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BIKELAND > FORUMS > ZX-14.com > Thread: 2013 Kawasaki ZX14 HT 'hyper touring' NEW TOPIC NEW POLL POST REPLY

Zone Head
Posts: 757
posted August 22, 2012 11:14 AM        Edited By: cliffrandall on 22 Aug 2012 19:15

Hi guys........We determined that the Kawi Concours bags simply will not fit on the R with our incredibly sexy Muzzy Ti 4 into 1 into 2 Carbon Fiber exhaust in place (key feature on the bike). That said we've brought ITL Canada on board as a sponsor with their fabulous line up of Kappa, Italian made luggage which will fit! Very nice stuff and made by the same folks who build the Givi equipment.......Check them out at http://www.kappamoto.com/ We'll set-up the bike with hard bags, a soft tail seat bag and a Kappa tank bag - then get this - when the project is done next Spring, we'll roll it into the photo studio, then we're planning to take the bike to Mirabel Airport in Montreal (courtesy of ITL in Quebec) and run this baby at 200mph (on the gun) with full luggage! Next I'm off in July of 2013 for the maiden voyage of the Muzzy Kawasaki ZX14HT from Toronto to Banff Alberta with a buddy of mine (shouldn't take more then 5 hrs both ways) who did it with me 40 yrs ago, when I was on a brand new 1973 Yamaha RD 350 - with friggin clip-ons and rear-sets! Oh to be young again, unreal......Pic of the Yami attached as she sat all Winter under my bunk bed where I stored and worked on it.

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Novice Class
Posts: 61
posted August 22, 2012 12:00 PM        
Bummer on the Connie bags.
I'll take a look at the Kappa option.

I rode my H2 with clip-on's,rearsets and Bassinni chambers back in the day from Norfolk,Va. to home in Tennessee when I mustered out from the USN,thought I was going to die before I got home.
I was prolly a sight to see,big seabag stuffed full strapped onto the triple,drafting trucks and vibrating like a quartz timepiece.

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Novice Class
Posts: 61
posted August 22, 2012 12:10 PM        
Seems like some fabbing to come with the Kappa cases,why not use the Givi 35's and be done with it?
Mounts are readily available for the ZX-14 and will fit the 14R. They're not the sleekest appearing deal but work.
Just trying to get some idea's from you as I desire the hard bag option myself.
Can't wait on the results from your work!

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Zone Head
Posts: 757
posted August 22, 2012 12:31 PM        
Eric, the owner of ITL in Montreal has the Kappa bags on his ZX14R, he loves them - so we know they'll work. Apparently the mounts and everything are identical to the Givi stuff - they're made at the same factory in Italy.......Now for a funny note from my buddy, a big BMW touring guy. He says to me, and I quote, "I cannot imagine the shock of you all of a sudden showing up on my wing-tip, out on the lonely Prairies highway, in the middle of nowhere, on that beast - then, after a friendly nod, your gone - WTF was that!!"
Can you imagine? Priceless.

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Zone Head
Posts: 757
posted August 22, 2012 12:51 PM        Edited By: cliffrandall on 22 Aug 2012 23:17
Kappa bags on ITL's catalogue webpage. http://www.itlcanada.com/itl/catalogBrowser/catalogBrowser.jsp?year=2012&catalogTypeName=moto&quality=25&currentPage=1&languageCode=en Thesae guys also make some very cool rear seat bags (with back rest) and tank bags.....I'll be using the full Kappa line on the 'rocket mule'.

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Novice Class
Posts: 61
posted August 22, 2012 01:18 PM        
Eric, the owner of ITL in Montreal has the Kappa bags on his ZX14R, he loves them - so we know they'll work. Apparently the mounts and everything are identical to the Givi stuff - they're made at the same factory in Italy.......Now for a funny note from my buddy, a big BMW touring guy. He says to me, and I quote, "I cannot imagine the shock of you all of a sudden showing up on my wing-tip, out on the lonely Prairies highway, in the middle of nowhere, on that beast - then, after a friendly nod, your gone - WTF was that!!"
Can you imagine? Priceless.

Then,in my experience,you pass them again and again after fuel stops...
Passed the same guy in a beater Chevy P/U 2 times crossing the Mojave.
It was Hot,screwed it on to get across that hell hole.
Cruising at a buck30 plays hell on gas mileage.

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Zone Head
Posts: 757
posted August 22, 2012 01:37 PM        
Enter Dynojet's Power Commander 'dynamic on-board fuel management system' - Switch from the power overlay fuel map to the mileage map all via a button on the dash.....Incredible advances since the 1270.......Now all I need is a set of Ape Hangers and some Highway pegs!

