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Posts: 27920
posted August 21, 2008 12:41 PM        

Some people may say, "What's does a pound matter!??". Say that enough times and you will be accelerating significantly slower!


You will not only be accelerating slower, but turning slower and braking slower too!

2010 Concours14
ZX14 gone!
CBR600RR track bike

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posted August 21, 2008 12:48 PM        Edited By: shane661 on 21 Aug 2008 13:49
The most important is the 16 tooth front sprocket...

I definitely felt like it needed more gear last night. Probably because I am getting used to it. The bike "feels" really slow (compared to my 12, especially), to be honest, but the time slip says otherwise.


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posted August 22, 2008 08:42 AM        Edited By: shane661 on 22 Aug 2008 09:52
I went ahead and installed the Barnett clutch springs today:

Nothing too special looking about the springs. They are a little taller, which will give more preload...but without knowing the measured specs, it is hard to say how much firmer they are:

I found that they had quite a bit of oxidation on them:

I just gave them a quick clean up with some WD40 and they were good. I decided to just replace 3 of the springs for now:

Keep in mind that the clutch spring bolts don't need a lot of torque applied! Even putting a long torque wrench on them is too risky, IMO. I use a regular 3/8 ratchet and choke up on the handle. The preload of the clutch springs will help insure that they don't back out, even with the small amount of tightening that the bolts receive.

The clutch seems to have more feel initially, and seems a little firmer. I need to get a tool to measure the pressure (stock vs. Barnett spring) and then I may end up installing the other two springs. I have large hands and the lever pressure does not feel excessive with 3 springs installed.


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posted August 22, 2008 10:18 AM        Edited By: shane661 on 22 Aug 2008 11:40
Another item arrive today. The nitrous spraybar from Gixx1300R. It came well packaged:

It seems pretty nicely made, and it even came with small pieces like zip ties. I was also happily surprised to see some instructions included.

Here you can see the spray nozzles:

And the entire spraybar:

The showerhead:

The entire kit:

I have some ideas for small changes that I intend to make to the setup, which I already had planned. I am going to set this up a little differently than your basic dry system. More on that next month, when I get to the installation.


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posted August 22, 2008 04:07 PM        Edited By: shane661 on 22 Aug 2008 17:08
I went ahead and mounted up the new switches. As mentioned earlier, these are the PMR billet switches that mount to your existing master cylinder clamps.

The one for the clutch side has two replaceable rocker switches in it. This is perfect for air shifter and nitrous apps:

The brake side has the kill tether and another rocker switch:

The installation looks clean, and everything is literally at your fingertips:

Obviously I still need to wire everything up. I can't complete that until I install the shifter and nitrous setups. I'll wire the kill switch up sometime soon and post pics when I do.


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posted August 22, 2008 06:47 PM        
Shane, your clutch wont be ballanced unless the barnett springs and stock springs weigh the same amount. replacing 3 on the 12 is ok because there are 6 not 5
01 ZX-12R 8.84 @ 156.3 no bars, DOT tires. Pump Gas, NA.... turbo 8.47 @ 164.
00 ZX-12R 8.62 @ 165.2 no bars, slicks, Pump Gas, 55 shot.... turbo 8.32 @173
00 ZX-12R Fastest NA Kawasaki in the world 1: 222.046 1.5: 226.390 Loring AFB
00 ZX-12R street turbo 1: 227.9 1.5: 234.1 Loring AFB
00 ZX-12R LSR turbo 1: 263.1 1.5: 266.5 Loring AFB Worlds fastest ZX-12R
CMG Racing RCC Turbos

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posted August 22, 2008 07:34 PM        
Shane, your clutch wont be ballanced unless the barnett springs and stock springs weigh the same amount. replacing 3 on the 12 is ok because there are 6 not 5

Hmm, I've never heard of that causing a problem with the 5 spring setup. I'll have to look into it. Thanks.


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posted August 22, 2008 08:29 PM        
get a set of digital scales. if the springs are the same weight, run it, if not, i would put all 5 in. just trying to prevent a possible clutch problem

01 ZX-12R 8.84 @ 156.3 no bars, DOT tires. Pump Gas, NA.... turbo 8.47 @ 164.
00 ZX-12R 8.62 @ 165.2 no bars, slicks, Pump Gas, 55 shot.... turbo 8.32 @173
00 ZX-12R Fastest NA Kawasaki in the world 1: 222.046 1.5: 226.390 Loring AFB
00 ZX-12R street turbo 1: 227.9 1.5: 234.1 Loring AFB
00 ZX-12R LSR turbo 1: 263.1 1.5: 266.5 Loring AFB Worlds fastest ZX-12R
CMG Racing RCC Turbos

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posted August 27, 2008 11:12 AM        Edited By: shane661 on 27 Aug 2008 12:13
I have had good luck running AFAM alloy sprockets in the past. But they seem to be harder to get locally, so I decided to try a Renthal instead. I'm not happy with the results.

