
Novice Class
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posted November 18, 2007 05:56 PM
bike loans again
hello peeps,
I know i already asked this, but there might be new members that didnt reply. I have lousy credit and want to get a zx14. Is there any help for me? anywhere. Is there someone willing to help. let me know.
82nd Airborne"when you care enough to send the very BEST
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posted November 18, 2007 06:00 PM
I'm sure you could find a loan company that will loan you the money but you will pay very high interest and end up having 20,000 in a 10,000 dollar bike. Maybe start out on something cheaper untill your credit is better, don't dig yourself in a deeper hole.

Posts: 27920
posted November 18, 2007 06:12 PM
quote: I'm sure you could find a loan company that will loan you the money but you will pay very high interest and end up having 20,000 in a 10,000 dollar bike. Maybe start out on something cheaper untill your credit is better, don't dig yourself in a deeper hole.

2010 Concours14
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2012 14r In Blue and no Mods!
Posts: 5428
posted November 18, 2007 06:23 PM
steve you have a picture for everthing? LOL

Posts: 27920
posted November 18, 2007 06:45 PM
Bently you had me thinking...anyway this pic is for when gravedigging of old threads occur.
But it just seemed to apply so well to this one :P
2010 Concours14
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CBR600RR track bike

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posted November 18, 2007 07:21 PM
Edited By: NinjaNick on 18 Nov 2007 22:56
My best advice to ANYONE wanting to purchase things they can't afford with straight up cash is....
"Be responsible, pay your bills, and you won't get bad credit."

Posts: 27920
posted November 18, 2007 07:38 PM
yo Nick that tip should be in your signature!
2010 Concours14
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2012 14r In Blue and no Mods!
Posts: 5428
posted November 18, 2007 07:59 PM
Although I do see why the average american family can get in credit card debit. i make alright money and so does my wife and we have no credit card bills at all. But for the family with 2 or 3 kids and alittle less paying job then I have. If they want to live a little and do some things credit cards are the way for alot of people.

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'08 ZX14 (Blue)
Posts: 4558
posted November 18, 2007 08:16 PM
quote: yo Nick that tip should be in your signature!

Posts: 27920
posted November 18, 2007 09:28 PM
fantastic, next time someone posts some BS about having bad credit and fishing for ways to further themselves deeper into debt...I'll send 'em your way!
2010 Concours14
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CBR600RR track bike

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'08 ZX14 (Blue)
Posts: 4558
posted November 18, 2007 10:53 PM
lol...are you being sarcastic about what I said or something man, I can't tell?
I was just being honest.

Posts: 27920
posted November 19, 2007 06:39 AM
nope you're right on!
2010 Concours14
ZX14 gone!
CBR600RR track bike
Tool Man

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posted November 19, 2007 06:56 AM
Ninja Nicks Credit Repair..... Good common sense to save you from servitude :d
The banks are failing..
The banks are failing...
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Posts: 3930
posted November 19, 2007 07:32 AM
If you really want a 14 that bad do it the way I got most of my bikes: save up a couple grand first (if you cant lay your hands on or save a couple grand you shouldn't even be thinking about buying a new bike) and scrounge threw the classifieds and Craigslist for great deals on bikes. You can find them easy enough, just KNOW what the real value is and only buy at half that value. Fix it if needed, clean and polish, and ride it while you have it listed for sale at closer to the "right" price. If done right, you should be able to get a few grand of each resale. 6 months to a year and you got a 14 paid for in cash. We refer to that as "The American Dream". Hard work and street savvy can get you a long ways in life. Good luck brother hope to see you on a 14 soon!
'06 zx14
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Expert Class
Posts: 492
posted November 19, 2007 07:48 AM
Not meaning to sound like a dick, but if you have credit issues, you need to clean this up before getting a bike.
A bike is a non essential toy for virtually all of us. I have always gone on the basis that for my 'toys', if I didn't have the cash on hand, then I probably didn't need it that bad!

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Posts: 3930
posted November 19, 2007 09:25 AM
Edited By: Sticks_n_Stones on 19 Nov 2007 09:28
I dissagree ZREXER, it's only a toy for those of us who choose to drive a car also. I lived in California for years without anything but bikes. I actually swore to never own a car, just maybe a truck to haul the race bike to the track. That worked just fine until I moved to Washington State, in November, and endured one of the worst snow storms the lowlands ever had. Drove through it, too! Had an old tire studded and installed Just wished REALLY bad that I had them stud the front, too. That spring I bought a car and ate my humble pie. At least it was the first of many Camaro's!
But I digress. If you have credit problems or money is tight than do what I described above. Your toys should NEVER be a burden on the finances, so do odd jobs or work on other guys bikes to earn that money seperately. Want something you cant afford? Work harder. NEED something you cant afford? Work Smarter.
'06 zx14
Muzzy M10/M14
PCIII w/ Muzzy map
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bits n pieces...