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Novice Class
Posts: 61
posted August 22, 2012 01:57 PM        
Ha! I'd like to see that style at 130.

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Parking Attendant
Posts: 16
posted August 23, 2012 10:49 AM        
Eric, the owner of ITL in Montreal has the Kappa bags on his ZX14R, he loves them - so we know they'll work. Apparently the mounts and everything are identical to the Givi stuff - they're made at the same factory in Italy.......Now for a funny note from my buddy, a big BMW touring guy. He says to me, and I quote, "I cannot imagine the shock of you all of a sudden showing up on my wing-tip, out on the lonely Prairies highway, in the middle of nowhere, on that beast - then, after a friendly nod, your gone - WTF was that!!"
Can you imagine? Priceless.

Givi V35 are suposed (i think) to be 35 liters and kappa K33 ar 33 liters? I think thats the difrence, the mounts are the same.
I whould recomend to use the SW-Motech rack to mount the cases on. They can stand german autobahn speed and comes off in seconds to give the bike the cleen looks when you dont cary lugged.

I came home last week from a 17days touring from Norway to Croatia and back with my 06 ZX14 fitt with Givi V35 mounted on SW-Motech rack,quick lock tankbag from Bags-Connection and a water proof bag on the sadle. No bar raiser,peg lowers and stock screen. Worked close to perfect on autobahn and the italian,austrian and slovanian alps

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Zone Head
Posts: 757
posted August 23, 2012 11:36 AM        
Thanks for the info ZZ, great to hear your trip went well.

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Ninja Rider

Novice Class
Posts: 100
posted August 23, 2012 12:22 PM        
Givi V35 are suposed (i think) to be 35 liters and kappa K33 ar 33 liters? I think thats the difrence, the mounts are the same.
I whould recomend to use the SW-Motech rack to mount the cases on. They can stand german autobahn speed and comes off in seconds to give the bike the cleen looks when you dont cary lugged.


I use the same setup, tested it on the autobahn at speeds up to 150 mph (gps), worked perfect. They are heavy rain-proof too.

Don't lie, cheat or steal, the government doesn't want any competition

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Zone Head
Posts: 757
posted August 23, 2012 03:28 PM        
Don't you just love these crazy, friggin overpowered bikes - it keeps ya young!!
All the best,

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Parking Attendant
Posts: 16
posted August 24, 2012 07:51 AM        
The more i drive it,the more it feels underpowerd :P

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Superman T

Posts: 1831
posted August 24, 2012 09:11 AM        
2013 Kawasaki ZX14 HT 'hyper touring' <--interesting project bike

To make a decent sport-tour bike the 1st and foremost is it needs better distance between stops. At 29 MPG it just won't sport-tour out in the middle of mountains and deserts and such where we ride great distances with no gas around. I guess you could build a trailer for it to haul fuel. Needs clip-ons raised. Needs foot pegs lowered. Needs hard saddlebags and a rack from the subframe.

Can't think of anything it would need from Muzzy, but i reckon' bling is good or maybe it might get better distance between stops if a Muzzy design can increase fuel mileage to allow a moderate 200 or so miles between gas stops

+1 You are spot on Steve! If you are using this bike as a true touring bike, gas is something you must consider traveling through some of these back roads and highways. When I traveled with my girl from Vegas through the Grand Canyon, there were a few exits that had 200+ miles in between gas stationed. I even mentioned to my girl that this would suck if we were on the ZX14, we wouldn't make it! In addition, the reference of pegs and handle bar raisers will help in riding position.

Bently got to have a hybred version of the ZX14, there is NO way you are going to get 40+MPG on a ZX14.

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Zone Head
Posts: 757
posted August 24, 2012 10:07 AM        
Thanks Sup........Quick question - how far can you go on the highway, at 70mph, with a 2012 ZX14R?

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Zone Head
Posts: 757
posted August 24, 2012 12:04 PM        Edited By: cliffrandall on 24 Aug 2012 21:28
BTW forgot to mention - add a few miles per gallon, we'll run a Vortex black aluminum '38 tooth' rear once I get the bike figured out. Should help correct the speedo!

