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BIKELAND > FORUMS > ZX-14.com > Thread: Question about gear ratio NEW TOPIC NEW POLL POST REPLY

Zone Head
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posted November 27, 2007 03:44 PM        
Question about gear ratio

I have a question using the gear ratio front 18 the rear 44 sprocket on zx14 which gears will accelerate harder anybody have any ideas I'm going to run it this weekend with the new gears but until then I'll like to get some ideas...

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posted November 27, 2007 04:13 PM        

This is a quote from the Thread Gearing....

If you want to beat an older busa..., stock zx14, or be equal with an equally modded zx14 and 200lb rider...

zx14 vs zx14 all other things being equal...
here is how the weight vs mechanical advantage plays out:

bike + 200lb guy = +/- 700lbs
bike + 300lb guy= +/- 800lbs
he weighs 7/8 combined what you do combined.

you need to gear your bike approximately 7/8 what his is to have equal accelleration.

7/8 = 0.875
17-41 gears = 2.412

2.412 x 0.875 = 2.756

17 x 0.875 (7/8) = 14.9
41 divided by 0.875 = 47

15-42= 2.800
17-47= 2.764
16-44= 2.750

any of these combo's is what you are after " IF" he has stock gears!

Don't forget to tuck ... LOL
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Zone Head
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posted November 27, 2007 04:24 PM        
Sweet thanks!
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Zone Head
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posted November 27, 2007 04:50 PM        Edited By: rideharder on 27 Nov 2007 16:54
I'm trying to get my bike all around good for top and bottom end..

This is how we test and tune our motorcycles in West Palm Beach

Another question .. with nitrous on a zx14 what shot would be recommended 16 jet 18 jet?
It will be a dry kit... any information on the gear ratio or the jet for the nitrous would be greatly appreciated...

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posted November 27, 2007 04:54 PM        Edited By: NinjaNick on 27 Nov 2007 16:55
Looks safe with all those bystanders.
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Zone Head
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posted November 27, 2007 04:58 PM        
If you listen closely from the beginning you can hear an individual shouting everybody clear the road.. I would deftly say somebody was concerned with safety..
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posted November 27, 2007 05:30 PM        
best all around gearing I feel is about 16 41 or 17/43-44.
Pulls hard right to top speed.

Your question is a little mixed up.
I run 41 jet (about 60HP) and add 20% fuel across the rpm range I intend to use it.
I added 20% for each 100% throttle position cell, from 7000 rpm to redline.
Did it for 80% t,p cells as well just to be safe...
Run the hub and you can have 2 accurate maps... one for the dope and one for motor alone.
My second map is activated simultaneously with the nitrous solenoid.

Why am I tellin you this?
... aren't u the dood with a friend who owns the worlds fastest stock R1?
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posted November 27, 2007 06:05 PM        
Here we go again...:P

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posted November 28, 2007 11:18 AM        
LMAO the worlds fastest R1
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posted November 28, 2007 01:08 PM        
Goes along with the worlds slowest turtle... who cares.
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posted November 28, 2007 01:12 PM        Edited By: stevewfl on 28 Nov 2007 13:15
Why am I tellin you this?
... aren't u the dood with a friend who owns the worlds fastest stock R1?

I thought that street squid video looked familiar!
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Zone Head
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posted November 28, 2007 07:28 PM        
Why am I tellin you this?
... aren't u the dood with a friend who owns the worlds fastest stock R1?

I thought that street squid video looked familiar!

Yes that street squid video is from our area...

But we all know how you guys roll in your area..

Hopefully one of these days you can come to our area and take back a squid trophy for yourself.. that's if you can rideharder...lol

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posted November 28, 2007 07:30 PM        
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Zone Head
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posted November 28, 2007 07:32 PM        
Now does anybody know what size jet to use on the zx14 nitrous dry kit.. I am running a 16 jet which I just changed out to an 18 I noticed 10 more horsepower with a 16 jet.. I would like to know what is the biggest jet would be recommended..
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Zone Head
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posted November 28, 2007 07:40 PM        Edited By: rideharder on 28 Nov 2007 19:43
Information on the R1 he has to replace his clutch for that night we went to the track..

He has like three bikes... apparently at the end of the month it will be back up and running.

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Zone Head
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posted November 28, 2007 07:45 PM        Edited By: rideharder on 28 Nov 2007 19:57

Remember it's all about having a good time in West Palm Beach..

