
Novice Class
Posts: 50
posted February 28, 2013 09:24 PM
06 zx14
Need a motor ! Spun a bearing, Any adviceon what is the best route to solve my problem!
Im a every day rider so i would like to know if I rebuild my motor with the correct mods could i prevent this from reoccuring ! My Friend told me to solve my problem I should buy a Busa !!!!! (NOT) !!!!!!! I would rather take it out of the barn, place a box fan in frount of it , and pretend that I am on I-95 doing 180.........
I need all the advice I can get so tell me what would do!!!!
All replies are welcom, If you can ,TEXT me so I get the message ASAP @ 252-907-0516......
Thanx ZX14 Family