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BIKELAND > FORUMS > CLASSIFIEDS > Thread: Zx14 engine cases and head, Hayabusa Engine cases 2008 hayabusa Shock NEW TOPIC POST REPLY

Zone Head
Posts: 969
posted May 07, 2009 01:37 PM        
Zx14 engine cases and head, Hayabusa Engine cases 2008 hayabusa Shock

set of empty cases, lower and top case. top case one cylinder wall was scuffed and its basically going to be needed to be re bore and plated. i was going to use this for a 2mm motor but going a different route. has oil pump and balancers and crankcase vent cover. no other covers.

asking 550 for both.

2007 cylinder head, piston said hello the valves and there was contact. one cylinder needs valves and guides. no cam's but i have the valve cover on there.


will make a package deal for any body that is interested.

Also have a set of Hayabusa engine cases that are clean and undamaged. If interested i'll post more that that. And a Single sided 240 kit for a Busa also.

2008 Hayabusa shock, no spring. $45.00 has 1200 miles on it.

zx14, little longer, little louder, little lower.
08 Busa, just a little longer and louder and lower than the 14

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Posts: 1022
posted May 07, 2009 05:57 PM        
send pic of the head to ni2k6klub@hotmail.com
06 alien head, no flies, PC+hub, 16/45 44 43, air shifter, dry shot

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BIKELAND > FORUMS > CLASSIFIEDS > Thread: Zx14 engine cases and head, Hayabusa Engine cases 2008 hayabusa Shock NEW TOPIC POST REPLY

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