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Rich Miller

Novice Class
Posts: 73
posted April 28, 2007 07:21 PM        
Buh Bye!

Yeah, well...... sorry. I'm gone. ( no great loss, I know) How do you guys expect to get people interested when you get the same self promoting blowhards going on and on?? Fackk!!!!!! Too boring, you take yourselves and opinions too seriously IMO. Doug, I hope to meet you on the Santiam or at PIR....... not enought time for this site. Buh bye!

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The Truth is Out There
Posts: 21892
posted April 29, 2007 09:30 AM        
huh? did I miss something?
What business is it of yours where I'm from, Friendo?

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Needs a life
Miles to go before I sleep....
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posted April 29, 2007 11:11 AM        

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Zone Head
Posts: 779
posted May 02, 2007 03:53 PM        
huh? did I miss something?


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Expert Class
Posts: 121
posted May 14, 2007 08:45 AM        
looks nice just slow as hell
As long as y'all don't have any kryptonite/I'm gonna be alright.

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The Truth is Out There
Posts: 21892
posted May 14, 2007 03:36 PM        
looks nice just slow as hell

is it? ever ridden one? tell us about it....
What business is it of yours where I'm from, Friendo?

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Expert Class
Posts: 121
posted May 15, 2007 07:00 AM        
rode against it/ saw all i need to see/ in my rear view / consider yourself told about again nothn personal
As long as y'all don't have any kryptonite/I'm gonna be alright.

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The Truth is Out There
Posts: 21892
posted May 15, 2007 02:33 PM        
rode against it/ saw all i need to see/ in my rear view / consider yourself told about again nothn personal

that's funny, cuz I've ridden them back to back. I can tell you first hand the 1098 is faster. The 14 might have a higher ultimate top speed, but it's a slug compared to the Duc.
What business is it of yours where I'm from, Friendo?

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Posts: 1688
posted May 15, 2007 05:29 PM        
I confirm. 1098 is quicker than the 14 (stock to stock).
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Posts: 1688
posted May 15, 2007 06:28 PM        
Be sure you are "racing" against a good rider AND a bike that is broken in . Both bikes being equal, the 1098 is quicker and turns better than the '14... but has a lower top end (although it is NOT speed restricted I don't think).
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Posts: 27920
posted May 20, 2007 08:46 PM        Edited By: stevewfl on 20 May 2007 21:48
I like the 14 being the benchmark bike to beat in every forum..........

I couldn't find much evidence of a Duc 1098 threat in any forum to any bike though, how odd.

at what speed does the 14 start pulling ahead of the Duc? What does the stock Duc run in the quarter? does the public realize the Duc 1098 is faster in the quarter?

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2010 Concours14
ZX14 gone!
CBR600RR track bike

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Posts: 27920
posted May 20, 2007 08:47 PM        
Oh and Rich Miller, buh-bye
2010 Concours14
ZX14 gone!
CBR600RR track bike

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Posts: 27920
posted May 20, 2007 08:56 PM        Edited By: stevewfl on 20 May 2007 21:57
Would you guys please look at this post I posted a few threads down regarding the 1098 with $3,000 in after market stuff, and it ran a 9.84 quarter?

And then please explain to me how this bike is even close to being faster than a stock ZX14?


man, I'm about to run out of salt over here lol

2010 Concours14
ZX14 gone!
CBR600RR track bike

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Posts: 1688
posted May 20, 2007 09:03 PM        
Well - read the article carefully. The 3K in after market really is the termi exhaust (that comes with the tricolore 1098) and some other minor bits I think. If I recall correctly, they didn't strap the 1098 etc and it still ran 9.84. Wait till the powercommander comes out .
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Posts: 1688
posted May 20, 2007 09:04 PM        
OH BTW - try the '14 on the track against the 1098 .
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Posts: 27920
posted May 21, 2007 02:04 AM        
Thanks deathpulse-

#1) $3,000 in minor bits on the 14 and it does a LOT better than 9.84.

#2) I run a 600RR on the track. For half the price I suggest the same rider (me) will run the same or better lap times on a 600. Could be wrong and the Duc may shave a couple of seconds if its a faster Nascar track such as Miami-Homestead or such, but its close. And for a "few tidbits" I'd get as fast on the 600.

I've been tempted to trade my 14 for something is why I threw my post out there. I don't think its any more realistic to say the Duc will out-drag the 14 as it is in the busa or ZX12 forums to say those bikes will, but maybe I'm wrong and we'll start seing the Duc on the streets and drag strips eating everyone alive like the 14 does.

