Wet side of Washington
Posts: 1059
posted May 02, 2010 07:06 PM
CCT mod

Buy a metric 8 mm X 70 mm hex bolt, nut and washer. I got it at Napa (red) must be threaded all the way up. Buy or have a 17/64ths drill bit and a 8mm x 1.25 pitch tap for threading. (7)1/4 x 1/16 o-rings. the silver bolts were smaller in case I fucked up, I had one more chance.

Take the clips out/ off of the piston/ slide and take out spring. I used an appropriate size small drill bit through the hole in the piston and put it in a vise and tightened gently till it popped out. The housing- I drilled a SMALL hole from the outside and did the same thing. (notice first, the bore of the piston is slightly offset) Mark it with a center punch accordingly. Punch out the check valve and ball bearing. I then used a drill press and did it to 17/64ths from the inside for better alignment. I realized it wasn't that complicated so I skipped the fuck up stage and went right to it.

hole drilled successfully.
Then you take the bolt over to the grinder and grind off the threads 1/4" from the end ( between 4-5 threads)
Inside the piston popped out a little sleeve in the bottom. Grind the end of the bolt down to that diameter roughly.
Thread the hole in the end of the housing. clean with WD and compressed air.
spin on the nut then slide the flat washer on the bolt with the 7 o-rings under that. I dremeled out the side of the housing(outside) so the o-rings didnt scrub so hard on that one side that's offset. apply sparingly grease to threads and o-rings, thread into housing from the outside of course with approx an inch of it sticking out. spin the locknut finger tight to tighten down against the flat washer and compress all the o-rings into the pocket.
Drop the little sleeve back into the piston with light grease. put some motor oil on the piston. slide that in and spin it to see that it doesn't rub on that ground off end of the bolt.
leave out all the little shit including the spring. The piston should be flush with the end of the housing to begin with.
piston, housing with bolt adjuster and the 2 retainer clippy's is all you keep.
This is as far as I got today- The rest is reassembly into the bike.
Tighten the 2 bolts that hold the CCT in, making sure it seats fully. NOW tighten the new bolt (backing off the locknut also) using your fingers or nut driver until it JUST touches the cam chain taking up the slack only.
Now you can start the bike and it will rattle like a mo-fo. tighten the bolt gently! till the noise stops...too tight and your fucked.
tighten the lock nut while holding the bolt with another wrench so it don't go tighter.
This idea was seen on another website so credit goes to that poster. I do have that link and you should email me and look that over too before starting the project. dcjens@yahoo.com, Darin
all said and done it was under $10 for materials
If anybody has any thoughts... speak up. I have yet to install it myself. I ran out of day. Dang Shane...you put ALOT of time into your build with posting too, wow!
Black 06

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posted May 02, 2010 09:29 PM
Very cool! I got a couple cct's laying around doing nothing... I'm gonna fix 'em the same way and get rid of my startup noise.
'06 Passion Red ZX-14
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posted May 03, 2010 03:38 AM
i did that mod long time ago .but the issue i found with a manual CCT is you have to run it looser than the stock CCT . or you get starter drag when the bike is hot . so i guess there be a reason why we have start-up noise

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posted May 03, 2010 04:01 AM
I read that the 2009 14 had a different part# from 2006/2008? I wonder if the new models are quiet on cold start?

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posted May 03, 2010 04:15 AM
Pretty cool idea. I don't mind the start up rattle, but this is a neat little project. I'd be interested in hearing some feedback from those who do this mod.
Yes, it is a lot of effort documenting everything. It often takes more time than the actual work.
Wet side of Washington
Posts: 1059
posted May 03, 2010 09:39 PM
I dont mind it either but I am curious to not have a noise on a near state of the art machine. One thing I noticed is when putting the springs back in. there is a longer slot in the housing where the piston slides that LETS the spring go back an forth, giving slack for oil pressure to catch it up on start up. I noticed a slight wear groove where the spring end presses into where it touches as it slides. it doesn't seem the check ball works very good IMO if the oil pressure backs off when the motor stops. Just something to do as the winter lingers on ....and on...and on
Black 06

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posted May 03, 2010 10:35 PM
I don't mind the rattle much , but mine does it after I bring it to the rev limiter and back down. Thats scares me!
Also I'm tired of babying my motor . I want to actually use my bike like it was intended to be used again .Since my CCT has been having a mind of it's own I haven't been able to stretch my legs lol!
'06 Passion Red ZX-14

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posted May 03, 2010 10:40 PM
I can't wait to do this mod! I got clients bikes I gotta finish working on before I can get to my stuff dangit lol!
'06 Passion Red ZX-14

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posted May 04, 2010 01:52 AM
Has anyone tried a 2009 CCT? Smokin posted the 2009 is a Different part# and It Was Quiet on start up?? Luck or ?? ZX-12 modd Carpenter Racing has?? I had a APE manual CCT on FJ1200 back in the day. Worked but don't want to worry about a manual again. FJ never had start drag when at operating temp.

