
Expert Class
06 zx 14 turbo stage 3
Posts: 423
posted July 18, 2013 06:53 PM
10lb nos bottle
I've got a never used 10lb nos bottle I couldn't fit it in my swingarm so need to trade for a 2lb bottle or make a offer its in mint new cond. nos blue call me Willie 1630 600 1538 or if you have a extra 2lb bottle for sale
bigwil// going fast aint easy so turbo it

Novice Class
09 no flies,pvc,muzzy,low.long
Posts: 49
posted July 30, 2013 12:36 PM
im curious where you get them filled in the 630 area?

Expert Class
06 zx 14 turbo stage 3
Posts: 423
posted August 04, 2013 09:06 AM
Can get them filled at rock n roll automotive in carpetersville ill rt 68 just east of rt 25 or Winn racing in Naperville
bigwil// going fast aint easy so turbo it