Zone Head
Posts: 681
posted February 16, 2012 03:35 PM
Edited By: RICH CRAFT 1 on 16 Feb 2012 23:36
ZX14 cam swap
one of the improvements on the new 14 is a bigger exhaust cam, from the numbers that I heard, It's about the same size as the intake cam. That's one of the tricks we use to do on the ZX 12, put a intake cam on the exhaust side. the problem with that on the GN one 14 is the cam pick up sensor is in the middle of the cam, a small stud that sticks out and trips the cam sensor every time It rotates. the intake cam does not have this stud on it. so you can't interchange the cans. so I went up to the Kawasaki house yesterday to see if I could find something out about the new 14 exhaust cam. Well, wouldn't you know it, the new 14 don't use a cam pickup, at least in the spot it used to be. The place in the head was still there, but no pickup. which means all Kawi had to do is installed to intake cams? well it appears that's all they had to do, since the numbers I heard were the same for intake and exhaust cams. Being the financially challenged person that I am LOL, I thought about welding a stud on some of the intake cams that I have laying around, but if it come off that would not be good. or maybe I should just quit being cheap and have a bigger exhaust cam made.
Red 06 ZX14 RR
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Posts: 8321
posted February 16, 2012 03:39 PM
YOU DON'T WELD A STUD.. what you do is drill a hole and use a roll pin

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high on speed
Posts: 7235
posted February 16, 2012 04:11 PM
Edited By: KZScott on 17 Feb 2012 00:15
why cant you weld on the cam? Ive had something similar done

IN cam Im currently using in my 12 on the EX side
01 ZX-12R 8.84 @ 156.3 no bars, DOT tires. Pump Gas, NA.... turbo 8.47 @ 164.
00 ZX-12R 8.62 @ 165.2 no bars, slicks, Pump Gas, 55 shot.... turbo 8.32 @173
00 ZX-12R Fastest NA Kawasaki in the world 1: 222.046 1.5: 226.390 Loring AFB
00 ZX-12R street turbo 1: 227.9 1.5: 234.1 Loring AFB
00 ZX-12R LSR turbo 1: 263.1 1.5: 266.5 Loring AFB Worlds fastest ZX-12R
CMG Racing RCC Turbos

Zone Head
Posts: 747
posted February 16, 2012 04:21 PM
So using the int cam on the exhaust side on a 12 has to be modified as well is what ur saying?
07 ZX14 bmc filter, muzzy m14, 16/44,66",auto shift, 6'3, 204lbs/1.54/3.99/6.03@120/7.8/9.32@147

Zone Head
Posts: 681
posted February 16, 2012 04:32 PM
I think it could be done, the problem is the cam is Hollow all the way through the sinner of the cam to allow oil to flow through it, I believe the original pick up is about a quarter inch round, so as the mass is big enough to trip The sensor, if you put a roll pan in that big? I'm not sure there would be enough meat to hold it in place. If you welded something in that spot. You would have to be careful not to weaken the cam, because on the other side of the center. It still has to turn 4 Val Springs, a Cam breaking in the center could be catastrophic to your motor.
Red 06 ZX14 RR

Zone Head
Posts: 681
posted February 16, 2012 04:42 PM
Edited By: RICH CRAFT 1 on 17 Feb 2012 00:44
quote: So using the int cam on the exhaust side on a 12 has to be modified as well is what ur saying?
The cam pic up on the12 is on the end of the camshaft as you can see in the picture. There is a bolt in the end of it that holds that pick up on. It just has to be moved to a different spot. It's been a while since I mess with the 12, but I think there was a notch involved in it. The well just make sure it doesn't move.
Red 06 ZX14 RR

Expert Class
Posts: 226
posted February 16, 2012 05:13 PM
14R cam specs
In...33.4mm valves
In ....366 lift...opens 34*...close 72*...= 286*...109 Lobe Center
Ex...28.3mm valves
Ex...366 lift...opens 66*...close 36*...= 282*....105 Lobe center
"I have never met a man so Ignorant that I coun't Learn from him"..."Galileo"

Zone Head
Posts: 681
posted February 16, 2012 05:49 PM
kswa74, thanks for those specifications. I can see that the cam lift is the same, but the intake has 4° more duration, those Lobe Center are very interesting. where did you get the information? Kawi usually only wants to tell you how to take the oil cap off. LOL
Red 06 ZX14 RR

Expert Class
Posts: 226
posted February 16, 2012 07:04 PM
2012 14R engine specs, APE Jay, 5 pags back
"I have never met a man so Ignorant that I coun't Learn from him"..."Galileo"

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Posts: 3762
posted February 17, 2012 03:53 AM
Edited By: Y2KZX12R on 17 Feb 2012 11:54
Yep they did away with the cam sensors on both the zx10 in 2011 and the zx14 in 2012.
Now they have an extra map sensor and its plumbed to only the #1 (or #4 cyl i forget now) where as the regular map sensor is plumbed to all 4 cylinders to average out the vacuum signal and soften the pulsations the sensor See's.
They did leave the cast bosses in both of these heads which leads me to believe that it was an idea they had late in the development process and also that a map sensor and the machining of the head operations for the cam sensor must have been more expensive than a map sensor.
This is good news thou for cam swapping. no more need for a shaft coller on the cam for a trigger.

Zone Head
Posts: 681
posted February 17, 2012 10:04 AM
thanks for that information Jim, I was just wondering if you might have seen a new 14 exhaust cam. just curious if they done away with stud for the pickup on the new cam.
Red 06 ZX14 RR

Needs a job
Posts: 3762
posted February 17, 2012 02:22 PM
Havent seen a cam yet... i just have a brand new bare head here from Rickey.