
Novice Class
Posts: 55
posted April 22, 2013 07:19 PM
zx14 SEAT
so i dont want the catylist drag seat and im not real keen on the adams step seat for $135 and my stock seat. anyone mod their own seat to sit lower? im thinking about un wrapping mine and trying to cut the foam myself. has anyone done this before? any ideas?? i only drag race and i like sitting as low as possible.

Needs a life
Posts: 6046
posted April 22, 2013 08:02 PM
One of the first two options were better than the third.
That's just my $.02
Best: 60ft 1.351 1/8 5.68 mph 123.98 1/4
8.89 mph 151.32
Expert Class
Posts: 496
posted April 23, 2013 01:33 AM
Have done it myself, then found someone local to do it for around $30. Money well spent.

Needs a job
Posts: 2125
posted April 23, 2013 01:43 AM
I've got a Catalyst seat that's like new and a spare stock 14 seat for sale if you want either of those.
If you're only drag racing it, the Catalyst is about as low as you can go.
The Adams seats are nice, both of my sons use them.

Novice Class
Posts: 55
posted April 23, 2013 04:11 AM
I know they sound better lol. But the only reason i dont want the catalyst seat is because i want to keep the rear cowl on the bike as well. I love the catalyst seat i had on my zx10. I think ill try to do it.myself. ive found seats for.$40 of ebay if i mess up that bad.

Expert Class
Posts: 181
posted April 23, 2013 02:18 PM
Use an electric turkey carver.
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Zone Head
Posts: 757
posted April 23, 2013 03:16 PM
Edited By: cliffrandall on 23 Apr 2013 23:17
Here's what you need, very simple mod to the stock seat and it works perfectly.

Novice Class
Posts: 55
posted April 23, 2013 03:20 PM
Cliff that's exactly what im trying to do! How Much lower do you sit?
Zone Head
Posts: 757
posted April 23, 2013 05:13 PM
The way the 14 seat is built we decided to keep the cushion and not 'thin it out' - there isn't a lot of meat in there. Instead we removed all the rubber support grommets from underneath the seat section and dropped the seat about 1/2". The fit (seat to bodywork) is better.

Expert Class
Posts: 373
posted April 23, 2013 07:54 PM
I had a local upholstery shop cut mine. Works great for me.
Parking Attendant
Performance Cycle 2 Racing
Posts: 19
posted April 23, 2013 08:22 PM
[URL=http://s247.photobucket.com/user/JLAudio11/media/IMG_20130407_154917-1_zps02b02859.jpg.html] [/URL]
Bought mine done in the 3rd fashion you described. Not the prettiest but it works pretty well so far.
'06 10
Parking Attendant
Posts: 1
posted August 20, 2015 08:26 AM
quote: I've got a Catalyst seat that's like new and a spare stock 14 seat for sale if you want either of those.
If you're only drag racing it, the Catalyst is about as low as you can go.
The Adams seats are nice, both of my sons use them.
do you still have the catalyst drag seat for sale??