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BIKELAND > FORUMS > ZX-14.com > Thread: Couch Rocket update NEW TOPIC NEW POLL POST REPLY
Quarter Pounder

with Cheese
Posts: 1069
posted August 02, 2010 05:55 PM        
Couch Rocket update

Got SW-Motec rear rack with soft luggage rack installed today. Sargent seat shows up tomorrow.

SWB 2008 ZX-14
9.19 @ 151
5.98 @ 123
1.53 60'

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Novice Class
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posted August 03, 2010 04:18 AM        
Looking good Jon. Can you post a pic with the luggage installed?

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Zone Head
Kawasaki enthusiast
Posts: 506
posted August 03, 2010 04:57 AM        
And pics of the yoshimura exhaust.
How's that tank bag? How much storage? Does it get in the way? Does it stay on good? What exact model?
'09 zx6r lime green bone stock
'07 white S.E. ZX-14 sold

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posted August 03, 2010 05:48 AM        
Hey Jon looks like you are about ready for some Hiway miles. Shane PM me I have a new cell# and I lost your #

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Quarter Pounder

with Cheese
Posts: 1069
posted August 03, 2010 06:14 AM        
Looking good Jon. Can you post a pic with the luggage installed?

I'll have to go get it out of storage. I have Helen2wheels.com bags and strapping system. I have an idea of how it's going to work, but until I get it out and packed to put it on...it's trial n error to get it right.
SWB 2008 ZX-14
9.19 @ 151
5.98 @ 123
1.53 60'

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Quarter Pounder

with Cheese
Posts: 1069
posted August 03, 2010 06:20 AM        
And pics of the yoshimura exhaust.
How's that tank bag? How much storage? Does it get in the way? Does it stay on good? What exact model?

Tha's a Tsukigi system on there. Here's a pic after I installed it and what it looked like when I got it. It cleaned up great.

The tank bag is a Rapid Transit Recon 19. It does not get in my way at all. It stays on no problem. The magnets are a perfect placement for the 14 tank. My only gripe with it is the map pocket is not that big. Not a deal breaker, but it would be nice if it had a larger one. I use my GPS for my map anyway. Has lots of pockets for stuff and even a place for a camelback bladder. It's a nice tank bag and very utilitarian.
SWB 2008 ZX-14
9.19 @ 151
5.98 @ 123
1.53 60'

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Posts: 27920
posted August 03, 2010 06:27 AM        
check into a cortech - map pocket in my cortech is the only reason I bought the bag. and on the Connie14 it serves as a spot locator and toll pass mount. Pics:

2010 Concours14
ZX14 gone!
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posted August 03, 2010 06:33 AM        
Cortech here too

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Posts: 27920
posted August 03, 2010 06:44 AM        
2010 Concours14
ZX14 gone!
CBR600RR track bike

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Quarter Pounder

with Cheese
Posts: 1069
posted August 03, 2010 07:47 AM        
check into a cortech - map pocket in my cortech is the only reason I bought the bag. and on the Connie14 it serves as a spot locator and toll pass mount. Pics:

I had a Tourmaster tank bag (3 in the past actually) that I loved. But it just didn't fit well on the tank. This one fits like it was made for the tank on a 14. Like I said, it's no deal breaker for me with the smaller map pocket (just fold up the maps is all). My GPS is my main map on the move anyway.
I don't stuff my tankbag anyway...just holds stuff that I use daily on my trips. It doesn't have to hold a ton of crap.
SWB 2008 ZX-14
9.19 @ 151
5.98 @ 123
1.53 60'

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Quarter Pounder

with Cheese
Posts: 1069
posted August 03, 2010 02:53 PM        Edited By: Quarter Pounder on 3 Aug 2010 22:54
Here's a side shot of the bag...

New Sargent Seat installed. I had them shave the small hump at the front down to make it level up to the tank. MUCH better for me and allows full seat usage.

LSL bar kit arrives Thursday!!!
SWB 2008 ZX-14
9.19 @ 151
5.98 @ 123
1.53 60'

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posted August 03, 2010 03:09 PM        
What brand windshield?? LSL installed on a 14 :-) Seat looks Great. How much??

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Quarter Pounder

with Cheese
Posts: 1069
posted August 03, 2010 03:56 PM        
MRA from OEM Kawi.

Seat was $450 with military discount. One other reason I went with a Sargent seat was the passenger section. It's much better than the connie as it sits more level and keeps her where she belongs on the seat.

I have a set of ZRX handlebars that I am going to use instead of what comes with it.
SWB 2008 ZX-14
9.19 @ 151
5.98 @ 123
1.53 60'

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Posts: 27920
posted August 03, 2010 05:16 PM        
2010 Concours14
ZX14 gone!
CBR600RR track bike

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posted August 03, 2010 06:22 PM        
MRA from OEM Kawi.

Seat was $450 with military discount. One other reason I went with a Sargent seat was the passenger section. It's much better than the connie as it sits more level and keeps her where she belongs on the seat.

