Zone Head
Trial And Error Control
Posts: 722
posted November 04, 2010 05:16 PM
WTB: Stock Undertail
Looking For A Cheap Stock Undertail for the ZX14. Any One Got One Laying Around They Would Like To Get Rid Of?
I DO NOT want the stock rear fender, i am just looking for the undertail piece that goes from tail light to in front of the rear wheel.
Let Me Know....
There is a fine line between Fear and Respect
When I was a kid i used to........... Wait I Still Do That!
Posts: 1167
posted November 04, 2010 07:51 PM
I think i got 1. But shipping wouldnt be cheap. Makes for a wierd box.

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Friend of Fast
Posts: 3196
posted November 04, 2010 09:27 PM
Haha, I asked for the same thing once and someone STILL sent me the mudflap. Goodluck. If it were me I'd just savefor the tiger undertail. It's very nice and gives you another 1.5" of clearance.

Posts: 1494
posted November 04, 2010 09:39 PM
Patrick I have a brand new Bestem black fiberglass undertail which comes with plate bracket and led plate light. 60 bucks shipped if your interested and in the US.
2012 ZX14, Ceramic Coated Brock's CT Meg, PCV, throttlemeister

Zone Head
Trial And Error Control
Posts: 722
posted November 05, 2010 03:08 AM
PM's Sent....
There is a fine line between Fear and Respect
When I was a kid i used to........... Wait I Still Do That!

Zone Head
Trial And Error Control
Posts: 722
posted November 05, 2010 03:10 AM
quote: Haha, I asked for the same thing once and someone STILL sent me the mudflap. Goodluck.
Yea i still have 2 of the stock mudflaps laying in the corner of the garage, I really dont want to add another one to the
There is a fine line between Fear and Respect
When I was a kid i used to........... Wait I Still Do That!

Posts: 1494
posted November 05, 2010 09:11 AM
Patrick pics sent, let me know, Joe
2012 ZX14, Ceramic Coated Brock's CT Meg, PCV, throttlemeister
Expert Class
Posts: 119
posted November 05, 2010 11:14 AM
I know I have one and its in real good shape. P.M me if you are still looking.

Zone Head
Trial And Error Control
Posts: 722
posted November 08, 2010 07:11 PM
Purchased an undertail from a board member today.
Thank you to everyone who tried to help me out!!!
There is a fine line between Fear and Respect
When I was a kid i used to........... Wait I Still Do That!