Parking Attendant
Posts: 6
posted February 06, 2012 01:00 AM
crankshaft replacement
I need to replace the crankshaft in my 2007 ZX14 - does any one know if a used part is viable? and if so where to look for one? Thanks.
Needs a job
Posts: 3310
posted February 06, 2012 04:15 AM
yes, and in the classified here.
also check the aucton site.

Posts: 1230
posted February 06, 2012 05:25 AM
Since your going to do the crank have you thought about a stroked crankshaft? With a strokes crankshaft, +2mm pistons, head porting and cams you will have a serious beast.... If your going to do it, might want to "build" the bottom end first, then do the heads & cams later so it's not such a big hit on the wallet... Just a thought.
2012 Black 14R -> Completely done!
Posts: 1078
posted February 06, 2012 06:30 AM
quote: I need to replace the crankshaft in my 2007 ZX14 - does any one know if a used part is viable? and if so where to look for one? Thanks.
you should try to figure out why you had the problem. If not you may be replacing parts just to see the same problem again:-(
Parking Attendant
Posts: 6
posted February 06, 2012 11:24 PM
Thanks guys.
For me the beast is serious enough already!!
As to what the cause was - good point - might have been the oil pump which will be replaced just in case. It happened when I got a bit excited taking off from the lights trying to drag someone - bounced off the rev limiter in 1st....
Parking Attendant
Posts: 6
posted February 06, 2012 11:30 PM
Excuse my ignorance - but where do I find the classifieds and the auction? Thanks.

Expert Class
Posts: 337
posted February 06, 2012 11:35 PM
You spin #3 rod bearing? I spun #3 on my 07 about 3 yrs back.. swapped in an 09 low mile donor motor which has been great.. knock on wood! Anyway.. I sent the 07 crank to A.P.E. to have it fixed. You ought to see what they can do with your current crank.. all is not lost.
Needs a life
Posts: 8321
posted February 07, 2012 08:18 AM
quote: You spin #3 rod bearing? I spun #3 on my 07 about 3 yrs back.. swapped in an 09 low mile donor motor which has been great.. knock on wood! Anyway.. I sent the 07 crank to A.P.E. to have it fixed. You ought to see what they can do with your current crank.. all is not lost.
this the route i would go .. i've purchased 2 used cranks that both were said good but were out of spec.. i don't buy used cranks no more
Parking Attendant
Posts: 6
posted February 07, 2012 04:37 PM
I took the crank to a local guy that fixes em - and he said some people would repair it, but it would be dodgy. I found a second hand one in Victoria Australia (I'm in Perth Australia) crank and rods for $950, but there is the risk of out of spec, though I could probably return it and get a refund. You wouldn't believe how much parts cost here - just the crank alone costs nearly $1800 and it would be around $2500 by the time you include conrod, bearings etc. I found a site there in US that can supply everything for $1100 including freight to here. All I need now is the $1100! Must check my lottery ticket!!
It was number 4 bearing - hammered into a wafer thin state extruding metal from the edges!
kaw now
Expert Class
Posts: 446
posted February 07, 2012 05:51 PM
If all that metal went through the engine then it might be a candidate for a complete engine tear down. Did you look at the oil filter and the oil pump could have traces or damage. All the oil passages might have to be flushed if the filter bypassed.
Parking Attendant
Posts: 6
posted February 08, 2012 12:26 AM
Thanks for the advice, much appreciated
Expert Class
Posts: 184
posted February 08, 2012 12:36 AM
Why not look for a complete used motor, it might be cheaper than to do all those repairs.