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Posts: 106
posted December 14, 2011 06:07 AM
for all the new 14r owners
ok i have an o9 14 se lowered stretched strapped pc5 auto tune flys out brocks ct heli bars buell pegs cycle logic lock up dyno tune nos etc etc . here is my question is it worth my bike and say 6 grand for the new bike? is there really that much diff in the two bikes?

Needs a life
Posts: 10197
posted December 14, 2011 08:17 AM
Put the 09 back to stock .. Use all your goodies but the PC and lockup on your new bike .. Then 6k would be a good deal .. you would be getting about 8500 out of your old bike and keep the goodies you allready paid for .. sell the P/C but keep the auto tune , sell the lock up .. Use that money to get a 2012 P/C5 and hook up your auto tune ... Sell the lockup and get one that fits the new 14r ... problem fixed ..
Smokin Performance Cycles..
Tampa Bay , FL .. Brocks Performance Dealer ..
Gen 2 ZX14R Best ET 8.43 , Best MPH 164.95
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Posts: 106
posted December 15, 2011 02:06 AM
Edited By: rocket2117 on 15 Dec 2011 10:16
well was quoted 13100 and 500 off that if trade in december so thats 12600 and was guessin they would offer me 6500 or so is where i came up with the roughly 6k

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If it ain't fast it aint me
Posts: 270
posted December 16, 2011 07:31 AM
Think about it this way would you spend 6500 for 30hp if so then go for it.
Man the GenIII 14 envy has started. Also you have a nice setup bike with I assume more than a 30 shot of nos so yes you will go slower with the new bike . Also you have to add back in the cost of the "lowered stretched strapped pc5 auto tune flys out brocks ct heli bars buell pegs cycle logic lock up dyno tune nos etc etc" so to me no way is it worth it. But if your envy is high then nothing will stop you anyway. I would say if you just buying a new bike then get the latest if you have one already setup then don't bother.
Needs a life
Posts: 8321
posted December 16, 2011 08:22 AM
quote: Think about it this way would you spend 6500 for 30hp if so then go for it.
so to me no way is it worth it.
hahaha you know sound like a smart guy
Expert Class
Posts: 402
posted December 16, 2011 08:46 AM
so for about 6500 out of pocket you would have a 2012 with auto tune all of your other goodies including a 30 shot of nos.. .. do it.

Posts: 1230
posted December 16, 2011 11:42 AM
That's what it costed me out of pocket not including the extras I had to have. Figured into that $6,500 figure was also a 4 year extended warranty, which is peace of mind in my opinion. For that reason not to mention all of the new bells and whistles, it was a no brainer. My dealer is awesome, they stand behind everything they do..... Not everyone has the same opinion on money getting spent, but the one thing I know is - I can always make more.
2012 Black 14R -> Completely done!

Vmax and Busa Beater
Posts: 1140
posted December 16, 2011 12:01 PM
If I were you I would have done it already fugg it!!
Shorty's Performance
Team Madness Racing

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If it ain't fast it aint me
Posts: 270
posted December 16, 2011 12:21 PM
Edited By: Master on 16 Dec 2011 20:28
quote: That's what it costed me out of pocket not including the extras I had to have. Figured into that $6,500 figure was also a 4 year extended warranty, which is peace of mind in my opinion. For that reason not to mention all of the new bells and whistles, it was a no brainer. My dealer is awesome, they stand behind everything they do..... Not everyone has the same opinion on money getting spent, but the one thing I know is - I can always make more.
Like they say there is one born ever second.
the man asked if the new bike was worth 6 grand to upgrade.
Now mr. please tell me can he get more out the bike he has for 6 grand or should he get only 30 hp more with the upgrade. I'm sure the bike with nos is faster then the bike he will be buying.
Not everyone has the same opinion on buying new bikes. but one thing I know is I can always make a last Gen bike go faster for less money than buying a new one.
Needs a life
Posts: 8321
posted December 16, 2011 12:42 PM
300rwhp turbo bikes are selling for 6500.00 these days

Needs a job
Posts: 3762
posted December 16, 2011 01:41 PM
quote: Put the 09 back to stock .. Use all your goodies but the PC and lockup on your new bike .. Then 6k would be a good deal .. you would be getting about 8500 out of your old bike and keep the goodies you allready paid for .. sell the P/C but keep the auto tune , sell the lock up .. Use that money to get a 2012 P/C5 and hook up your auto tune ... Sell the lockup and get one that fits the new 14r ... problem fixed ..[/quote
I think Lee has the best solution if you really want a Gen 2 2012 zx14.

