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BIKELAND > FORUMS > ZX-14.com > Thread: Drag racing 101 NEW TOPIC NEW POLL POST REPLY

Zone Head
2007 ZX1400
Posts: 563
posted October 10, 2010 06:57 AM        
I have ran 16/44 all year and with only a 10.00 as my best, after reading this post I went to my 16/41 and tryed to follow some of the tips and ran a 9.98. Our drag race season is short here so I hardly get enough seat time but when I get it now I will be able to make it count more. Thanks smokinZX14 for the great tips it will for shur make me a better at the track.


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Parking Attendant
Posts: 12
posted October 10, 2010 04:39 PM        
Great write up!! Thanks for posting....
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Needs a life
Posts: 10197
posted October 10, 2010 04:55 PM        
I have ran 16/44 all year and with only a 10.00 as my best, after reading this post I went to my 16/41 and tryed to follow some of the tips and ran a 9.98. Our drag race season is short here so I hardly get enough seat time but when I get it now I will be able to make it count more. Thanks smokinZX14 for the great tips it will for shur make me a better at the track.

Very good .. Keep working on it and the times will fall ..
Smokin Performance Cycles..
Tampa Bay , FL .. Brocks Performance Dealer ..
Gen 2 ZX14R Best ET 8.43 , Best MPH 164.95

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Expert Class
Posts: 271
posted October 15, 2010 10:11 AM        
Hello Smoking, Thanks very much for the articles and advice. I am taking the ZX14 and my RD350 to the track tonigh. I will try the tips you mention and let you know how it works out.

Thanks again,

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Novice Class
Posts: 84
posted October 24, 2010 06:16 AM        
With the snap and slide how much throttle do you give when you "snap" the clutch suggesting I leave the line at 4500 with a stock wheelbase and gearing?

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Needs a life
Posts: 10197
posted October 24, 2010 06:10 PM        
With the snap and slide how much throttle do you give when you "snap" the clutch suggesting I leave the line at 4500 with a stock wheelbase and gearing?

This your first time to the track ?
Smokin Performance Cycles..
Tampa Bay , FL .. Brocks Performance Dealer ..
Gen 2 ZX14R Best ET 8.43 , Best MPH 164.95

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Novice Class
Posts: 84
posted October 24, 2010 06:22 PM        
Yes it is. I was just asking because in the videos it looks like they are pinning the throttle when they leave the line.
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Needs a life
Posts: 10197
posted October 24, 2010 06:31 PM        
Yes it is. I was just asking because in the videos it looks like they are pinning the throttle when they leave the line.
For your first time to the track just take off like you would from a stop sign with your buddies .. Nothing fancy, no hero shit ... With each new run you will learn a litte something about yourself and the bike ..You can't learn this shit from reading about it , you have to get out there and spent loads of time to learn the skills ..I can give pointers but i can't ride the bike for you ..You have to get your feet wet and take baby steps ..There is no getting around this .. Take your time and take it easy and most of all have fun ..

4500 RPMs are a bit much for stock wheel base .. Try 3500 and for now just ease the clutch out , roll throttle on slowly .. After you get the first run under your belt ( to get rid of the first run jitters ) you can pick up the pace a bit .. Same 3500 staging RPMs but feed the throttle a bit faster ..You will have to make a fews trips to the track before you start to get the hang of it .. Don't rush it !!! It will come slowly but it will come .. Once you get a full understanding of your motorcyle then you will understand the snap and slide and be able to us it ...Now go have fun ..
Smokin Performance Cycles..
Tampa Bay , FL .. Brocks Performance Dealer ..
Gen 2 ZX14R Best ET 8.43 , Best MPH 164.95

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Wheelie High

Novice Class
Posts: 87
posted October 26, 2010 04:38 PM        
You know what?? You're a very patient and concerned person to even post all of that! I had been drag racing on back roads for years! I didn't even REALLY begin to love it until I went to the drag strip and started running and learning the art of it all back in 1999! I was hooked at that moment for life to drag racing and racing only at the strips. I'd study my time slips, wear ear plugs and started competeing against the best guys out there on a stock 600 scrad and a ZX11 I had at the time. My scrad was just as quick as my ZX11in the 1/8th. Anyway, I have people ask me all the time about how do I do this or that and I couldn't explain it to save my life! All I could say was just practice and take your time and somehow you just become a part of the bike and not just a rider!
Straight line or bend it... I'm there!!

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Wheelie High

Novice Class
Posts: 87
posted October 26, 2010 04:57 PM        
I have ran 16/44 all year and with only a 10.00 as my best, after reading this post I went to my 16/41 and tryed to follow some of the tips and ran a 9.98. Our drag race season is short here so I hardly get enough seat time but when I get it now I will be able to make it count more. Thanks smokinZX14 for the great tips it will for shur make me a better at the track.

