posted August 09, 2006 10:04 PM
Edited By: flyboy on 9 Aug 2006 23:23
How to post pictures for dummies-- I have a feeling there are many smart people of this site that have never posted a picture on this website because like me, they couldn't understand the directions in the FAQ section. Well I figured it out tonight.
In the Army we learned KISS. (Keep it simple stupid)
So, in order to put a picture on this website do the following... (you must be sober)
1) Click on the below site and save it to your favorites- (This site is one of many that may be used and this site is free)
2) Enter your user name and password. Hint: Use the same user name and password as used in Bikeland.
3) When the account information page comes up, enter your information and copy the code at the bottom. Then click Terms of Service and then SUBMIT-
4) You will then be shown an advertisement page- Forget it. Click on the bottom right hand corner that says- NO Thanks-
5) You will now be shown a page that says IMAGE UPLOAD at the top. Look just below for the BROWSE button. Click on it. The pictures in your photo album will suddenly pop up on the top left side. In that window go to the photo you wish to upload to Bikeland and CLICK on it. The link to your photo will now appear in the window to the left of the BROWSER window. (You are almost there. Do not start drinking quite yet.) You may now click on the word SUBMIT. If you want to start an album you may give it a name at the bottom of the page, like "Bikeland" or something to that effect.
6) The next page will have your image showing at the bottom. Below the image you will want to HIGHLIGHT the Img line. Once it his highlighted hit the buttons CONTROL then C. This will save the Img line in the computers' memory. Now you can pour yourself a drink and go to the Bikeland website.
7) Once on the Bikeland website hit the NEW TOPIC button or go to the thread where you want to post your picture. When the large white box appears put your curser in the upper left hand corner and hit the buttons on your computer CONTROL then V. Your tag line for your picture will then appear.
8) Below this line write anything you want regarding the topic in discussion. Then click SUBMIT NEW TREAD or SUBMIT REPLY and your new picture will miraculously appear in your Bikeland thread. Good luck to all. If I did this right a photo should appear below this line.
'There's more living in five minutes flat-out on a bike than some men have in an entire life'.
"The World's Fastest Indian"
One fast red ZX-14,
Three World and four National Land Speed Records,
One faster red and white Cessna Turbo 210
posted August 10, 2006 02:53 AM
Edited By: TeamSpeed on 10 Aug 2006 04:03
Good writeup. The only problem I have seen is that there have been many "free" image hosting sites that come and go. I personally have had 5 imaging accounts, and cannot use any of them anymore without people either having to register to view or my having to pay. The biggest trick for people to learn is to:
1) Get your filename stored somewhere online, personal dsl account using FTP or web-screen upload function, or one of these free sites.
2) Post here with using the {IMG}your image web URL{/IMG}, but use brackets [] instead of braces {}.
Best analogy I could think of is that you don't want people getting access to your mail at your home, so you get a PO box and put all your mail there. Then you point everyone to your PO box instead of your home address. Same with files on your PC, you don't want people having access to your pictures on your home PC so you put them out there in a web-based 3rd party area, and then point everyone to them using the correct bulletin board notation for the address.
This is also covered in the "Help On" topic list next to the posting text area, just click on the pictures link to get a reminder from time to time.
posted August 10, 2006 05:06 AM
Ok i'm really lost now......Thanks guys for really funkin my head up....
Smokin Performance Cycles..
Tampa Bay , FL .. Brocks Performance Dealer ..
Gen 2 ZX14R Best ET 8.43 , Best MPH 164.95
posted August 10, 2006 12:15 PM
Write-up is great, covers all the steps. I've had trouble with host sites. My internet provider gives me a lot of perssonal web space so I use that. Pictures don't disappear unless I delete them from my web space.
posted August 10, 2006 03:01 PM
By the way, the Bikeland admins (is that Freek?) were nice enough to include a little clickable tag up at the top of each page that is labeled "faq". For the internet illiterate (and I be one of them), it has all the info on how to post pics, insert links, ect. That's how I figured out how to do things.
posted August 11, 2006 12:38 AM
Just trying this photo thing out. Here is my big butt trying to make this bike look respectable @ the track!
