posted March 19, 2012 07:43 AM
Edited By: Shane661 on 19 Mar 2012 19:04
- Brock's 14R Clutch Mod Install, With Detailed Pics - My 14R is currently sitting on the lift, waiting for me to get time to do a few more mods. In the meantime, I recently installed Brock's clutch mod kit. I took some detailed pics along the way.
Here is the basic kit:
It includes 6 springs, 6 retainers, 6 shims, and a bushing to replace the slipper mechanism.
Here you can see that the 14R clutch setup is very different from the Gen 1 14 arrangement:
Once you remove the springs and pressure plate, you will notice that the pressure plate has oblong holes in it, to allow for the slipper operation:
Next, use a stout impact wrench to remove the hub nut:
Once the nut is removed, you can then take out the springs that comprise the slipper mechanism:
These are arranged in a specific order. You might want to zip-tie them together in order, in case you plan to reinstall the stock setup later. I like to live dangerously, so I intentionally mixed them up! (j/k)
This bushing replaces the springs, and is installed lip-side inward, facing the hub.:
Now you can reinstall the hub nut.
Here you can see how the stock spring on the right compares to the Brock's setup on the left:
Each spring/spacer assembly adds 20 psi of seat pressure. Stock is 45 psi, and the Brock's parts combine to 65 psi of pressure. The shim is what adds the seat pressure, as the springs themselves are still 45 psi...but not affected by coil bind, as the stockers would be.
Complete setup installed:
Clutch lever feel is much, much better now. This setup has already been proven at the dragstrip by a few riders....I believe that Wheelie is running this kit, and Smokin has a slightly different setup, using the deluxe kit. Soon, I should get my turn at the track too.
posted March 19, 2012 07:54 AM
Shane, before installing Brocks clutch mod I was thinking this thing is going to feel like a Barnett drag clutch, it's either in or out, I did as Brock instructed me to do, I was wrong, Brock has this clutch dialed in perfect, very easy to control when launching at 7500 rpm,
posted March 19, 2012 08:03 AM
You did place the bushing with the "lip" side in right? That's the same kit I have, but I'm only using three spacer for now.
2012 SE-ZX14R [CT Meg-PC5 with street map-Evil swingarm 64" wheelbase-JRI shock], 2009 GSXR 1000, 2008 B-King, 2007 SE-ZX14 "Brocked out" - 1999 Hayabusa "stage 1" Turbo
posted March 19, 2012 08:09 AM
Edited By: Shane661 on 19 Mar 2012 16:10
quote:btw, yes that's the exact same setup I have in mine..
I'm definitely anxious to try it out. Right now I am still trying to decide on a wheelbase. Since it is my streetbike also, and also sometimes LSR, I am not sure I want to go really long with it. I might even give a try at swb, just to see what it is like...I am sure that will have me swapping swingarms in no time.
posted March 19, 2012 08:18 AM
Brock also had a video up, on the install, but I can't seem to find it now and the link doesn't work. Maybe he is revising it or something, but it was pretty straightforward.
posted March 19, 2012 06:18 PM
Edited By: DART505 on 20 Mar 2012 02:27
What is supposed to be the advantage over the stocker other than less chance of slippage?
Oh and what is the slippers function or supposed to do?
Ct,Lowered,40t rear 2012 Mean Green
posted March 20, 2012 02:06 PM
Edited By: Shane661 on 20 Mar 2012 22:07
quote:What is supposed to be the advantage over the stocker other than less chance of slippage?
Oh and what is the slippers function or supposed to do?
Other advantages are better lever feel, more consistent engagment, and better ET's.
I am no slipper clutch expert, but afaik it's function is to smooth downshifts, and reduce the chances of locking up the rear wheel while doing so. Someone here can probably explain it better.