even my Z06 can't come close to that...not in any gear..LOL
When I want to carve, I take the Connie and when I just want straight-line all our velocity and acceleration, it's the ZX.

Novice Class
Posts: 39
posted August 26, 2009 05:11 PM
Everything you said was spot on! You did not leave anything out.....worked in many dealerships..have driven everything on two wheels....I have a 43,000.00 goldwing in my garage...the C-14 is ridden more, and enjoyed for the positive attributes you mentioned herein!
No heat issues with the 4-2-1 AreaP, take those flies out..and man...what a ride!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way!
Posts: 8222
posted September 05, 2009 07:29 PM
Steve is always good for a giggle. The boys from the other site are touchy and don't appreciate a good pissing contest. Shit if FBA doesn't call someone a moron at least once in 4 posts he gets the bends.
2000 Green ZX12 sold
The fast color!!
Green 2005 ZX10R
2009 Concours Black ABS
Posts: 8222
posted September 05, 2009 08:30 PM
When I want to carve, I take the Connie and when I just want straight-line all our velocity and acceleration, it's the ZX.
Wow what a testament to the C14, a big heavy bike with bags is the preferred carver. I love to ride it on the twisties, but in my case the ZX10 it the carver of choice.
2000 Green ZX12 sold
The fast color!!
Green 2005 ZX10R
2009 Concours Black ABS

Needs a life
I eat Fish...
Posts: 7889
posted September 05, 2009 08:47 PM
I always liked the way the Connie carved, over the ZX...including my ex 2005 10R...go figger...LOL

Posts: 1662
posted September 05, 2009 09:32 PM
i have a older 2000 zx12 and if i would not be dragraceing it the connie would be as good for the turns. but i am not a track day guy and it is a 2000.
what a great bike. and the heat issues, well i doubt anything in arizona at 110 degF feals less than a blast furnace. in the summer i take the taller wind screen off for more air at my head and i am great. but with climate change and the polar bears dying off our summer has been extra miled this summer (25 dollar electric bills are great no ac for june much no shit) so i only have the tall screen off for the last two weeks.
Posts: 8222
posted September 07, 2009 09:34 PM
quote: I always liked the way the Connie carved, over the ZX...including my ex 2005 10R...go figger...LOL
I like the way the ZX10 wheelies out of 100mph + corners and dances around when you are hard on it.
But I just love the C14 in the twisties. It just isn't fast enough. And the flies won't help me because I ride at over 7k when I dial it up. I need more top end to make it really fun.
2000 Green ZX12 sold
The fast color!!
Green 2005 ZX10R
2009 Concours Black ABS