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BIKELAND > FORUMS > ZX-14.com > Thread: Pro Street zx14 sets record at Rockingham NEW TOPIC NEW POLL POST REPLY

Expert Class
Posts: 341
posted August 22, 2010 09:49 AM        
Pro Street zx14 sets record at Rockingham

Without question this class is ruled by turbo busas. Well the lone zx14 put the smack down on all the field with a 7.19 at 194mph. Coby Adams tuning and Teasley riding the "NOS" powered beast. I talked at some length to Ricky Gadson about there zx14 turbo entry and they have to come up with a new header design or waste gate configuration because the bike as it sits right now is not able to dump the excess boost off. Ricky said they actually pulled the waste gate completely off and still made 450hp at 19lbs of boost.{it should make no boost without a wastegate.} I predict once they fix that problem it will be a major contender for the title.

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Needs a job
Posts: 2243
posted August 22, 2010 10:04 AM        
Without question this class is ruled by turbo busas. Well the lone zx14 put the smack down on all the field with a 7.19 at 194mph. Coby Adams tuning and Teasley riding the "NOS" powered beast. I talked at some length to Ricky Gadson about there zx14 turbo entry and they have to come up with a new header design or waste gate configuration because the bike as it sits right now is not able to dump the excess boost off. Ricky said they actually pulled the waste gate completely off and still made 450hp at 19lbs of boost.{it should make no boost without a wastegate.} I predict once they fix that problem it will be a major contender for the title.

how would it make no boost with out a gate on it, it should just make as much boost as the turbo makes on that motor right???
PayPal, vigilart22@yahoo.com

Email, artvgl@yahoo.com

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Expert Class
Posts: 341
posted August 22, 2010 12:20 PM        
Without question this class is ruled by turbo busas. Well the lone zx14 put the smack down on all the field with a 7.19 at 194mph. Coby Adams tuning and Teasley riding the "NOS" powered beast. I talked at some length to Ricky Gadson about there zx14 turbo entry and they have to come up with a new header design or waste gate configuration because the bike as it sits right now is not able to dump the excess boost off. Ricky said they actually pulled the waste gate completely off and still made 450hp at 19lbs of boost.{it should make no boost without a wastegate.} I predict once they fix that problem it will be a major contender for the title.

how would it make no boost with out a gate on it, it should just make as much boost as the turbo makes on that motor right???
Because al or most of the exhaust would be dumped out the 1 inch pipe the wastegate is attached to. This is what should happen but obviously it's not.

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Needs a life
RED rider!
Posts: 13081
posted August 22, 2010 12:37 PM        
Awesome news!
'06 Passion Red ZX-14


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Zone Head
Kawasaki enthusiast
Posts: 506
posted August 22, 2010 01:20 PM        
Awesome news!
Is your avatar you and your too cheap to buy the photograph from your track day?
'09 zx6r lime green bone stock
'07 white S.E. ZX-14 sold

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Vmax and Busa Beater
Posts: 1140
posted August 22, 2010 07:31 PM        
Thats How Kawis Do It!!
Shorty's Performance
Team Madness Racing

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Expert Class
Posts: 184
posted August 22, 2010 10:10 PM        
What is the record in this class ?

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rich s

posted August 23, 2010 06:38 AM        
1bad could beat that on his busa for sure! Right 1bad??
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BIKELAND > FORUMS > ZX-14.com > Thread: Pro Street zx14 sets record at Rockingham NEW TOPIC NEW POLL POST REPLY

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