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Novice Class
Posts: 61
posted August 24, 2012 05:59 PM        
I have a 2500 mile trip coming up the 12th of Sept.,I'll let you know some stock geared slab mileage for the 14R but I won't be running 70,unless it's a posted 55. ;-)

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Needs a life
2012 14r In Blue and no Mods!
Posts: 5428
posted August 24, 2012 06:44 PM        
2013 Kawasaki ZX14 HT 'hyper touring' <--interesting project bike

To make a decent sport-tour bike the 1st and foremost is it needs better distance between stops. At 29 MPG it just won't sport-tour out in the middle of mountains and deserts and such where we ride great distances with no gas around. I guess you could build a trailer for it to haul fuel. Needs clip-ons raised. Needs foot pegs lowered. Needs hard saddlebags and a rack from the subframe.

Can't think of anything it would need from Muzzy, but i reckon' bling is good or maybe it might get better distance between stops if a Muzzy design can increase fuel mileage to allow a moderate 200 or so miles between gas stops

+1 You are spot on Steve! If you are using this bike as a true touring bike, gas is something you must consider traveling through some of these back roads and highways. When I traveled with my girl from Vegas through the Grand Canyon, there were a few exits that had 200+ miles in between gas stationed. I even mentioned to my girl that this would suck if we were on the ZX14, we wouldn't make it! In addition, the reference of pegs and handle bar raisers will help in riding position.

Bently got to have a hybred version of the ZX14, there is NO way you are going to get 40+MPG on a ZX14.
Yup your right I re checked my math and I'm getting 4.1 mpg only getting about 18 miles before my low fuel light comes on. but on a side note I have 188 miles on this tank and still going.

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Zone Head
Posts: 757
posted August 25, 2012 05:41 AM        
Thanks Benley, if you can run 200 mi + or - on a tank of fuel with a 2012 ZX14, that's good enough for the 'Trans-Canada' HWY and my butt!
P.S. - Brought Helibars on board yesterday with their 1" risers for the 14. They look well machined and finished from the pic, I'l know better next week when they arrive.

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Novice Class
Posts: 61
posted August 25, 2012 05:05 PM        
Saddled the 14R with my ZZR12 S/T gear today for a test fit,slid right on,had to adjust the tank bag stay strap a couple of inches and that was it.
Ready to roll in 18 days.

Miles of smiles ahead!

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Zone Head
Posts: 757
posted August 25, 2012 05:25 PM        
I love it, excellent job - bike looks fab..........I'd be interested to know more about your seat cushion - it looks very comfy. Watch the pipe doesn't burn the bags - I did that with a Kawi 1000R back in '86, the soft bag was literally on fire as I ripped down the HWY!

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Novice Class
Posts: 61
posted August 25, 2012 05:58 PM        
The cushion is an "ÄirHawk"
It's wheelchair bound folks technology,you ride on pockets of air,the trick is to keep it to where you're just suspended off the seat,about a half inch,it'll feel mushy,like jelly under you when you have it just right.
It's adjustable via a valve on the bladder,puff it up a tad in colder weather/higher altitude,let some out going the other way.
Buy the higher priced one for durability,they have a plastic version for a lower price point,non-repairable.
If you by the rubber unit,you just patch it like an inner tube. I've had this one 5 yrs. and zero issues.
BEST damn thing I've ever bought for comfort on a bike,PERIOD. You'll want the "cruiser"size to fit a sport bike seat.
I wish I got a commission for everyone that's been bought after people test rode mine.
I've done back to back 1,000 mile days with the thing. Rode from Sacramento,Kali to my home in Nocona,Tx. in 2 days,Google that. Ya,I was tired but would have never a done it without the 'hawk for the ass,an that was on my C-14,fly and ride when I bought it
It'll save a bunch of misery headed to the mountains and you get there ready to party instead of being sore assed and pooped.
When you get to the twisty bits,leave it in the room and shred.
I've bought every damn seat and paid for every seat mod out there for yrs. till I found this thing.
Slap it on your stock seat and ride. It'll end your seat comfort quest and let you move on to other stuff.

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Zone Head
Posts: 757
posted August 25, 2012 06:14 PM        Edited By: cliffrandall on 26 Aug 2012 02:22
Thanks brother, sold!.......I'll call them Monday.

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Novice Class
Posts: 61
posted August 25, 2012 06:24 PM        

If you dig you can find them a good bit cheaper than at the corporate site.

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Zone Head
Posts: 757
posted August 26, 2012 09:51 AM        
Gentlemen........Has anyone tried a 38 tooth rear on their 2012 ZX14?

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BIKELAND > FORUMS > ZX-14.com > Thread: 2013 Kawasaki ZX14 HT \'hyper touring\' NEW TOPIC NEW POLL POST REPLY

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