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BIKELAND > FORUMS > DESMOSUPERBIKES.com > Thread: Hey Look Ma! We're 7! Happy Birthday Bikeland! NEW TOPIC NEW POLL POST REPLY

Posts: 914
posted November 20, 2007 08:05 AM        Edited By: Editor on 20 Nov 2007 08:17
Hey Look Ma! We're 7! Happy Birthday Bikeland!

Wow! That was a busy year!

Bikeland turns 7!

How long ago - it seemed that the Internet was a simpler place - just a few people to chat with, maybe some photos to share with friends - now Bikeland's snowballed into one of the busiest general interest motorcycle websites on the planet, and it's all thanks to you, our readers!

We'd like to thank each and every one of you for your thoughts, your contributions and all of the effort you've put into helping keep this place fun.

Bikeland's withstood a lot this year, and guess what? We're still a source of free and unbiased information about motorcycles and motorcycle products.

We're very proud of that.

Source: Bikeland.org

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Tool Man

Needs a job
Posts: 4493
posted November 20, 2007 08:11 AM        
The banks are failing..
The banks are failing...
Invest in Ammo

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Bracket Racing with Betsy
Posts: 8038
posted November 20, 2007 08:13 AM        
Time flies when your having fun!!!
Jason Miller StreetBike Seminars

*****DragRacers do it better, because they dont cut Corners*****

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Needs a job
Posts: 2984
posted November 20, 2007 08:14 AM        

Bikeland's withstood a lot this year, and guess what? We're still a source of free and unbiased information about motorcycles and motorcycle products.

and a true free speech haven..........or the last refuge of scoundrels!

well almost anyway...had some editing going on lately!

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spell chequer is bustimicated
Posts: 2909
posted November 20, 2007 08:25 AM        
kazzy likes cake
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The Truth is Out There
Posts: 21892
posted November 20, 2007 08:25 AM        
nice try, blueford!
What business is it of yours where I'm from, Friendo?

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Bracket Racing with Betsy
Posts: 8038
posted November 20, 2007 08:26 AM        
Hey Blue we have to put up with your nonsense, so you have to put up with ours

Jason Miller StreetBike Seminars

*****DragRacers do it better, because they dont cut Corners*****

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Needs a job
Posts: 2853
posted November 20, 2007 08:37 AM        
A place for shooting the shit...I hope you guys never fold.
What we don't understand, we can
make mean anything... src="http://www.bikeland.org/board/i
mages/smilies/smile.gif" border=0>

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Moderator 2002
Posts: 3587
posted November 20, 2007 08:58 AM        
Seven years of SASSY
love to live, live to love

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Hells Dark Lord

Needs a life
living life, and loving it.
Posts: 7981
posted November 20, 2007 09:09 AM        
WOW 7 years old, that is awsome you all, I hope this site gets to celebrate many, many more in the years to come.

Just a little not on Bikeland, and my expierence with it. Some may think of Bikeland as just another forum, what would make this one any different than the others? Is it different? How?

When I saw the thread I had to click and look, I didnt realize it. Guess I never really had a reason to. Looking back over my history with Bikeland got me to thinking. What if I had never found this site? What if I had never used it? To some of you it may not matter one way or the other if you ever found this place or not. Some of you may stick a nose in once in a while and look for some piece of info that you couldnt find elsewhere. And then there are those that stick around and utilize the forum and its members for information on anything from how to fix a problem with your bike, I have seen people address relationship issues on here, and even some heated political debates. But I had to ask myself, in the past 7 years what has Bikeland ment to me? And I had to take some time to really hash over that question. Do I see this as just one of many forums that I use, or was this one different somehow. As I sit and ponder this, I realize that this site has had a big influence for me over the past few years.

I found this site after buying my ZX12R, back in 02. I had looked around the web for information on the new B model ZX12R's that were due to be released. They had caught my eye back in October of 01 while I was at the Biketoberfest Rally in Daytona FL. After seeing one I knew I would have to have one. A friend of mine worked in the local Kawi dealer in Savannah GA. He knew I was looking at them, and that I was more than likely going to buy one.
Craig called me at my house one day and told me they had just uncrated and prepped the first 02 ZX12R to come into the dealership, a black and gold model, the one I wanted. After a short discussion with my wife I was off on her EX500 to trade it in on the Zx12R. Well that night I rode that Black and gold beauty home and parked it in my trailer. And like most of us, the first thing I wanted to do was start modding it....what else would a gear head do?

