Parking Attendant
Posts: 3
posted February 01, 2014 07:04 PM
Zx14 newbie after cbr1000rr
I am totally in love with my 07 zx14 and screw my old 1000rr 08 cbr but here comes the question when buying a totally new bike i never tested a kawsaki non of my froends have a kawsaki its a whole new thing to me o am so sorry ill bother you with my silly question but please help and remember you where a newbie someday hellp the poor guy ahahaha my first question 1) i want to put xenon HID KIT can i put any kind of hid cheap kit or it will fry my stator ?? 2) i dont have money to buy steering damper and i am a reckless driver i flatout my bike weekly will i need a steering damper the cbr had an excellent one !! 3) i am totally in love woth my new bike but my friends tells me that ill regret buying a zx14 after 08 1000rr is it true?? Any pros and cons pf 2007 model in th zx14 thanks in advance
live to ride but ride to live.

Novice Class
Posts: 49
posted February 01, 2014 10:28 PM
Firstly, welcome! Secondly, is English your 2nd language? That was a tough read. A little punctuation goes a long way IMO.
Never felt the need for a steering damper on the 14, but it can't hurt. Get the Xenon kit from www.ddmtuning.com it is excellent. You will need H11 bulbs, I got the 6000k 55W kit, huge improvement over stock. As far as the 14 vs. 1000rr, they were built for slightly different missions. If your mission is stomping most anything in a straight line while also being able to holding your own in the turns (if you can ride), and you value comfort with speed, look no further than the ZX14.
Parking Attendant
Posts: 3
posted February 02, 2014 07:51 AM
Yea i am egyptian sorry for the tough time i gave you readin my questions thank you very much for you quick reply... Its helpfull
live to ride but ride to live.

Expert Class
Posts: 224
posted February 02, 2014 09:33 AM
Edited By: speedyme on 2 Feb 2014 17:35
hello and welcome to the forum. I too always rode Hondas and my last bike before my 14 was a 06 1000rr and though I did love that bike after I bought the zx14 I never even missed it !! and im now on my second 14 its a 2012 and I would never think of going to any other bike, nothing even compares, and for the damper I ride pretty crazy, wheelies all the time low speed and high and never felt like I need a damper, on my 600rr that thing would tank slap you off the bike! the 1000 did have a great damper built in as for the lights im still stock I just don't hardly ride at night,
Parking Attendant
Posts: 3
posted February 02, 2014 09:48 AM
Thanks speedy thats great to hear that i wont regret leaving hondas here in egypt honda is the dominant bike they treat me like if im inasne selling honda for a zx14
live to ride but ride to live.

Novice Class
Posts: 49
posted February 02, 2014 10:26 AM
quote: Thanks speedy thats great to hear that i wont regret leaving hondas here in egypt honda is the dominant bike they treat me like if im inasne selling honda for a zx14
I guess you guys haven't done any riding on a nice deserted straight away if they still think that!

Posts: 1230
posted February 10, 2014 06:18 AM
Welcome, do a search for DDM tuning. They make inexpensive HID kits that are good quality. As far as a damper goes, it's all personal preference and also depends on your riding style. In my humble opinion it's cheap insurance for "shit happens moments". The 14 is ultra stable and very fast, does the bike "need" a damper, no.... But every one of my bikes has one. I had one bad tank slapped years ago and that was all that it took to sell me on them.
Will you miss your CBR? Probably not because the 14 does everything very well. Handling might be a bit slower on the 14 compared to your CBR but it makes up for it in brute straight line power. Good luck.
BTW, google translate works well... As someone mentioned before, punctuation goes a long way.
2012 Black 14R -> Completely done!