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Rider for Life
Posts: 274
posted December 16, 2011 03:47 PM
.quote: Not everyone has the same opinion on buying new bikes. but one thing I know is I can always make a last Gen bike go faster for less money than buying a new one
quote: 300rwhp turbo bikes are selling for 6500.00 these days
So, if the turbo bikes are so great, why are they so easy to find so cheap?
The question really comes down to, "Do you want a faster bike cheaper, or the latest and greatest?"
I bought my 2010 ZX14 one year ago and I wish I would have waited one year, but I will NOT trade it in.But that is just personal preference (and economics) I will probably buy a new bike in a few more years (and turn this one into a super sport touring bike (heli risers, C-14 seat, saddle bags, etc.)
2010 Candy Persimmon Red ZX-14
Brock's Ceramic coated Alien Head full exhaust
PCV, SpeedoHealer, lowered
"Never ride faster than your guardian angel can fly"

Expert Class
Posts: 265
posted December 16, 2011 04:04 PM
It's more then horsepower.Stiffer suspension,better cooling,traction control and more torque down low where I do my riding.Not everyone is a dragracer only.
2009 Monster ZX-14
Brocks Alienhead,PCV, flys out,LSL Riser kit,-1 front sprocket,43 Vortex rear sprocket,K&N Air Filter, Zero Gravity tall smoked screen,block off plates,175HP 104 torque
Needs a life
2012 14r In Blue and no Mods!
Posts: 5428
posted December 16, 2011 04:10 PM
Not sure your location but your used 09 won't get 8500.00 here back to stock. Monster edition close to me with 1500 miles on it for 7500.00 obo. I couldn' t get an offer on mine for 10,500 with BST's and thousands in other parts and it's a 2010.
Needs a life
Posts: 8321
posted December 16, 2011 04:19 PM
300rwhp turbo bikes are selling for 6500.00 these days
So, if the turbo bikes are so great, why are they so easy to find so cheap?
cause people are stupid.. they rather spend $10,000.00 to install a turbo on their current bike than to buy a turbo bike thats all upgraded and has all the bugs worked out .. then after they blow a motor because they had no clue on how to operate a turbo bike .. it was then the turbo's fault.. so then all turbo bikes are bad .. so then lets sell everything for pennies on the dollar... in most cases .. THEN sometimes they just scare the shitt out of themselves and have to sell it ..

Expert Class
Posts: 265
posted December 16, 2011 04:26 PM
I'm keeping my Monster with 5700 miles for a few more years.Too fast and new to sell it now.Everytime I look at it I realize how beautiful it is.Just my opinion but mines the only one that counts.
2009 Monster ZX-14
Brocks Alienhead,PCV, flys out,LSL Riser kit,-1 front sprocket,43 Vortex rear sprocket,K&N Air Filter, Zero Gravity tall smoked screen,block off plates,175HP 104 torque
Expert Class
Posts: 106
posted December 16, 2011 05:38 PM
quote: Not sure your location but your used 09 won't get 8500.00 here back to stock. Monster edition close to me with 1500 miles on it for 7500.00 obo. I couldn' t get an offer on mine for 10,500 with BST's and thousands in other parts and it's a 2010.
i know i wont get 8500 for my bike my dealer sez he will sell me a 2012 for 13100.00 and if i buy in december and trade in a bike take 500 off that so thats 12600.00 i said roughly 6k out of pocket so that puts it at 6600.00 for my bike thats what i was guessin

Expert Class
Posts: 274
posted December 16, 2011 07:15 PM
I'll keep my 07 and throw a 4 mil crank in it and smoke all the new 14's bwahahahaha
1352cc 8.39@159mph on motor cant wait to spray this bitch
Expert Class
Posts: 106
posted December 17, 2011 02:18 PM
think im just gona hold up for now my wife gave me my 14 for my bday she is kinda pissed i was thinking of trading it well it is paid for

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If it ain't fast it aint me
Posts: 270
posted December 19, 2011 07:49 AM
Edited By: Master on 19 Dec 2011 15:50
wow what a dunce. You want to give away a birthday gift like that. Thats probably the most expensive gift she ever gave you and it also the gift she was most proud to have given you.
What a tool.