I have a set of ZRX handlebars that I am going to use instead of what comes with it.

You may have to trim some off the ends and remove the pin on the clutch lever clamps.
Or drill another pin hole in the ZRX bars.
The stock throttle cables are almost at their limit with the standard "Super Bike" AN1
7/8 bar. LSL has a optional AN2 bar that is a little taller but it has to be trimmed so it
does not hit the tank . Full turn left and right gets close to the tank.

I Really like the that seat. The Connie 14 seat is a big improvement over stock but that one looks better. Email me after you have ridden it a few hundred miles.Have fun Jon.

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Quarter Pounder

with Cheese
Posts: 1069
posted August 06, 2010 05:47 AM        
Got the LSL kit in yesterday. Man, that is a seriously nice piece of machined metal. Too bad I scuffed it and repainted it black though. But that shiney silver stuff on the top yoke is no-no for glare and will not go well with a black/red bike.

I'll start installing tonight. Hope I don't have to wrestle with the ignition switch too much...
SWB 2008 ZX-14
9.19 @ 151
5.98 @ 123
1.53 60'

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posted August 06, 2010 06:07 AM        
As you can see I did not paint mine. It has been on for 2 years. Glare has not bothered me.
I do have a really dark shield on my helmet or when I know I will late getting home I have clear face shield and clip on sun galsses on my glasses :-) Mike painted his metallic black on his Red 2006. He installed mine and his several years ago. I held the cold Beer for him. :-) as he had done his and knew what to do. The CNC top tripple tree looked so cool machined I just could not cover it up. I use to be a Machinist /Tool&Die maker so I realized how long it would have taken to macine(manual) that billet part on a Bridgeport knee and colum milling machine. Hope I Never look at a lath or mill again. I paid Jim at Compition CNC to machine some material off a new ZX-12 CCT I am installing this week end. :-) Some Buell pegs if you don't have on now is help to, if you are tall like me.

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Quarter Pounder

with Cheese
Posts: 1069
posted August 06, 2010 12:45 PM        
I installed the Concours 14 lowering pegs from Murphskits.com. I have had the buell pegs before and they sucked for me. WAY too much pigeon toe action and they look cheap to me. These are a much better platform for touring IMO and no where near the pigeon toe action I had before. More comfortable too.
SWB 2008 ZX-14
9.19 @ 151
5.98 @ 123
1.53 60'

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posted August 06, 2010 03:02 PM        Edited By: LAB3 on 6 Aug 2010 23:05
I wear a size 12 boot so the Buell works great for me. I saw the wider pegs you have they
look like they would be better on a long trip. Your 14 is the first one I have seen with them on.
Corbin use to sell a different peg holder but they were expensive. How much are the
Concours 14 lowering pegs?

DSCF5073 ">

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Quarter Pounder

with Cheese
Posts: 1069
posted August 07, 2010 06:19 AM        
my buddy with big ol feet checked mine out and he ordered them that day. With big feet, you have much more room to move around on them and your feet actually feel secure.

You can get them for $92 to your door. More than the buells, but more functional and not some cast piece.
SWB 2008 ZX-14
9.19 @ 151
5.98 @ 123
1.53 60'

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posted August 07, 2010 06:47 AM        
Thanks Jon. I will go online and get a set.

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Posts: 1043
posted August 07, 2010 07:18 AM        
What's going to be funny is when you take it to the drag strip and smack the shit out of people on it with the tall bars, lowered pegs, bags, and tank bag.

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Quarter Pounder

with Cheese
Posts: 1069
posted August 07, 2010 11:54 AM        
LSL bar kit going on with ZRX handlebars instead of the ones that come with it. Same bend, just about an inch taller rise. Black bars are ZRX.
The seating position is almost identical to a ZRX with a little more leg room with lowered pegs.
Still gotta swap out the brake lines and install new grips. Will get that done tomorrow.

Here you can see the major difference from stock bars to the new LSL kit with ZRX bars. HUGE difference. COMFY!!!:elate:

SWB 2008 ZX-14
9.19 @ 151
5.98 @ 123
1.53 60'

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Quarter Pounder

with Cheese
Posts: 1069
posted August 07, 2010 11:55 AM        
What's going to be funny is when you take it to the drag strip and smack the shit out of people on it with the tall bars, lowered pegs, bags, and tank bag.

I know...it'll be fun!! LOL
SWB 2008 ZX-14
9.19 @ 151
5.98 @ 123
1.53 60'

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Needs a job
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posted August 08, 2010 09:37 AM        
What's going to be funny is when you take it to the drag strip and smack the shit out of people on it with the tall bars, lowered pegs, bags, and tank bag.

I know...it'll be fun!! LOL

I really hope when you do go to the track you have someone make a video...............

Everyone will get a kick out seeing a 14 with "Ape Hanger" bars and bags kickin butt.......

the look on some kids face on a stock Busa or 14 etc and you spnak them on a touring bike lol. It will make for a good thread.

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