Here is a comparison of a new Renthal to an AFAM with some dragstrip, LSR, and maybe a thousand street miles. The Renthal is the one in front, notice the shape of the teeth:

Here is a Renthal with 30 dragstrip runs and 150 street miles:

The hard anodizing is wearing away rapidly. Maybe they are just not good for dragracing, where the chain is kept very taut. I'm not sure that I like the pointed shape of the teeth...they look "pre worn" to me.

Anyway, just thought I would relay the info.


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posted August 27, 2008 11:35 AM        Edited By: shane661 on 27 Aug 2008 12:38
A further update on the clutch: I did a real "ghetto" method of measuring my spring pressure using a wood block, spacer, and an old bathroom digital scale.

Here you can see the tools required. A wood block (to apply pressure), a spacer (the socket inside the spring), and the scale:

I simply placed the spring and spacer on the scale, and pushed down on the block until it just touched the spacer...about 1/2" in this case:

I tried this with the different springs about 20 times and was able to get consistent, repeatable results...without knowing beforehand which spring I was testing. I found that the Barnett springs measured about a third stronger than the stock springs at equal compression. With a real tester I could have made much more meaningful tests throughout the range of travel, but this will do.

Based on what I found, I went ahead and installed the remaining Barnett springs, so I am now running all 5 heavy. Lever pull is firm, but fine for what I use the bike for. For daily operation in heavy traffic, I would not run all 5 heavy springs.


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posted August 28, 2008 06:09 AM        
I have had good luck running AFAM alloy sprockets in the past. But they seem to be harder to get locally, so I decided to try a Renthal instead. I'm not happy with the results.

Here is a comparison of a new Renthal to an AFAM with some dragstrip, LSR, and maybe a thousand street miles. The Renthal is the one in front, notice the shape of the teeth:

Here is a Renthal with 30 dragstrip runs and 150 street miles:

The hard anodizing is wearing away rapidly. Maybe they are just not good for dragracing, where the chain is kept very taut. I'm not sure that I like the pointed shape of the teeth...they look "pre worn" to me.

Anyway, just thought I would relay the info.


I figured such as the renthal teeth are narrower laterally to begin with... less material to wear away, means it wears quicker
natural selection.....
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posted August 28, 2008 08:09 AM        
Shane, this is a kick ass thread. Thanks for taking the time!
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posted August 28, 2008 08:17 AM        
Thanks man. It's really evolving. I've found that all of the pictures are really helpful for me, too. I have referred to them often.
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posted August 28, 2008 10:28 AM        
Very nice thread. It is definitely going into my favorites so that I have a quick ref.
Best 60ft: 1.42
Best 1/8th: 5.97
Best 1/8th MPH: 119

Brockland Police Badge # 001

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posted August 30, 2008 08:47 AM        Edited By: shane661 on 30 Aug 2008 09:54
A few more items came; I am started to get a real pile of parts to install.

I ordered these Factory Pro velocity stacks based on some info from threads here, and my experience with Bear stacks on my 12R. Bascially they are designed to move a few hp around to an area that you are more likely to use when racing:

I am holding off on installing them until I can get to the track and compare the results with and without, on the same day. I am scheduled for an all day test and tune on 9/5, so I hope to get some test data then. For a basic primer on velocity stacks, here is a link to the Wiki:


Since I am planning to spray nitrous, I need to be precise with my a/f and timing settings. I purchased a Dynojet Ignition Module to control timing:

I also added the multiunction hub and LCD. With this setup I can access multiple maps via the LCD, all stored on a Flashcard. That will make for quick and easy tuning changes.

I got the accessory pack along with the hub. This includes a switch for swapping maps instantly, a pressure input, a programmable output to control 2 relays, and a gear position/speed input:

The possiblities with this setup are seemingly endless! I'm not much of an electronics whiz, but I may have to become one soon.

And, finally, as I predicted earlier, I got the Innovate DL-32 Data Logger to replace the LM-1. It has a lot more built-in options, and it is much smaller than the LM-1. In addtion, it stores the logs on a flash memory card instead of requiring a serial connection to download the data. As you probably know, the 14 doesn't have a lot of extra room for components. To get an idea of the size, here it is next to the included software CD:

Well, that about wraps up the new arrivals, aside from a few boring odds and ends. More updates coming this week, before I head to the dragstrip.


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posted August 30, 2008 03:42 PM        Edited By: shane661 on 30 Aug 2008 16:42
I couldn't resist at least plugging in the LCD....you know how that goes.

Here is the basic screen you get when you start the bike up:

TPS, injector duty cycle, rpm, and fuel table information is displayed.

Here is the main menu, just to give you an idea of the options available:

Here is the map selection screen. I didn't have a memory card installed, but if I did you would see a list of all avalable maps:

Anyway, lot's of exploring to do with this gadget!


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Expert Class
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posted August 30, 2008 09:32 PM        
It is Christmas everyday for you... with all of the new packages arriving!!!! You know that most of us are just drueling over the stuff you have... I wouldn't be able to use that stuff even if it had the "Dynojet for Dummies" book with it. I do hope that your bike runs better after all that stuff is turned on!! (Kidding) Thanks again for all of the info... even though most of us will (can) never have this stuff... it is fun sharing in the 'excitement'.
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posted August 31, 2008 03:21 AM        Edited By: shane661 on 31 Aug 2008 04:52
Fortunately I was able to buy the bike for well under $10k. So even with accessories added, it is not that much more than you could pay for an '08 at retail. I highly recommend buying a leftover or used model for a bargain, instead of the "latest and greatest"! This is actually the first new bike I've ever owned.