16/44.... Had it geared for the moon huh. What was the difference in your 1/8th mile times between the gear (sprocket) change. Some tracks time you from beginning to end and have it all broken down on the slips.
Straight line or bend it... I'm there!!

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Needs a life
Posts: 6046
posted October 27, 2010 01:25 AM        
I have ran 16/44 all year and with only a 10.00 as my best, after reading this post I went to my 16/41 and tryed to follow some of the tips and ran a 9.98. Our drag race season is short here so I hardly get enough seat time but when I get it now I will be able to make it count more. Thanks smokinZX14 for the great tips it will for shur make me a better at the track.

16/44.... Had it geared for the moon huh. What was the difference in your 1/8th mile times between the gear (sprocket) change. Some tracks time you from beginning to end and have it all broken down on the slips.

some of us guys run 16/48. That's geared to the moon and back!
Best: 60ft 1.351 1/8 5.68 mph 123.98 1/4
8.89 mph 151.32

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Wheelie High

Novice Class
Posts: 87
posted October 27, 2010 08:04 AM        
I have ran 16/44 all year and with only a 10.00 as my best, after reading this post I went to my 16/41 and tryed to follow some of the tips and ran a 9.98. Our drag race season is short here so I hardly get enough seat time but when I get it now I will be able to make it count more. Thanks smokinZX14 for the great tips it will for shur make me a better at the track.

16/44.... Had it geared for the moon huh. What was the difference in your 1/8th mile times between the gear (sprocket) change. Some tracks time you from beginning to end and have it all broken down on the slips.

some of us guys run 16/48. That's geared to the moon and back!
. Hey that's a pretty good time you have there! I had a GSXR1K that ran almost the exact times.. What are you running that's making those times. I got low 1.50's 60ft and low 5.70's to high 5.60's on that thing with the same clutches and stock internals as when I bought it new. It ran 6.50's slammed at stock wheel base. I tuned it to perfection with only a PC III, full Micron exh, BMC filter and an ignition advancer as add ons. It had an air horn that used a braided line and people would argue that it was a nitrous line even after I'd blow the damn horn on it!
Straight line or bend it... I'm there!!

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Wheelie High

Novice Class
Posts: 87
posted October 27, 2010 03:56 PM        
When I got out of street racing on what they call popcorn roads down south... I never knew that $1 would take me so far with honing my skills on the drag strip! I was given a set of ear plugs from an older guy and he told me to leave them in and do not take them out. I was surprised at how well I could hear with them in as the night came in. I could hear and talk with people after the race and not hear anything other than my bike and me talking to myself during the race..lol.. Helped me to really pick a focal point down the strip and through the last set of beams. I think it smoothed me out also because I'd get a lot of wheelies on the tops side of 1st and thru 2nd until I could only hear my engine and began to ride that fine line by listening to it. I'll never forget when I first put the plugs in my ears and the lights came down to the last yellow I'd always say "GO" and let the clutch go and realized I wasn't moving... Looked down and my tach was up near 12k rpm! LMAO... I couldn't hear shit for a while until I got used to them. Ear plugs will always be somewhere near from then until now.
Straight line or bend it... I'm there!!

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Zone Head
2007 ZX1400
Posts: 563
posted October 27, 2010 04:39 PM        Edited By: Newf14 on 28 Oct 2010 00:44
I have ran 16/44 all year and with only a 10.00 as my best, after reading this post I went to my 16/41 and tryed to follow some of the tips and ran a 9.98. Our drag race season is short here so I hardly get enough seat time but when I get it now I will be able to make it count more. Thanks smokinZX14 for the great tips it will for shur make me a better at the track.

16/44.... Had it geared for the moon huh. What was the difference in your 1/8th mile times between the gear (sprocket) change. Some tracks time you from beginning to end and have it all broken down on the slips.

some of us guys run 16/48. That's geared to the moon and back!

These are my best times for different gearing.

ET 10.009
MPH 139.31
RT 0.545
60 1.702
330 4.319
660 6.500
1000 8.339

ET 9.984
MPH 139.23
RT 0.737
330 1.767
660 6.548
1000 8.401


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Parking Attendant
Posts: 2
posted November 06, 2010 04:56 AM        
Hi there smokin14 read all the info you posted it has helped me so much thanks heaps ,ive got a stock 09zx14 just yoshi pipes only no mapping did my first night at the drags 4th run 60ft 1.888 330 4.7 1/4 10.587 and i missed 3rd change have moved the gear lever now down a bit got it strapped and ready for my next night .i was happy with my 60ft for my first night ,,like you said seat time thanks for all the info
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Needs a life
Posts: 10197
posted November 06, 2010 06:42 AM        
Hi there smokin14 read all the info you posted it has helped me so much thanks heaps ,ive got a stock 09zx14 just yoshi pipes only no mapping did my first night at the drags 4th run 60ft 1.888 330 4.7 1/4 10.587 and i missed 3rd change have moved the gear lever now down a bit got it strapped and ready for my next night .i was happy with my 60ft for my first night ,,like you said seat time thanks for all the info
evanzx14 keep working at it , you numbers will drop lower and lower ..