This brings me to Bikeland. In my search of the web looking for things to do, and information on my new bike. Joining bikeland was the start of a beautiful friendship, many of them actually. The first thng to do was cut off the mudflap on the back, and use integrated blinkers and flushmounts for the front. Then of course a new windshield, dark smoke double bubble, of course. As I looked for more things to do, I became more and more familure with the site, and some of its users.

Then I got the call......not for bike parts, or to do a nice ride with friends, no I got the call to duty. I am an active duty soldier, adn my country demanded my service. The next thing I knew I was sitting in the desert of Kuwait, trainging soldiers and seeing more than my fair share of sand. What does this have to due wiht Bikeland you ask, well I will tell you. I had developed some friendships in my time using the site. People whom I call friends. Bikeland was a way for me to keep in touch with those friends from a half a world away. It also gave me an oppritunity to meet knew friends on here.

During my rotation to Kuwait, I started looking at things I wanted to do to my bike, it also gave me the links to people and companies that could accomplish the stuff I wanted to do. My 6 month rotation to Kuwait got interupted by this little thing we call OIF...and the next thing I knew I was on an invasion force moving through the heart of Iraq and right up into Baghdad, the heart of the country. While my Zx12R sat neglected at home, or did it?

My wife with some prodding from me, took my bike to a guy I had met on the site here for some work. Kcadby( I hope that is right, I have seen him on here in a long time). Kevin in my opinion is a wizard with a dyno. I had installed a full Muzzy exhaust on my bike, and it ran like crap. So Kelly took it to Kevin to fix. Kevin installed a mechanicla ignition advance, mapped the bike, and installed my hinge I got from DINO. When I got home one of the first things I did was drive to Jacksonville to pick up my baby. I test rode it and could not believe what I had now. Kevin had taken my bike from a stock 154hp, to a whopping 181. I couldnt believe the difference. And in the process, met a great person.

During this time I continued to use Bikeland for research and to stay in touch with friends. And meeting even more people. Enter the DG rallies. Some of you have expierenced one or more of these, some of you have not. I was leary of making the drive, and spending time with guys I didnt know. In the end the wife and I ,made the trip to Townsend TN to meet and ride with the "Smackhouse Crew". And I am so glad I did. They invited the wife and I in, and treated us like they had always known us, during that weekend, we shared many beers, many stories, and many, many miles. The guys like Otis,Mark, Ninjaman, Harry, Bart, Sherm, Jon, and all the others that I have met during my couple of Rallies have been fantastic people. The next Rally I attended, I met even more people, guys like Dan, Dave, Brian and a few others, have been like long lost family for me. Guys I would do anything for. Some closer than others, but all friends none the less.

Where was Bikeland through all of this...they were the heart of it, the place where friends made plans to do rides together, or to keep in touch. A place that allowed for the freedome of speech so we could all be our crazy selfves and not get booted or banned for being yourself, just as it continues to do.

And jumping forward in time, I find myself here in Iraq again, and I also find myself right here on Bikeland chatting with you all, staying in touch with friends, and now looking for info on my ZX10R, after totalling out my old ZX12R. Which by the way, was completely repainted, and tuned by 2 members of Bikeland. Brett who turned a horrible paint job into a work of art, and Roger, who took my awsomely tuned ZX12R, and made it even better. I can not say enough of these 2 friends. They took care of me and helped me, and rode many, many miles with me....hopefully soon I will ride many more with them, SOON !

So as I look back in the past, and I see how much Bikeland has ment to me, and to those of you whom I call friends. It makes me look into the future, and I can only hope that the future is half as meaningful as the past was. If it is, I will be a Bikeland member for many, many, many more years to come. And I forsee, the meeting of many old friends, and many new ones...