The hub and lcd are a little more complex as far as setup goes. But the power commander and ignition module are completely plug and play. Actually, the lcd is a simple plug-in affair, but configuring the options will take more time. One of the biggest issues is finding a spot to mount everything.


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Zone Head
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posted August 31, 2008 09:04 PM        
You are doing an amazing job, Shane! I still can't believe you found room for all that stuff and to make it look so seamless.
2009 B&O Special Edition, Brock's CF Gen 3 Exhaust, Dark Smoke ZG Double Bubble Windshield, PCIII, Muzzy Fan, Heli Risers, Throttlemeister Heavy, Nautilus Stebel Horn, Waiting on HID's and Tinted Signal Lens

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posted September 01, 2008 04:35 AM        
I haven't found room for everything yet. I want to make room under the seat area so that all the solenoids can be mounted cleanly as well. I hate to have things hanging in the breeze. My understanding of electronics is limited, so I need to make everything easily traceable.

I also found that the ignition module has short cables. Dynojet has set up the Ignition Module and Power Commander to mount at the front of the bike, under the ram-air cover. I don't like that setup, which is why I mounted the power commander under the seat. Now I will have to extend the cables for the ignition module in order for it to mount there as well.

This project is going to take quite some time. I find new things every day, and sometimes I have to take a few steps back in order to move forward.


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posted September 04, 2008 05:00 PM        Edited By: shane661 on 4 Sep 2008 18:01
I'm headed to the racetrack tomorrow, so I needed to make a couple of last minute changes. I had planned to change the countershaft sprocket, but my impact gun couldn't handle it. I'll have to pick one up next week.

In the meantime, I installed a 45T sprocket on the rear. That's 2 teeth bigger than what I was running. Wheelbase is still close to 64"...it was closer to 65" before. The sprocket is a Vortek:

I also finally installed the step seat. I tried to minimize any damage to the bodywork by running rubber hose along the edges of the seat wherever it came in contact with the stock panels:

The seat feels awesome! It is so much lower that you really drop down in the bike. I think the combination of the seat, the firmer clutch, and the gearing change is going to work very well, once I get used to it.

I should have some updates tomorrow night, after I get home from the track. I am going to try to install the velocity stacks at the track, if I get a chance.


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posted September 04, 2008 05:21 PM        Edited By: madboost on 4 Sep 2008 18:25
shane you'll love the seat, i cant race without it anymore
please let us know how the stack testing goes, i'm highly considering trying them and ceramic wheel bearings out, i've been 9.26@151 on stock wheelbase so far with 1.62 60 last sunday at MIR, i know i got 9.teens in the bike but if i can shave another tenth off with those 2 mods and colder weather i might just might come close to braking that record that brock has with his 9.00X we'll see i guess i'm not counting on it though.
08 zx14-with a few things.
94z28 383,TH400,YSI,9",DFI and much more
9.44@144 w 1.5060ft

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posted September 05, 2008 04:07 PM        Edited By: shane661 on 5 Sep 2008 20:38
Well, I'm home from the track. First let me give everyone the bad news....no testing information on the velocity stacks. My first goal at the track was to get consistent, after the new mods. It just didn't work out that way...

I struggled with the bike today, and couldn't get a rhythm. I beat my personal best by .01...and boy was it hard coming. So, right now my bests are 1.52 60 ft, 6.13 1/8th, and 9.58 1/4.

I decided to take a break for a bit and let one of the faster guys ride my bike. I'm not going to say who it was, but you can call him "Clutch Killer" (or, Crotchrocket ). The clutch, which was apparently already headed south, really gave up the ghost. I couldn't even get the steels out...I guess they warped pretty good. It even makes a squealing noise when you engage it.

I've just checked my gearing data, and that clutch must have really been smoked early on. After lunch I was hitting the limiter at around 138 mph in 4th gear. I should have been able to pull 145 mph in 4th easily, even acounting for some slip and the short tire. That is actually promising...it explains a lot, as far as my trouble getting consistent.

So, while I set new personal bests today on both the 14 and Racheals Gixxer, things definitely didn't go as planned. I have some setup and repair issues to address, for sure.

Just one of those days:


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Expert Class
Posts: 187
posted September 05, 2008 04:10 PM        
sorry shane i know how it feels, keep at it
08 zx14-with a few things.
94z28 383,TH400,YSI,9",DFI and much more
9.44@144 w 1.5060ft

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posted September 05, 2008 04:17 PM        
sorry shane i know how it feels, keep at it

You were dead on about the seat. It is a huge improvement...although not easy on the family jewels when you land a wheelie, lol. Also got a pretty decent tank slapper after landing said wheelie. I'll be installing my steering damper this coming week.


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