
Parking Attendant
Posts: 22
posted December 14, 2007 07:24 PM
PC 111 Maps
Got map from powercommander web site for no 2nd flies and muzzy slip ons and the same map from where I bought my PC Fuel moto from Ebay and the numbers for the mapping arn't even close. Who would be right LOL. Any Ideas out there.

Needs a job
Posts: 2058
posted December 15, 2007 11:17 AM
which one feels better to the butt dyno?? Fuel MOto's maps are usually very generic maps I would go with the PC map from dynojet

Needs a job
Posts: 4209
posted December 15, 2007 06:38 PM
try them both, see what works
2006 Black ZX-14,6 inches over,16/42, flies out,BMC Street Filter,Brock's Street Meg,Brock's Radial Mount Strap,PClll with Race map,Dynojet LCD w/Techmount, ZX-14 fender eliminator,Pilot Power2CTs,Speedohealer,Pazzo Levers,Cox Radiator Guard, Garmin Nuvi 265WT

Posts: 1134
posted December 16, 2007 07:40 AM
I used to run the Muzzy map when I had slipons and it was quicker than the map I was running before it, so I'd give it a try.
2007 ZX-14 black
Brocks s-meg exhaust
PCIII w/track map
BMC race filter
Flies removed
16 tooth front sprocket
APE cam chain tensioner
Vortex rearsets

Parking Attendant
Posts: 22
posted December 16, 2007 08:35 AM
sounds good just have to wait to for spring thaw tks