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BIKELAND > FORUMS > CLASSIFIEDS > Thread: WTB: New/used ZRX11/1200 full exhaust NEW TOPIC POST REPLY

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Posts: 2245
posted October 01, 2015 11:11 AM        
WTB: New/used ZRX11/1200 full exhaust

Just as it says above; been looking around for a new/used ZRX1200 full exhaust system for some time now. The prices over the years have become astronomical !!! I'm retired & on very limited income (SSI) so if you have one laying around that's -very reasonable- you'd like to get rid of, please PM.

Don't care much of type as long as it fits, has no (ground) clearance issues, won't wake the dead, & is not destroyed. A few minor dings/scratches from years of use is ok. Crashed, badly rashed, destroyed pipes/mufflers is not.

We can still get new Kerker/Holeshot/Muzzy w/very limited availability for ~$700-$800, so would be looking for something quite a bit lower cost than that. I just can't pay Japanese/USD prices of $1200-$1800+.

If anyone can help I'd appreciate it greatly. Would really like to lighten up machine & do a pipe & jet kit to get the ZRX more reasonably powered/& a few lbs. lighter, but can't break the bank to do it.

Thank you,

Enjoy the ride!
02' ZRX1200
00' ZX12R sold

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Posts: 1654
posted October 01, 2015 02:57 PM        
Will a zx12r pipe fit your bike.
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BIKELAND > FORUMS > CLASSIFIEDS > Thread: WTB: New/used ZRX11/1200 full exhaust NEW TOPIC POST REPLY

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