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posted May 04, 2010 12:02 PM
Got mine modded and installed!
No more noises!!
'06 Passion Red ZX-14

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posted May 04, 2010 03:37 PM
Wow Lee, you were not kidding. let me know how this does after some miles. I am still
thinking about the Zx-12 mod or someone that has tried a 2009or 2010 model.

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posted May 04, 2010 03:51 PM
No I wasn't kidding an inch lol!
I got tired of having to baby my bike around cause everytime I run up to the limiter the cct would rattle. That bugged me too much.
So far it's been sweet ! The only problem is I think I pinched the oring cause I got a leak. But I'd take that over a malfunctioning cct any day lol!
'06 Passion Red ZX-14
Wet side of Washington
Posts: 1059
posted May 04, 2010 07:12 PM
nice! I haven't had time to put mine in yet! works good eh? I did spend some extra time dremeling when I noticed the orings binding some. Good to know! Hey remind me how the wire springs went? Alzheimer moment. round on the end and x one in close?
Black 06
Wet side of Washington
Posts: 1059
posted May 04, 2010 07:14 PM
Is the modded 12 CCT still hydraulic when used on the 14?
Black 06

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posted May 04, 2010 09:10 PM
quote: nice! I haven't had time to put mine in yet! works good eh? I did spend some extra time dremeling when I noticed the orings binding some. Good to know! Hey remind me how the wire springs went? Alzheimer moment. round on the end and x one in close?
It works great ! It's like a different bike . Every time I started her up today I was always expecting to hear that nasty chatter. But there is no more chatter. The motor seems to feel a bit smoother and crisp.
And yes the round clip goes on the end and the X clip goes in close but the pointy ends towards the engine side.
'06 Passion Red ZX-14

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posted May 04, 2010 09:16 PM
quote: Is the modded 12 CCT still hydraulic when used on the 14?
That is a good question. I know its hydraulic before the mod. But that's as much as I know lol!
'06 Passion Red ZX-14
Wet side of Washington
Posts: 1059
posted May 04, 2010 09:37 PM
right on..cant wait to get it installed myself D
Black 06

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posted May 05, 2010 09:06 AM
Lol sorry I beat you to it. But a least you know that it works. I have 100 miles on it and I love it.
'06 Passion Red ZX-14

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posted May 05, 2010 09:53 AM
Edited By: LAB3 on 5 May 2010 17:53
quote: Is the modded 12 CCT still hydraulic when used on the 14?
That is a good question. I know its hydraulic before the mod. But that's as much as I know lol!
There was post about this last year. A shop owner posted on here with a different spring latch type adjuster that fit in a 14. But he machined the O.D. to fit. The depth was OK. He would not tell what or which brand of bike it came from. I have one I never installed. Will look for it and measure it. Lost his # and eamil address . hard drive problems and I am lazy lol :-) and my 14 has extended warranty until 2011.
My friend is getting near 30,000 miles and we roll on and take to redline at least one gear or two Every time we ride... :-) His CCT rattles a little cold start like mine then all is fine. I can see if my CCT did what Lee's 14 did> Something needs to be done.

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posted May 05, 2010 10:41 AM
Yes mine has been needing attention for a while now.
It was strange but up untill the 50k mark my cct was ok. The only thing it would do once in a blue moon was rattle for a long time like 30-40 seconds before it quit. I was ok. With that. After 50k is when it did the rattle after hitting the limiter. It did that once and didn't do it again for almost 6k miles . It was on my mind the whole time though and I did comment on it a while back.
Then the cct rattled everytime I hit the rev limiter and that scared me.
Something needed to be done and since I had all the parts needed for the job in my shop , the price was right ... Just needed the time and now it's a done deal. I just fired my bike up a few times for the heck of it and it was sweet just hearing the motor and not the cct
Also , I tightened the locknuts a bit more cause that's where the oil was leaking and so far there is no leak .
'06 Passion Red ZX-14
Wet side of Washington
Posts: 1059
posted May 05, 2010 07:15 PM
good deal!
Black 06

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posted May 05, 2010 07:46 PM
Did another 100 miles today and it's totally awesome now with no cct noise!
'06 Passion Red ZX-14

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posted May 05, 2010 10:01 PM
No hot start problems either.
Just smooth and no noises.
I'm stoked!
'06 Passion Red ZX-14

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Posts: 101
posted May 06, 2010 11:56 AM
CCT? Sorry, I know it has something to do with the lifters and the cam? Maybe, what does it stand for.

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Posts: 13081
posted May 06, 2010 12:27 PM
Cam Chain Tensioner
'06 Passion Red ZX-14