Zone Head
Trial And Error Control
Posts: 722
posted August 18, 2010 09:18 AM
Kawi Parts On Back Order...
well.... I took my 14 into the shop yesterday for a coolant leak. I thought it was coming from the water pump. Turns out it is the lower inside coolant hose that connects to the water pump.
AND....... They are apparently on back order from Kawasaki! GREAT!! Just what i didnt want to hear...
My Bike is under warranty still so that is a plus, but they said they cant do anything until they get the part from kawi. I am supposed to do a charity ride this weekend coming up (i already pre-registered and paid for a few months ago), I dont know i feel quite comfortable riding with a leaking coolant hose. I am afraid it would burst at the wrong time and really cause a mess.
What do you think?
Or does anyone have one of these hoses laying around that i could get for the time being to get me by?
I think i am screwed
There is a fine line between Fear and Respect
When I was a kid i used to........... Wait I Still Do That!
3000psi and falling
Zone Head
Posts: 848
posted August 18, 2010 10:05 AM
You are right on not wanting to ride with a leaking coolant hose, I would think you could take the hose to a auto shop and find a replacement, at least for now.
08 ZX14, 2010 Persimmon Red bodywork.
Flies pulled, 16-42, BMC street, 8" extensions, drag shock, cut pan, Cycle Concepts Drag Pack and springs, muzzy m14 w/ oval can, lowered, Shinco usoft rear, pcv with autotune, leightweight Shori 18ah battery, throttle meister. 500lbs at bandimeres scales with half tank of juice.

Zone Head
Trial And Error Control
Posts: 722
posted August 18, 2010 10:10 AM
i was thinking about doing just that, but with the hose being pre contoured to fit i'm not sure. Im afraid if i get one that almost fits it will end up hitting the headers or something else its not supposed to and i would be in the same boat.
There is a fine line between Fear and Respect
When I was a kid i used to........... Wait I Still Do That!

Bracket Racing with Betsy
Posts: 8038
posted August 18, 2010 01:37 PM
Im sure they wont give it back to you with a coolant leak...
Jason Miller StreetBike Seminars
*****DragRacers do it better, because they dont cut Corners*****
Parking Attendant
Posts: 14
posted August 18, 2010 02:35 PM
Edited By: bgordon on 18 Aug 2010 23:17
So it's the bottom hose on the left side, as you're sitting on the bike? The one with the metal wire thing wrapped around it that is about 1 3/8 inches in diameter?
I bought a radiator through eBay last year and got all the hoses, which I didn't need. I have one that I could send you if you like...
If you want it, please use the Contact Us form at and send me your name and address. Express mail OK? -bg

Zone Head
Trial And Error Control
Posts: 722
posted August 18, 2010 06:08 PM
Thank you Greatly bgordon!
The hose that i need is the inside hose coming from the t-stat to the water pump.
I spent about 2 hours up at the shop trying to figure something out. i finally ended up going to an auto parts warehouse. Luckily I found an employee who understood my frustration. (he is a fellow sport bike rider him self). I told him the application it was for and he took the hose and walked back into the warehouse and came back with a hose that was a 75% match. it was only missing one bend. Then he had the idea of using a "Unicoil" to go over the hose and contour it to the shape i needed. It wasn't a sharp bend just a gradual one. After everything was said and done i have a hose that is 98% correct as far as contours go. The hose was originally for a newer car, it is a heater hose so the hot temps will not be an issue.
Thankfully after i returned to the shop and gave them my findings they were able to do a test fit. And it works great! They said when ever Kawi gets their butts in gear and makes more hoses available they will get one in and replace my fabrication with a stock one so the warranty would not be in question from any other dealer in case something happens and i needed to use it else where. I should be going to pick up the bike in the morning..... Hopefully everything else works out and things go smooth...
Oh yeah and my local shop is going to pick up the bill for the parts i went and bought since Kawi cant seem to have enough parts available for the demand! Now thats Service i will return for!
There is a fine line between Fear and Respect
When I was a kid i used to........... Wait I Still Do That!
Parking Attendant
Posts: 14
posted August 18, 2010 07:09 PM
That's great. Glad you got her fixed. Have fun on your charity ride! -bg

Posts: 1736
posted August 19, 2010 12:02 AM
Glad you got it fixed.
For future reference these people do top quality hoses and might have a kit for the 14 by now.
Candy Thunder Blue 2006 ZZR1400
Stock wheelbase
Max: 205.4 mph in 1.25 miles
2012 ZZR1400 in Golden Blazed Green
Brock CT Full System. etc
Max: 203.1 in 1 mile (so far)

Zone Head
Trial And Error Control
Posts: 722
posted August 19, 2010 03:40 AM
Thanks BobC... I will give them a call and see if they have any kits for the 14... I might just change everything out and install a green kit if they make one. Nothing is listed on their site but who knows.... i might get lucky....
There is a fine line between Fear and Respect
When I was a kid i used to........... Wait I Still Do That!