Parking Attendant
Posts: 16
posted December 18, 2012 05:28 PM
Not really Cliff - I am a professor of chemistry at Simon Fraser and there is a bit of science to it. I don't want to get to technical on this board, sincerely Robert A Britton.
Zone Head
Posts: 757
posted December 18, 2012 05:36 PM
It's all good brother.
Posts: 8671
posted December 19, 2012 04:02 AM
Edited By: entropy on 19 Dec 2012 12:04
quote: Don't take my previous comment as criticism, I have some experience riding big sports bikes at speed with panniers and they are inherently unstable, speed wobble can occur at anything much over 140 and I was voicing my concern. As a design exercise what you're showing us Cliff is great.
listen to him.
In Oct, a guy on a Vrod died from injuries sustained at the Texas Mile.
Crashed in a speed wobble before 1/2 mile marker.
On a related note, i am very sure the mounting of that huge bottle wouldn't pass tech at any of the sanctioned LSR events i've ridden at in USA.
Cliff's "enthusiasm" is very interesting in a clinical kind of way.
I bet he'd be fun to have beers with.
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Zone Head
Posts: 757
posted December 19, 2012 04:50 AM
Edited By: cliffrandall on 19 Dec 2012 14:03
Sadly accidents come with that territory, I've had my share.Rule # 1 - If you're uncomfortable shut it down. I'd like to know where that wobble occurred - decel possibly? The bottle is only 4.5lbs, (norm is about 2.5lbs) it looks bigger in the pic.........Before we get into a 'tech' discussion, this is not a built to spec 'race bike', it's a 60 yr old performance freak's (with too much time on his hands) passion gone wild - the bike is totally dysfunctional, completely socially irresponsible, incredibly beautiful and should be great fun to ride!
Zone Head
Posts: 757
posted December 19, 2012 05:18 AM
Oh yah, I almost forgot.......'Bike night' poser factor - off the friggin scale baby!
Parking Attendant
Posts: 16
posted December 19, 2012 05:49 AM
Are you upgarding the throttle bodies? - made a huge difference on my 14
Zone Head
Posts: 757
posted December 19, 2012 06:02 AM
Thanks Beav.........What do you mean up-grading the TB's? What yr 14 do you have?
Needs a life
2012 14r In Blue and no Mods!
Posts: 5428
posted December 19, 2012 06:54 AM
Cliff, come on man your suppose to be cutting edge doing things no one else has and you don't know about having the throttle bodies bored out for a few extra hp. And it's for all years.
Zone Head
Posts: 757
posted December 19, 2012 08:00 AM
Bently, for a guy who doesn't know his back-side from a hole in the wall, relax kid.........Actually a fellow I know here in Toronto does most of the TB work for guys like Rickey G. etc. I'd be interested in knowing where the gains are (I had it done on my big bore n2o drag sled cause it's basically always WFO),.........I'll be seeing Harry at the Show in January, I'll ask him and report back on my thoughts relative to street use.
Needs a life
2012 14r In Blue and no Mods!
Posts: 5428
posted December 19, 2012 08:31 AM
I'm not going to get into who knows more. But don't assume your talking to someone who don't know much that shot can bite you. Cheers, have too run my car through the brushless car wash. Sexy stuff for sure.
Parking Attendant
Posts: 16
posted December 19, 2012 10:09 AM
Re:What yr 14 do you have?
2012 Orange,Powercommander, Hindle, 47 mm tb(by NorthernKaw), 2 Nitrous systems - dry 40- 50 hp (Hello) and wet 100 (Goodbye),6 over s/a (and a pair depends I soil when saying goodbye to Hyabusas)
Posts: 8671
posted December 19, 2012 10:57 AM
Edited By: entropy on 19 Dec 2012 18:58
In my experience OS TB's by themselves never make a huge increase.
On a stock motor you are likely to lose hp, especially mid range
With a seriously built motor, big cams and head specifically ported for high rpm, the OS TB's can extend/increase rpm/hp.
I got about 4-5% incr from 11-11.5 on my 1635 Busa, about the same % on my 1427 Zx12 @11.5-12.5.
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Zone Head
Posts: 757
posted December 19, 2012 01:18 PM
Edited By: cliffrandall on 19 Dec 2012 23:34
quote: Re:What yr 14 do you have?
2012 Orange,Powercommander, Hindle, 47 mm tb(by NorthernKaw), 2 Nitrous systems - dry 40- 50 hp (Hello) and wet 100 (Goodbye),6 over s/a (and a pair depends I soil when saying goodbye to Hyabusas)
That's wild Beav!........I'd like to punch mine up to 100hp next Summer, a 50 shot on this motor seems pretty lame. However, I'm worried about the stock valve springs, I'm thinking repalce them first and add some C14 and go to Mirabel!! What are your thoughts?