Smokin Performance Cycles..
Tampa Bay , FL .. Brocks Performance Dealer ..
Gen 2 ZX14R Best ET 8.43 , Best MPH 164.95

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Parking Attendant
Posts: 2
posted December 26, 2010 04:22 PM        
had a few rus now down to 10.07 still at 1.8 60ft have lowered it strapped now getting a commander think im hooked cheers for all the tips smokn14

Hi there smokin14 read all the info you posted it has helped me so much thanks heaps ,ive got a stock 09zx14 just yoshi pipes only no mapping did my first night at the drags 4th run 60ft 1.888 330 4.7 1/4 10.587 and i missed 3rd change have moved the gear lever now down a bit got it strapped and ready for my next night .i was happy with my 60ft for my first night ,,like you said seat time thanks for all the info
evanzx14 keep working at it , you numbers will drop lower and lower ..

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Posts: 8671
posted December 27, 2010 12:44 AM        
this is an awesome thread, thanks to smokin' for all the advice.

I wish you'd take up LSR, i can use all the help i can get!
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Novice Class
Posts: 100
posted February 27, 2011 08:58 PM        
so does anyone use the 16/43 i weigh 165 and im used to the track im swb now but preparing tp stretch id like the brake light to center the rear tire but have no clue how many inches that is or if ill have to go farther .........smokin anyone everyone ur input please
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Needs a life
Posts: 10197
posted February 28, 2011 07:29 AM        Edited By: smokinZX14 on 28 Feb 2011 15:29
so does anyone use the 16/43 i weigh 165 and im used to the track im swb now but preparing tp stretch id like the brake light to center the rear tire but have no clue how many inches that is or if ill have to go farther .........smokin anyone everyone ur input please
Shoot for 68 to 69 inches long , that should give you what you are looking for .. A 16/43 is what i'm using right now and is working well .. Stock wheel base is 57 1/2 .. So you will need something like 10 to 12 over arm ..
Smokin Performance Cycles..
Tampa Bay , FL .. Brocks Performance Dealer ..
Gen 2 ZX14R Best ET 8.43 , Best MPH 164.95

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Novice Class
Posts: 100
posted February 28, 2011 10:45 AM        
any pics of your bike or videos and can i achieve that stretch on exstension blocks chrome by the way my swingarm is chrome wish i can find a one piece chrome arm 10 over
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Posts: 1181
posted February 28, 2011 11:15 AM        
You can't get that long on extensions. The longest extensions that I know of are All Things Chrome and they go 3-9". I have these on my bike and they are about an inch from the back.

It shouldn't be that hard to find a 10 over arm that is chrome. Lots of companies mod the stock swing arm or make aluminum and steel arms.

2008 ZX14
Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference. ~Mark Twain

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Zone Head
2007 ZX1400
Posts: 563
posted March 14, 2011 10:23 AM        
If the factory tach is reading high,11300rpm =10600rpm so if I set the factory shift light at 11000rpm that should be roughly 10300?Justbefore the limiter?
I was shifting all last year with the factory shift light set at 10600...runnin all tens last year for the most part.this might be the reason why.


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Zone Head
Posts: 567
posted April 03, 2011 06:48 PM        Edited By: IMFASTTOO on 4 Apr 2011 02:49
I have ran 16/44 all year and with only a 10.00 as my best, after reading this post I went to my 16/41 and tryed to follow some of the tips and ran a 9.98. Our drag race season is short here so I hardly get enough seat time but when I get it now I will be able to make it count more. Thanks smokinZX14 for the great tips it will for shur make me a better at the track.

16/44.... Had it geared for the moon huh. What was the difference in your 1/8th mile times between the gear (sprocket) change. Some tracks time you from beginning to end and have it all broken down on the slips.

some of us guys run 16/48. That's geared to the moon and back!

These are my best times for different gearing.

ET 10.009
MPH 139.31
RT 0.545
60 1.702
330 4.319
660 6.500
1000 8.339

ET 9.984
MPH 139.23
RT 0.737
330 1.767
660 6.548
1000 8.401

LOOKS like your doing OK your times are on par with the majority of ZX14s running at ATCO

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Zone Head
2007 ZX1400
Posts: 563
posted April 04, 2011 01:52 AM        
I have about 70 passes total on my ZX14 we have a very short season where I live, and not every time I get to go.Should be a little better times this year, I have added an air shifter,gearing,drag seat ect.... and shed a few pounds.


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