To the staff of Bikeland, Fish, PK, and Freek...you have my most sincere thanks. And my congratulations on a very very good website...And to the moderators, one and all...keep up the great work The work that keeps us comming back to share or knowledge, expierences, and friendships.

HDL...from Iraq...AGAIN...
When in doubt, lean farther and go faster....

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Expert Class
Posts: 148
posted November 20, 2007 09:14 AM        
Happy Birthday to a very cool site!
I'll have some cole slaw with that beef.

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Needs a job
'08 ZX14 (Blue)
Posts: 4558
posted November 20, 2007 09:28 AM        Edited By: NinjaNick on 20 Nov 2007 09:30
Happy B-day! I love this site!

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Needs a life
Posts: 5778
posted November 20, 2007 09:58 AM        
Good Job Oliver, Laura, and FrEEk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There's no place like home AND Bikeland is HOME!
There's no such thing as a motor with no more power to give only people with no more intelligence to get it

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The Truth is Out There
Posts: 21892
posted November 20, 2007 10:04 AM        
come home safe HDL. Drinks are on you this time @ Indy

Thanks for all the kind words!
What business is it of yours where I'm from, Friendo?

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Posts: 1047
posted November 20, 2007 10:39 AM        
If I really say how much I've used and appreciated this site over the years, I'm afraid I'd have to start paying for access All kidding aside, I've found a terrific bunch of people here who know a whole lot more then me, and who are always willing to lend a helping hand. I don't think you can put a price tag on that. So thank you, thank you, thank you, for all the years, and for all the help and advise with my Red 212rwhp 2k zx12r.

We First make our habits and then our habits make us.

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Needs a job
Posts: 4209
posted November 20, 2007 10:57 AM        
Happy Birthday! I owe this site big time. My bike runs great because I got all the right info here first. The moderators do care and well.... I have a great time here. Thanks you guys!!!
2006 Black ZX-14,6 inches over,16/42, flies out,BMC Street Filter,Brock's Street Meg,Brock's Radial Mount Strap,PClll with Race map,Dynojet LCD w/Techmount, ZX-14 fender eliminator,Pilot Power2CTs,Speedohealer,Pazzo Levers,Cox Radiator Guard, Garmin Nuvi 265WT

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Zone Head
Posts: 736
posted November 20, 2007 11:03 AM        
Wow, it's my birthday too!
"The only place Success comes
before Work is inside the Dictionary."

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Expert Class
Posts: 229
posted November 20, 2007 12:11 PM        
Very cool, I am happy that Fish messaged on another board about a console issue then told me about bikeland... Very happy birthday indeed.
Please tell your pants it's not polite to point.

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Needs a job
Posts: 2739
posted November 20, 2007 12:15 PM        
October 16, 2001 was my join date.............as well as Doug Meyer. Been here a LONG time .............and still enjoy being a part of Bikeland every day. Keep up the good work
I'd Rather Be Roadracing.

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Posts: 27920
posted November 20, 2007 12:23 PM        
Happy Birthday~

Awesome site with awesome folks, plus all the latest and greatest motorcycle info constantly flowing around!
2010 Concours14
ZX14 gone!
CBR600RR track bike

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Hells Dark Lord

Needs a life
living life, and loving it.
Posts: 7981
posted November 20, 2007 12:23 PM        
you got it Fish, I will buy em up.....as far as this site goes, I just call it like I see it bro....
When in doubt, lean farther and go faster....

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Lucky Lo

I gotta go....
Posts: 677
posted November 20, 2007 12:24 PM        
You ROCK! Thanks for putting up with all our crap! And all the good fun you've brought us.
Love you guys, Lo

FYI members... PK birthday 11/23 (send something sexy)
one fast girlfriend....
Be yourself - Everyone else is already taken.

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Needs a life
Posts: 5778
posted November 20, 2007 12:28 PM        
AH! That's my son's birthday
There's no such thing as a motor with no more power to give only people with no more intelligence to get it

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Needs a job
'08 ZX14 (Blue)
Posts: 4558
posted November 20, 2007 02:00 PM        
Thread Jackers!
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Needs a job
Moderator 2002
Posts: 3587
posted November 20, 2007 02:05 PM        
Happy Birthday Bikeland
love to live, live to love

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