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BIKELAND > FORUMS > ZX-14.com > Thread: Stainless Steel Oil Filter NEW TOPIC NEW POLL POST REPLY
ZX14 Montana

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posted February 01, 2012 07:07 PM        
Stainless Steel Oil Filter

I always take very good care of my motorcycles...have always used the OEM oil filter for whatever bike I owned at the time. Sometimes factory stuff is great...thoughts about the stainless steel oil filter? Scotts Performance; for example... Thanks.

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posted February 01, 2012 07:18 PM        
I don't think they clean as fine of particles out of the oil, but I don't know how "fine" is ok...
Best: 60ft 1.351 1/8 5.68 mph 123.98 1/4
8.89 mph 151.32

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Posts: 1230
posted February 02, 2012 05:28 AM        
I have been running FLO on my 14's for the past 5 years without incident. The MFG points out that they filter down to 35 microns, flow 7 times the amount of stock filter, have a magnetic pre filter, billet aluminum case helps to cool the oil, and is predrilled for safety wire.
2012 Black 14R -> Completely done!

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posted February 02, 2012 05:30 AM        Edited By: bigdtd on 2 Feb 2012 13:33
I have heard oem is the way to go. I have the first year 2006 ZX-14 and it runs like brand new with no performance degradation in 51/2 years using oem filter and motul 300V.
2006 Black ZX-14,6 inches over,16/42, flies out,BMC Street Filter,Brock's Street Meg,Brock's Radial Mount Strap,PClll with Race map,Dynojet LCD w/Techmount, ZX-14 fender eliminator,Pilot Power2CTs,Speedohealer,Pazzo Levers,Cox Radiator Guard, Garmin Nuvi 265WT

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posted February 02, 2012 06:02 AM        
Seno, if it flows 7x the amour of oil as oem, doesn't that mean The filter is thinner, allowing more oil to go through?
Best: 60ft 1.351 1/8 5.68 mph 123.98 1/4
8.89 mph 151.32

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posted February 02, 2012 06:35 AM        
Not necissarily, it has more filter surface area which makes it flow better.

2012 Black 14R -> Completely done!

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posted February 02, 2012 07:05 AM        Edited By: Swiftkart on 2 Feb 2012 15:06
Not necissarily, it has more filter surface area which makes it flow better.

Had one of these and it failed, the glue they use to hold the mesh in place let go, wouldn't recommend these to anyone.
2006 ZX14, Brock CT-Meg, PC, ignition module, E85, 214 lbs suited, 8.96@152.32 1.46 60'

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posted February 02, 2012 11:04 AM        Edited By: WARBIRD on 2 Feb 2012 19:05
Purolator Pure One and Mobil 1 are among the best...........here is some good reading......



And here is a cross reference chart to keep handy..........



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posted February 02, 2012 11:13 AM        
Here is a quote pertaining to that same stainless filter from the top link in my post............those links are to some good reading...............

There's a new type of filter being marketed, the "laser cut stainless steel filter," which we're told is "good for the life of your vehicle."

These filters typically have 35-40 micron holes, which is really not acceptable. They typically have 30-40 square inches of filter material, which is really not acceptable. A paper based element is a 3 dimensional filter - when a particle gets stuck deep in the filter element, oil can still flow around it. The stainless steel elements are 2 dimensional - when a particle gets caught, one of the holes is clogged up.

I don't see how you can assure that all the holes get cleared out when you clean these. Certainly simply soaking the filter in kerosene is not going to release particles that have been jammed into a hole at 60psi. Blowing the filter out with air sounds good, but a motorcycle filter is too small to let an air hose inside.

These stainless steel filters cost about $120, about 25 times what I pay for a Pure One. Since I use my filters for about 8,000 miles, that means I have to go 200,000 miles to break even. I've never put more than 60,000 miles on a vehicle.

I don't think this technology is ready to use yet. When the holes get down to 20 microns, and the surface area up to about 100-150 square inches, then I think I'll consider using one. Meanwhile, "good for the life of your vehicle" is not an impressive claim if the device shortens the life of your vehicle.

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Posts: 1230
posted February 02, 2012 01:26 PM        
Interesting read, thanks for the info!
2012 Black 14R -> Completely done!

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conn-e-rot ninja

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Posts: 92
posted February 02, 2012 01:42 PM        
I was running the purolator pure one until I found a a note on purolators web site advising not to use the pure one filters on motorcycle now I run NAPA gold filter
2007 zx14

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posted February 02, 2012 02:13 PM        
Interesting read, thanks for the info!

You bet.......lot's of good info in there...........
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posted February 02, 2012 02:20 PM        
I was running the purolator pure one until I found a a note on purolators web site advising not to use the pure one filters on motorcycle now I run NAPA gold filter

A quote from the article in the 3rd link...........

"Purolator has recently posted this on their web page:

If you're thinking you want to install a PureONE oil filter on your bike, please think again. PureONE oil filters are designed for vehicles, not bikes. Because of PureONE's high efficiency, the motorcycle oil pump may not be able to handle the pressure. The Purolator motorcycle filter line is designed to meet the specific needs of a bike; therefore we highly recommend the use of a Purolator ML filter over a PureONE oil filter.

My response: 1) I had no idea motorcycles weren't vehicles. I do wish they would inform the DMV, who keeps assessing me a motor vehicle tax and requiring me to get motor vehicle insurance. 2) The Purolator ML line of filters is made in China, imported, and rebranded to Purolator. That's your big clue about how much they love you and how carefully they engineer filters for your bike."

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posted February 02, 2012 02:26 PM        

STP, Emgo 55662, Emgo 55660, Suzuki, Fram Oil Filters.

K&N, Hi-Flo, Parts Unlimited, Napa Gold, AMSOil Oil Filters

Pure One, Bosch, SuperTech Oil Filters

You can see how much more filter media there is in the Pure One filter...........sure would think it would be easier on the oil pump...........

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posted February 02, 2012 03:47 PM        
Bigger doesn't mean better in this case. Look how big the fram filter is, and we all know it's junk
Best: 60ft 1.351 1/8 5.68 mph 123.98 1/4
8.89 mph 151.32

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posted February 02, 2012 04:03 PM        
every NAPA gold filter i've used had a black housing .. the cheaper 1's have white housings and a #2 at the start of the part number.. so something is fishy

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posted February 02, 2012 04:26 PM        
Bigger doesn't mean better in this case. Look how big the fram filter is, and we all know it's junk

The amount of filtering media is only part of the reason the Pure One is the obvious choice..........the articles are very informitive............
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posted February 02, 2012 06:26 PM        
I know quote a few guys here use Mobil 1 filters, it would be nice to see that in the comparison.
Best: 60ft 1.351 1/8 5.68 mph 123.98 1/4
8.89 mph 151.32

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posted February 02, 2012 11:07 PM        Edited By: WARBIRD on 3 Feb 2012 07:17
Looks like the Mobil One is right at the top of the heap!!!!...............

Here is a paragragh from the study..........

I recommend a Mobil-1 M1-110 or Purolator Pure One PL14610 if they fit your bike - check here. These filters stand out from all the alternatives as having superior filtering, excellent construction, and they're widely available at a reasonable price. I use the Pure One - it's half the price, and somewhat better due to having almost double the filter surface area. The AMSOil has superior filtering, but I cannot recommend it due to the exceptionally small amount of filter surface area."

I'd Rather Be Roadracing.

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