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BIKELAND > FORUMS > CLASSIFIEDS > Thread: zx14 2008 Black front fender and black Puig windshield, and DEERSKIN GLOVES! NEW TOPIC POST REPLY

Parking Attendant
Posts: 1
posted March 15, 2015 10:15 AM        Edited By: zx14parts on 15 Mar 2015 18:59
zx14 2008 Black front fender and black Puig windshield, and DEERSKIN GLOVES!

sold my bike a few years ago and found my old fender and Puig windshield.

I know you are all going to be skeptical because im a brand new member and this is my first post, but like i said i sold my bike a few years ago and had not logged on in a long time. I could not figure out my old email or password reset.

Puig Windshield = $50 money order only, free shipping.
The windshield is Black, not smoke or tinted. The windshield is in great condition with all 6 rubber nuts in place.

I also have some spare hardware off my zx14 in the small plastic case next to the windshield that i don't need anymore and I am including them with the windshield for free.

Front Fender = $65 shipped, money order only, (i know it's high, but the shipping expensive)
The fender was in great shape when I took it off the bike but seems to have been scratched by something in storage. Photos show the scratch very well.

Buy both for $100, money order only, free shipping

Deerskin gloves = $25, money order only, free shipping.
Gloves are in good condition, very soft, and very warm. Gloves are size Large, but in my opinion the fingers are a little tight so keep that in mind.






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BIKELAND > FORUMS > CLASSIFIEDS > Thread: zx14 2008 Black front fender and black Puig windshield, and DEERSKIN GLOVES! NEW TOPIC POST REPLY

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