____________ Texas Mile 200.256mph - Oct. 2007 (Update 202.577mph Oct 2008) NOS assisted ECTA Ohio Mile 195.132mph TexasMile 2012 199.9 mph all motor!
Streetriders Shootout 2008 series Pro/ET Champ!
Streetriders Shootout 2007 Series Pro/ET Runner-up!
posted August 11, 2006 10:32 AM
excellent post flyboy, thx! a good writeup for the picture hosting part of posting pics has been sorely needed for some time.
posted August 15, 2006 02:05 AM
Nightmare you have to upload the picture to a image hosting site or some kind of personal web space that you can store pictures at. Once that is done you select the picture that you want and put the url or web address if you will between the image tags.
posted August 23, 2006 11:50 AM
Edited By: speedgene on 23 Aug 2006 12:52
How about a quick left click step for practice, then a right click to finish off? This will be all (3) left click steps on the mouse first, then step (4) will show how to find a hidden photo address:
These are called "brackets" = [ ]. You use two of these boxes against a word, paragraph, or using someone's "www/http" address line; like the one you see on your browser's address bar right now?
Bracket display:
On the left side of the word or address line, you have one of two bracket boxes that will fit butt up against the opening line, letter, or word = [open bracket]. On the closing line, word, number, etc., you will need a "forward slash" ( / ) inside the second, or closing box. This right side box would look like this; [/closing bracket]. The closing forward slash key; commands the word or line to turn colors, print bold, underline a word or sentence, or other combinations using single, or triple letters in combination with the brackets. Even numbers can be used inside the brackets. Basically, start with a basic address line:
Your post should now have a "HOT" web address line everyone can click on.
Here is the right mouse click sequence to display a photo.
4. Most photo addresses will be hidden on the photo itself.. You may right click on any part of the photo to find the; "http image properties address line?" Left click "properties" at the bottom when the pop up page appears after your right click on the photo. Find the words and/or letters: "Address: URL,' or 'Location:" found written either way in the image/photo properties page. To the right of the address-url, you will see the "http" address.
To post a new photo, or copy any photo image from the web for your post, you will need to use the same open and closing bracket sequence, but this time, the letters are changed to, "img" ... so one can view a photo, and not the photo address using, "url" letters. Instead, type the letters, "img" in the brackets to show your photo collection. If your photo is downloaded from your computer to a photo website like... "Photobucket," "Image Station," or like websites, you simply right click your photo, click properties, then copy and paste the image address.
Back to the properties address using a short cut mouse key click. Take your mouse arrow and touch either the first or last letter of the image address line. Begin to click approx 3 times quickly on the left mouse key to highlight the whole photo address. Save the blue highlighted address by the cut and paste short cut key method (ctrl c/v) described above. Move the mouse curser on an empty space onto your post, then short cut key the address by clicking; "Ctrl + v" to place the address on a blank space. Insert the brackets on both ends with the proper "photo" letters (img) (/img) in between the brackets. Click to send your post.
You should now know two ways to bracket two types of addresses? A web address, and a photo that will display the photo image from a web address.
[curl][b/url] Note that the brackets are "butt up against" the address?... but....the typing inside the brackets were deliberately written to show improper coding. When you fumble on a bracket miscue, you will see the bracket(s) in the final posts. Something when wrong, and you need to recheck/edit your bracket building, letter, number and slash placements for the web to recognize the code?
Recap: Insert 'url" for a net address, or insert "img" for a photo display inside both open, and /closing brackets.
Tired of paging back and forth? At the very bottom of the screen is your system tray... (Windows "start" line below or to the right/left?) right click an empty spot on the tray. You can checkmark a choice to view both your photo/website, and bikeland's web page on your monitor screen? Choose either vertical or horizontal views? Uncheck the tray selection when posting has ended, or you will always show a dual browser screen.