Expert Class
Posts: 487
posted December 13, 2007 08:26 PM
Ok man, Ill look into that. And you can get that in the ppg paint? The flat clear, and the spark black metallic( chrysler code xr darker formula)..thanks,

Zone Head
Posts: 574
posted December 14, 2007 06:34 AM
Yes , it is labeled DCU 2060. You can mix it with regular clear (DCU2021, DCU2002, DCU 2042) and get diff degrees of gloss. We (PPG) also have a flattening agent labeled DX 685 that can be used in all clears for flattening. I personally think the 2060 is easier and looks a little better. The chrysler color is what I have used to match the zx10 and zx12 spark black. Kawi would not go to the time and added expence to have a diff color developed just for a special model. They just use what they allredy have and add a twist (flat clear).
Expert Class
Posts: 487
posted December 15, 2007 10:23 AM
So, say you get some orange peel after painting the flat.. can you still wet sand the flat clear? Sorry for all the damn questions bro...

Zone Head
Posts: 574
posted December 15, 2007 02:07 PM
No, if you wet sand it you will have to polish it or re-coat it with something. If you get peel you are not spraying it correctly. You need the correct temp hardner, reducer, gun that is adjusted correctly, and good enviroment with the proper airflow to spray it in.
Expert Class
Posts: 487
posted December 15, 2007 08:13 PM
Right on, I was just curious, because I have a shop my buddy owns(paint shop) where he will be painting all my stuff... thanks for the info..

Posts: 1651
posted December 16, 2007 01:44 AM
quote: Your first mistake was looking to colorrite..........No, If you look at an 08 the decals on the tank are claered in for gas protection (as are all bike tanks). If it is the spark black I use Chrysler code XR darker furmula for that color. I ,they use a flat clear over like the pewter zx10, candy blue zx6. Flat clear has become very popular in the last few years (even by Harley). If there was no clear how would the metallics be protected?
Goofy?? I guess all manufacturers have been that way for years. The oldest bike I have done was a 1974 Kawasaki H2, they were cleared over originally (with gloss of cource).
The Matte colored bikes have no clear over can polish and rubb paint right off.
The decals are not cleared over......not even on the 08 ZX14.

Zone Head
Posts: 574
posted December 16, 2007 08:53 AM
The blue ZX6 and pewter ZX10 that I have worked on had matt clear over the color (repaired and refinished tanks on both bikes). I will go to the dealer to look at a 08 LE. I would bet that the tank is cleared over. The other decals are on top of clear. They always clear over tank decals for decal protection. I find it hard to beleive and just as upsetting that Kawi would be so stupid as to not do it. It is just smart to do so as well as ALL tanks I have done have been this way for 22 years. They must have cut costs to try and pay for all the decals. I was just sitting on a 07 10R LE and the tank was cleared over, as well as a 06 Mean streak LE (the ZX14LE twin brother) and they were as well. Nobody I know will buy one because of the paint scheme but I am waiting for the dealer to fuck one up so I will have to fix one sooner or later. Then I will know for sure.
Expert Class
Posts: 487
posted December 16, 2007 03:40 PM
sweet man, Ill just have to get some flat clear then... or the flattening agent or whatever it is.. thanks though..

Needs a job
Posts: 2713
posted December 17, 2007 03:01 PM
I've seen several pis of the '08 Viper in a color that looks very much like my ZX-12A1
It's not that I think you're dumb, it's just that so much of what you know isn't true....

Zone Head
Posts: 574
posted December 17, 2007 04:34 PM
Yea I saw that one in the 08 color books/updates last month. It is neat, but not close enough to the 12 color. Not even for blending in. I have my own mix in a base/clear that works well but you have to step it out just right or it will look like shit, or just paint the whole bike. 3 step for the 12 and 2 step for the viper and "my" 12 color.

Posts: 1651
posted December 17, 2007 05:54 PM
crashtech......I have to enter my retraction.....I was under the firm belief that decals on Matte colored bikes were over top and not cleared....I was wrong, my apologies.
On the 08 ZX14, there is one decal that says special edition on is not cleared.
Novice Class
Posts: 57
posted December 17, 2007 08:28 PM
I think green would look awesome
might look like this
Novice Class
Posts: 57
posted December 17, 2007 08:30 PM
Novice Class
Posts: 57
posted December 17, 2007 08:44 PM

Posts: 27920
posted December 17, 2007 10:05 PM
looks great!
2010 Concours14
ZX14 gone!
CBR600RR track bike
Expert Class
Posts: 487
posted December 20, 2007 07:22 PM
Ok, Im going to buy some paint this weekend.. Im going to get that chrysler black color you were tellin me about., then I will also get the flattening agent for the clear.. Now does that have any metallic in it? I havent really seen a close up picture of it yet.... thanks