2010 Concours14
ZX14 gone!
CBR600RR track bike

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Posts: 1688
posted May 22, 2007 01:25 AM        
Well, the 1098 is a lot faster than your 600 on the track (with a good rider) that I can tell you. I'm not sure if it is all out faster than the 14 in the 1/4 mile. But my point was the 3K is STOCK for some of the 1098's. There are several models of 1098 out there. The tricolore is STOCK with that stuff .
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Posts: 1688
posted May 22, 2007 01:31 AM        Edited By: deathpulse on 22 May 2007 02:42
OH! and I will also say that for me (6' 2" tall 210 lbs currently) the 1098 is MUCH more comfortable than the 14. The 14 tends to crush my nads. I also enjoy the look of the 1098 MUUUUUUUUCH more than the 14. Basically, the 14 is a better all around bike. yes, it is more expensive and yes I had the choice to buy either (been a kawi guy since my 92 zx-11) but my choice was CLEARLY the 1098. The 14 may be close or SLIGHTLY faster in the 1/4 mile, but that is soooo low on my priority list it doesnt even matter. The 1098 is an amazing ride (much faster than 600's on the track - that I can tell you first hand) no - you will not get "as fast" as the 1098 with "a few tidbits". Remember, the 1098s and up COME with great suspensions etc. Comparing it to a 600 for track duty is silly. To make your 600 as fast your have to do major suspension AND engine work. I think you should try one. you will see as i did .

Bottom line. The 1098 does as well if not better than your 14 AND your 600 combined. In that way it is a much better value and kicks total ass. Beware the 1098 on the track on your 600 (remember it weighs 381 lbs or LESS and has much more power and a better suspension). Try it bro - then trade in your other bikes .

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Posts: 1688
posted May 22, 2007 11:39 AM        
One more thought though - the 1098 DOES suck as a "sport tourer". 2up riding is terrible and gas mileage sux :P. If you have another bike for this you are set - if not... perhaps stick with the 14/600 combo??
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The Truth is Out There
Posts: 21892
posted May 22, 2007 11:56 AM        
One more thought though - the 1098 DOES suck as a "sport tourer". 2up riding is terrible and gas mileage sux :P. If you have another bike for this you are set - if not... perhaps stick with the 14/600 combo??

hope not! i'm sport touring on it this summer... all the way to Laguna Seca and back!
What business is it of yours where I'm from, Friendo?

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Posts: 1688
posted May 22, 2007 12:52 PM        
2 up? LOL - man you are brave.. or you have a forgiving gal!! Maybe need a bigger tank too.... .
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Posts: 27920
posted May 23, 2007 04:11 PM        
With the SAME rider you think the lap times will be lower on the 1098 over the 600RR? That would be impressive. My RR has the gold valve suspension work done and I have to beleive its better than the straight up 1098 on the track. Maybe I'm all wrong. I've been open-minded to the 1098 and usually just read in this forum and not post. But the 14 comments were trippin' me, and I'm not gung-ho on my 14 being a high performance bike as I am the 600
2010 Concours14
ZX14 gone!
CBR600RR track bike

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Posts: 1688
posted May 23, 2007 08:48 PM        
I think with the same rider the 1098 lap times will be lower than the 600 for sure (provided the rider has at least moderate track experience and can handle the extra power). Its like this - last time I was at a Keith Code class, the guys had all the 600's for classes to use... and one zx-10r. The 10r DESTROYED the 600's on the track with moderately decent riders. Beginner riders definately did better on the 600's, as they could not handle the power of the 10 as easily as they could the 600's. The 1098 is probably as good if not better than the 10 on the track.
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Posts: 27920
posted May 24, 2007 09:02 AM        Edited By: stevewfl on 24 May 2007 10:02
death pulse, did you see the artcile in this months motorcycle magazine? I picked up a copy at the airport last night. they tested several bikes with sevral different riders.

The two top bikes of the 5 were #1 Duc 1098 and # 2 Honda CBR600RR.

The Duc had the fastest lap time when both bikes were ridden by a pro, but only a by second or so. Agreed fastest is still fastest, and i was so surprised to read that. For twice the price I wouldn't call that an achievement. For intermediate riders on the track (which my self I'm slow to intermediate on my track bike) the CBR produced the fastest lap times

The DUC was raped as a sport tourer, the CBR was praised for comfort against all the other bikes including the two litre bikes tested (R1 and GSX-R1000).

The Honda 600RR beat the litre bikes so bad and performed so well on sport touring they did a seperate article on the bike.

I'm open minded to the DUC, and patiently shopping for my next ride, but the DUC's numbers just aren't adding up no matter what I read where. maybe its conspiracy against Ducati.

Fish before you take the DUC on a long trip I'd read that article, it was blasted for being the most uncomfortable street bike of all the bikes, but some of the reasons can be corrected I suspect, such as high seat and low grips, etc

The 2007 ZX6 rated worst in every category aginst the Duc, Honda 600RR, R1, and Gix1000.
2010 Concours14
ZX14 gone!
CBR600RR track bike

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Posts: 1688
posted May 24, 2007 10:10 AM        
Dude - a second is HUGE time on the track! WOW! If I could shave a full second off my best lap times I'd be PSYCHED!! hehe I dunno, I'm not really a magazine racer, I kinda just take track days and see what works for me... but I've riddin my share of 600's on the track. I haven't taken the 1098 out yet, but with its weight, brakes, power and handling I'm SURE I'll turn significantly faster lap times. Also - I re-read that "$3,000" additional parts in motorcycle mag... those "3,000" parts were a pipe. The pipe is $2800 bucks. lol. So, a bone stock 1098 with a pipe (no custom mapping) ran a 9.84. No strapping, no longer swing arm, no bigger tire. Thats pretty darn impressive. I TOTALLY agree that sport touring wiht a passenger would suck - but one up, the 1098 is more comfy for me that the '12 is.
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