Expert Class
Posts: 492
posted November 19, 2007 10:29 AM
quote: I dissagree ZREXER, it's only a toy for those of us who choose to drive a car also. I lived in California for years without anything but bikes. I actually swore to never own a car, just maybe a truck to haul the race bike to the track. That worked just fine until I moved to Washington State, in November, and endured one of the worst snow storms the lowlands ever had. Drove through it, too! Had an old tire studded and installed Just wished REALLY bad that I had them stud the front, too. That spring I bought a car and ate my humble pie. At least it was the first of many Camaro's!
But I digress. If you have credit problems or money is tight than do what I described above. Your toys should NEVER be a burden on the finances, so do odd jobs or work on other guys bikes to earn that money seperately. Want something you cant afford? Work harder. NEED something you cant afford? Work Smarter.
Be an interesting poll to see how many riders don't actually own a car/truck as well. I would think the number would be pretty small even in year round frost free climates, certainly if you have a family. In the snow belt where I am (Alberta), it would be impossible to be 'car less' for 5 months a year.
I do laugh when I hear about people buying a bike to save gas. If they already own a car, then by the time you buy a bike, insure it and get all your gear, the bay back from a cost savings perspective would be many years (fun aside).

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'08 ZX14 (Blue)
Posts: 4558
posted November 19, 2007 12:12 PM
You will die! We all do! Life goes fast! Pay your bills, keep good credit and get whatever the hell you want...cash or loan. Have fun before your life is over with...and it is over with...FAST!
Eat, drink, ride, and be merry! Not in that particular order though!
Tool Man

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Posts: 4493
posted November 19, 2007 01:19 PM
I have a truck, here in Phoenix you can ride year round. I have 20,000 on a '06 14. The truck has been used maybe 5,000 this year but mostly on trips to a race track or two pulling the Toy Hauler with the bikes inside.... Opulence
To the point... Sticks is right, work is a good four letter word. Fix up a couple of bikes, use your time wisely and fix your credit problems first. Then go buy your 14 or whatever you "want"
The banks are failing..
The banks are failing...
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posted November 19, 2007 01:26 PM
Edited By: Sticks_n_Stones on 19 Nov 2007 13:28
ouijonbu tell you what brother: Get that 14 the "hard" way and I'll make you a fender eliminator and ship it too you free. Deal? Yeah, my ends easier, but I don't get to ride your bike as payment!
You might have to remind me of this post by the time you get the bike, though. Don't worry, I'll happily keep my word.
'06 zx14
Muzzy M10/M14
PCIII w/ Muzzy map
Flies out K&N in!
bits n pieces...

Posts: 1218
posted November 19, 2007 04:54 PM
Why bother with a loan. Just steal one.
Speed has never killed anyone,
suddenly becoming stationary...
That's what gets you.
Tool man

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Posts: 4493
posted November 19, 2007 05:50 PM
Edited By: Tool man on 19 Nov 2007 18:00
quote: Why bother with a loan. Just steal one.
Tell him where you park yours
The banks are failing..
The banks are failing...
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zx 14 2007
Posts: 152
posted November 19, 2007 06:10 PM
Never tell a guy named Moe... that you are going home.

Posts: 27920
posted November 19, 2007 07:48 PM
quote: I have a truck, here in Phoenix you can ride year round. I have 20,000 on a '06 14. The truck has been used maybe 5,000 this year but mostly on trips to a race track or two pulling the Toy Hauler with the bikes inside.... Opulence
To the point... Sticks is right, work is a good four letter word. Fix up a couple of bikes, use your time wisely and fix your credit problems first. Then go buy your 14 or whatever you "want"
+1 my truck is only a support vehicle for the bikes.

2010 Concours14
ZX14 gone!
CBR600RR track bike
Expert Class
Thankfully...its paid for...
Posts: 386
posted November 20, 2007 07:21 AM
I guess I have to weigh in here...
All have offered valid opinions. Ultimately this is about making a responsible choice for your situation. In that I have a 14 that I just sold precisely because of the requirement to be financially responsible, I offer you this advice. Don't do anything that will further stress your circumstances financially and do whatever you have to do to not be in this position in the future.
It goes tomorrow.

Ride Safe...
'12 14R SE
Custom map
BMC filter
Leo Vince 4-2-1 w/ carbon can
Sato frame sliders
Supersprox 42T
Cox radiator guard
DID 530 X-ring chain.