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posted November 28, 2007 08:56 PM        Edited By: stevewfl on 28 Nov 2007 21:00
to the facking squid......... here is how real men and women roll. This is from Jennings in our part of Florida, but we run your Homestead-Miami track too.

you may not be old enough to tape headlights yet? maybe after a few years. lol....keep practicing yelling at people to "clear the road"

you don't have to squid on your momma's R1 forever, give the race track a try. Like Mikie, you'll like it

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posted November 29, 2007 04:54 AM        Edited By: dubious on 29 Nov 2007 04:56
Now does anybody know what size jet to use on the zx14 nitrous dry kit.. I am running a 16 jet which I just changed out to an 18 I noticed 10 more horsepower with a 16 jet.. I would like to know what is the biggest jet would be recommended..

if you have a 16 jet , and are running dry nos, you will need to richen the fuel mixture on the PC3, how much I do not know, I went straight to a 38 jet, then up one more!
only a wet kit uses a second FUEL jet.

All dry kits , u must add fuel to the map through a PC3.

I would guess a18 will run about 20 HP, by my calculations which is almost pointless IMO.
Unless your hiding a bottle under the cowl, people are going to expect alot from a 14 running NOS.
You might as well HIT it hard.

Muzzy and schnitz are recommending the 38 jet with 17% fuel added to the map, if you have a safe reputable map already installed.
They sell the Muzzy kit with 30, 34, 38 jets if I remember right. They do not recommend more then a 38. which will deliver approx 48 HP.

Ryan personally told me to start off with 17% fuel if running my 38 jet, on top of Brocks track map.

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posted November 29, 2007 06:25 AM        
Hey Steve was that you in the video? Whoever it was obviously knew the track well, nice lines on those decreasing radius's corners. BUT why was it that I kept trying to downshift for them throughout the whole video? lol Seems like you were always at least one gear to high the whole time. Which is fine if you're not trying to push it too hard and keep the engine alive for a couple more seasons - but I would assume if you were recording it you woulda gone all out. Smooth and reasonably quick transitions to full lean though, been doing it awhile haven't you?

PS: That Kawi in front of you was annoying. The fast in slow out approach he was taking was throwing off everyone's rythm. Should have passed him using that early apex fast exit approach you were taking. Damn I need to get back to the track, forgot how much fun it is to be able to use the whole road! I kept looking ahead for 'oncoming vehicles' lol.
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posted November 29, 2007 06:52 AM        
It wasn't me, nor was it a race. Just a simple track, nothing aggressive or nothing to be analyzed. About as unserious as a video can be. Note my topic, no one was squidding the streets on momma's R1 in the jennings video
2010 Concours14
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posted November 29, 2007 07:18 AM        
Damn when you gonna show a video of you then? Hell, I would have a bunch of them if I lived anywhere near a decent track! Course, I'm a bit egotistical like that lol. Wife always accuses me of being to 'competitive' with my riding buddies. Like it's MY fault guys are always crashing trying to keep up or stay ahead of me...
'06 zx14
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posted November 29, 2007 07:19 AM        
Come join us on a track day! Take my bike out. Plus its warm here :P
2010 Concours14
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posted November 29, 2007 07:26 AM        
I hope you're referring to the R1 right? Of course, I could ride your 600, and have you video it. Would make a funny ass video akin to a monkey on a tricycle passing guys in the Tour de France. Damn that would actually be some funny ass shit there!
'06 zx14
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Zone Head
Posts: 821
posted November 29, 2007 03:17 PM        
Now does anybody know what size jet to use on the zx14 nitrous dry kit.. I am running a 16 jet which I just changed out to an 18 I noticed 10 more horsepower with a 16 jet.. I would like to know what is the biggest jet would be recommended..

if you have a 16 jet , and are running dry nos, you will need to richen the fuel mixture on the PC3, how much I do not know, I went straight to a 38 jet, then up one more!
only a wet kit uses a second FUEL jet.

All dry kits , u must add fuel to the map through a PC3.

I would guess a18 will run about 20 HP, by my calculations which is almost pointless IMO.
Unless your hiding a bottle under the cowl, people are going to expect alot from a 14 running NOS.
You might as well HIT it hard.

Muzzy and schnitz are recommending the 38 jet with 17% fuel added to the map, if you have a safe reputable map already installed.
They sell the Muzzy kit with 30, 34, 38 jets if I remember right. They do not recommend more then a 38. which will deliver approx 48 HP.

Ryan personally told me to start off with 17% fuel if running my 38 jet, on top of Brocks track map.

Thank you..

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posted November 29, 2007 07:38 PM        Edited By: dubious on 29 Nov 2007 19:43
I could not / would not purge mine out the back like that...
The smeg shoots 6 foot flames sometimes... cool sonic bullet shape..LOL, but I would be worried about lighting my ass on fire! LOL


BTW... youtube is blocked at work, so I never saw any of your vids till now....

DOOD, dancing on a board catering mostly to motorcycling , worlds fastest at that,....and men really is NOT COOL!

Fish and PK might enjoy watching together though....

natural selection.....
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