Parking Attendant
Posts: 16
posted December 19, 2012 04:04 PM
I did the Carpenter head change which had the springs etc and turbo type cams to work with the juice, however with stock cams you could shim the stock springs for more seat pressure (stock springs will not need constant changing like really stiff one's will) and still have big hit of nitrous - just short shift, no need to rev with juice as it is a torque creator (and hang on!) I think you can do the high mile run - just take of those bags - they will definetly screw up your chances to survive. Kawi did a lot of wind tunnel testing - those bags through that out the window. C14 is a must with big juice.
Parking Attendant
Posts: 16
posted December 19, 2012 04:20 PM
Throttle body mod by Manovitch will definetly give you more hp - Rickey did some dyno runs on stock ZX14 (pipe and map only) and it showed big results
Parking Attendant
Posts: 16
posted December 19, 2012 04:58 PM
BTW - I will be in Southern Ontario visiting family over the holiday - I will try and get out to the bike show and see your beast, Rob.
Zone Head
Posts: 757
posted December 19, 2012 06:26 PM
Edited By: cliffrandall on 20 Dec 2012 02:35
Great info Rob, thank you. We'll try the bags and have some fun........I'd enjoy meeting you at the Show.

Expert Class
Posts: 455
posted December 19, 2012 11:13 PM
quote: Re:What yr 14 do you have?
2012 Orange,Powercommander, Hindle, 47 mm tb(by NorthernKaw), 2 Nitrous systems - dry 40- 50 hp (Hello) and wet 100 (Goodbye),6 over s/a (and a pair depends I soil when saying goodbye to Hyabusas)
Well, Cliff walked right into that one, didn't he?
As other posters have said and feel; It's all been done...
Personally, i can't wait to see the finished product. I like the Black and Gold look and from the photo's it is looking nice.
If Cliff is in his 60's and he's got the cash, connections to make his dream bike happen, then good for him...
He just seems to be rubbing it in our faces that's all...
Zone Head
Posts: 757
posted December 20, 2012 04:52 AM
Edited By: cliffrandall on 20 Dec 2012 13:56
That seems like an odd perspective Obba, enthusiasm misunderstood I guess, however it is what it is. Always said, humans are better in person, much gets lost in translation over this darn internet. Best to meet where you realize we all share the same passion, just at different budget or (sponsorship) levels.....Come see me at the show if you get chance, I'll buy you a beer.
All the best for the Holidays,

Expert Class
Gettin Better
Posts: 235
posted December 20, 2012 06:47 AM
I don't understand why so many are hating on this guy for what his is doing and saying about his build. Seems to me he's just exited about it and wanting to share it with all of us just like anyone else would be. I for one am interested in what the final result will look like and run like....keep up the good work Cliff!!!
2011 ZX14
Best 1/8 mile to date:
5.90 @ 121
1.46 60ft
Parking Attendant
Posts: 16
posted December 20, 2012 09:46 AM
Hey Cliff - since you are adamant about your bags, you can always respond "I was in Bagdad while you were still in your Dad's bag! Your new paint work looks awesome - do you have a side view with the grills installed?
Zone Head
Posts: 757
posted December 20, 2012 09:48 AM
Edited By: cliffrandall on 20 Dec 2012 17:50
Steady lads........It's X-Mas, let's put the BS behind us and have a toast to an interesting 'bike related' project that for whatever reason you either like or you don't - nothing personal, it's just some guy's creative interpretation, that the best of the best in the industry seemed to like........Thanks for the note Vailes, greatly appreciated.
Zone Head
Posts: 757
posted December 20, 2012 12:55 PM
Edited By: cliffrandall on 20 Dec 2012 23:13
Haven't built the bike yet!! Still awaiting arrival of the second piece of my Muzzy header from KTM in Italy!! They jumped in to mill up Ti EGT mounts (originals were SS) and weld then to the Ti header - crazy amount of money and time into this global project, but the attention to detail - it has to be seen to be believed.
Expert Class
Posts: 227
posted December 20, 2012 03:21 PM
Well, Cliff walked right into that one, didn't he?
As other posters have said and feel; It's all been done...
Personally, i can't wait to see the finished product. I like the Black and Gold look and from the photo's it is looking nice.
If Cliff is in his 60's and he's got the cash, connections to make his dream bike happen, then good for him...
He just seems to be rubbing it in our faces that's all...
No its the constant self bloating and talking down to others on this forum like we are a bunch of children. All I see is a bunch of bolt on parts and paint not some new engineering that Kawasaki left out. You want to impress me modify the frame, major changes to body work, improve the basic design. Its been done cliff, its called the concours, if I wanted a hyper tourer that is the bike I would be modifying.
Zone Head
Posts: 757
posted December 20, 2012 04:10 PM
Toughen up kid, or we'll wash you out.