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BIKELAND > FORUMS > ZX-14.com > Thread: Stuck throttle!!!!! NEW TOPIC NEW POLL POST REPLY

Expert Class
Posts: 348
posted February 13, 2012 07:53 PM        
Stuck throttle!!!!!

So I just got the bike back together after 4-5mths being down. On the 20 mile test drive, I slow for a railroad. Accelerate with a quick roll of the throttle before I brake for the red light about 50yards ahead. That's when it happened......I lift yet the bike keeps accelerating!!! I first though I had kept a little grip on throttle, so I loosen grip with no success. Grab clutch, dip to shoulder, hit kill switch, narrowly avoiding a truck.

Ok, start bike and it development to 3grand. If I force throttle back it goes to normal idle. Creep home for further inspection. Found cables are not binding at all. Bike idled normal after cool down but started raising idle as it got hotter. Can snap gas but same thing.

Decided to sleep on it but do you guys have any ideas? Wierd!!!

Bike has pc111, yosh full exhaust, and sprockets with ground down nut. Pc well grounded

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Needs a life
Posts: 8321
posted February 13, 2012 07:57 PM        Edited By: 1badzx12r on 14 Feb 2012 04:00
i say your throttle shaft cam is rubbing the wire harness buy the throttle adjustment screw.. seen this before .. its in the area of where that brace with 2 bolts goes and has the gray wiring harness attached on it .... on the clutch lever side of bike.. it comes close to the throttle bodies

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Expert Class
Posts: 348
posted February 13, 2012 08:36 PM        
Will check that but pretty sure I have it routed outside of that bar. I had on inside but I thought of that happening so I moved it. Could something cause the computer to raise idle to 3 k some how. Wondering if reprogramming pc3 may help. I had play in throttle tube before twisting action would turn butterflies. Also while it was idling high, turning idle screw did nothing.

Lastly, I had to hold gas and hit start a couple times before it kicked over and stayed running. Had to do it like 10-15 times. It would start/ kill

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Needs a life
Posts: 8321
posted February 13, 2012 09:35 PM        
If I force throttle back it goes to normal idle.

this is why i don't think it the ECU or PC..

just check carefully all the wires around where the throttle cables attach to the throttle bodies .. also you can check to make sure nobody messed with the cold start fast idle adjustment ..

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Parking Attendant
Posts: 21
posted February 13, 2012 10:52 PM        
I would still check ground on PC, reset it and inspect the throttle housing. I had something similar (minus the stock throttle) happen first I installed the PC. Good luck
06 ZX 14

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Parking Attendant
Unemployed Stud
Posts: 1
posted February 14, 2012 01:29 AM        
Hello.. My Sticky Throttle was a modification I did to my Grip.. ( Put a foam one over the stock rubber one.. ) and that made the Grip too long and had the Throttle rubbing against the Bar Weight causing slight sticking.. May not be your issue but thought I would put it out there... Good Luck!
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Posts: 1125
posted February 14, 2012 02:28 AM        
How about removing and lubing cables?
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Zone Head
Posts: 969
posted February 14, 2012 04:17 AM        
check to see if the harness on the clutch lever side of the plastics is causing interference with the throttle bodys
zx14, little longer, little louder, little lower.
08 Busa, just a little longer and louder and lower than the 14

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Expert Class
Posts: 348
posted February 18, 2012 11:25 AM        
Update: it did involve the pc3. Got back from work yesterday and took the grill off for a peek. Found the ground wire for of snagged on the throttle and holding it open. Easy fix, just reoriented the wire. I have it bolted to the silver harness bracket that bolts to the left side frame brace.

Had to laugh at that one but glad God was with me. Still a close call. Thanks for things to look at guys.

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