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posted October 31, 2007 06:47 PM
turn my pc3 into a autoshifter with kill
just like the title says.....how cool is that ..... and thanks 1/2 fast for helping ..... works great just like the 700.00 package kit
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2012 14r In Blue and no Mods!
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posted October 31, 2007 07:00 PM
I heard that works well!
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Posts: 8321
posted October 31, 2007 07:05 PM
quote: I heard that works well!
YES IT DOES ...i will get it race track proven this friday nite

Posts: 1692
posted October 31, 2007 07:12 PM
So give us the parts list ....... Beth needs it for her bike
Good parts aint cheap and cheap parts aint good !
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Posts: 8321
posted October 31, 2007 07:23 PM
pc3, multi-hub , i had a shifter and solenoid , i purchase a regulator from MPS to attach to paintball CO2 small bottle with adapter from wal-mart.. total cost 130.00 on my end cuz i had everything else

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posted October 31, 2007 07:49 PM
tire spins you might run into some problems!!

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posted October 31, 2007 07:59 PM
quote: tire spins you might run into some problems!!
Or a lot of fun ! LOL
I plugged mine into the nitrous and the airshifter...
after i clutch it off the line all i gotta do is hang on...
Doesn't work so well sometimes in 1st and 2nd gear... LOL
But sure is entertaining!
I highly recommend using a throttle position switch, so the works is deactivated if it gets out of control...
natural selection.....
destiny will overcome intervention.
Some are not worthy of the effort.
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posted October 31, 2007 10:44 PM

Zone Head
Posts: 806
posted November 01, 2007 06:57 AM
OK here is a basic idea how it goes:

You can manually shift it with the button or auto shift it with PC & Hub,
I would have the power switched seperately so it doesn't get accidentally shifted
on the side stand or when not wanted.
Texas Mile 200.256mph - Oct. 2007 (Update 202.577mph Oct 2008) NOS assisted
ECTA Ohio Mile 195.132mph
TexasMile 2012 199.9 mph all motor!
Streetriders Shootout 2008 series Pro/ET Champ!
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needs more power!!!!!
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posted November 01, 2007 08:22 AM
Now thats sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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posted November 01, 2007 11:27 AM
Edited By: ninja12 on 1 Nov 2007 12:41
Will this work without the hub for pushbutton air shifter?

Zone Head
Posts: 806
posted November 01, 2007 01:26 PM
Edited By: Halvefast on 1 Nov 2007 15:08
Yes it will, just eliminate the hub section, that is only for auto shifting
We are having consistency problems with the hub, auto shifting I'll update changes later.
Shifting manually works awesome.
Texas Mile 200.256mph - Oct. 2007 (Update 202.577mph Oct 2008) NOS assisted
ECTA Ohio Mile 195.132mph
TexasMile 2012 199.9 mph all motor!
Streetriders Shootout 2008 series Pro/ET Champ!
Streetriders Shootout 2007 Series Pro/ET Runner-up!
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Posts: 3310
posted November 15, 2007 08:15 AM
How can I connect to the PC USb without the hub?
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Posts: 8321
posted November 15, 2007 08:51 AM
quote: Yes it will, just eliminate the hub section, that is only for auto shifting
We are having consistency problems with the hub, auto shifting I'll update changes later.
Shifting manually works awesome.
i've found a wire got rub from a routing issue causeing it to ground which caused it to autoshift. early..the wire also got it to auto-kill thats how i found it later... now rerouted and testing again
Expert Class
Posts: 461
posted December 11, 2008 02:16 PM
Back from the Dead.
I am using a muzzy digi-kill, and my own pieced together CO2 shifter. I already have a multihub for other purposes, How do i need to wire up the output of the multihub to have autoshift?
anyone else using Digi Kill and autoshift together?
08 ZX14

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Posts: 207
posted December 11, 2008 03:11 PM
Edited By: JohnnyRocketZX14 on 11 Dec 2008 23:15
quote: Back from the Dead.
I am using a muzzy digi-kill, and my own pieced together CO2 shifter. I already have a multihub for other purposes, How do i need to wire up the output of the multihub to have autoshift?
anyone else using Digi Kill and autoshift together?
yes i do, the outputs on the hub are ground triggers, my shifter button is also a ground trigger(horn button) . so i tied the hub output to the horn wire, which when the shifter is armed it becomes the shift button.
the ground trigger on the hub is a little weak, i have heard of some needing to use a relay to get it to work right(as shown in the figure above) Mine however seems fine without a relay
07 ZX14
Brocks Sidewinder, Stretched, lowered, strapped,Drag seat, PCIII W/Hub, No flies, BMC, Speedo Healer, Muzzy NOS/Shifter,
1.41 60, 5.77 1/8th 8.89 1/4

Zone Head
Posts: 806
posted December 11, 2008 04:14 PM
Holy thread resurection!
Here is the best combination I found to work, it needed a second relay as said above.
Texas Mile 200.256mph - Oct. 2007 (Update 202.577mph Oct 2008) NOS assisted
ECTA Ohio Mile 195.132mph
TexasMile 2012 199.9 mph all motor!
Streetriders Shootout 2008 series Pro/ET Champ!
Streetriders Shootout 2007 Series Pro/ET Runner-up!
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Posts: 461
posted December 12, 2008 09:06 AM
why could i not just wire in the output wire, (which is a ground, correct?) to the activation wire on the horn circuit?? If the activation wire is just looking for a ground to shift, (it grounds by pressing the horn button), then if the PC sent a ground to the output wire, it should do the same thing right?
08 ZX14

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posted December 12, 2008 09:15 AM
So, you did get the hub to handle autoshifting properly? I have a separate kill box; I am just looking to use the hub to trigger a shift relay.
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Posts: 461
posted December 12, 2008 10:11 AM
thats what I am trying to do, I already have my shifter setup using the horn button and Digikill, I just want the hub to activate the solenoid and ign kill
08 ZX14
Posts: 1022
posted December 12, 2008 01:09 PM
the trigger wire should probably be hooked in line with the horn/ activation button
06 alien head, no flies, PC+hub, 16/45 44 43, air shifter, dry shot

we'll leave the light on for u
Posts: 1709
posted September 08, 2009 08:41 PM
Is there anyone with in 50 miles of Greenville SC or within 50 miles of Charlotte NC that can set-up a PCIII USB to auto shift and kill? I can't figure it out, and I would like to run this set-up, I have all software and hardware.
Fastest Stock Motor, Stock Bodywork, Hand Clutch, N/A Super Heavy Hitter on the Planet!
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Posts: 1654
posted September 08, 2009 10:31 PM
the relays isolate the power and ground to give clean filterd connections plus can handle way more current than most switches

Posts: 530
posted September 09, 2009 12:14 AM
quote: Back from the Dead.
I am using a muzzy digi-kill, and my own pieced together CO2 shifter. I already have a multihub for other purposes, How do i need to wire up the output of the multihub to have autoshift?
anyone else using Digi Kill and autoshift together?
I use the Muzzy setup w/ digi kill. I used a TPRS Schnitz box to activate auto shift function with the above relay.
It didn't work properly with the triger wire on either of the 2 horn leads. I found the wire on the muzzy horn button harness where its gray connection plug goes to the digi kill that was getting grounded when the horn button was pressed. Pulled the green pin, added my tprs rpm activated wire, plugged it in and tested perfect. Just ran it on one pass. Then started raining. Be aware as stated above. Hope your track is preped well. Auto shifting during wheel spin can possibly damage shift forks.
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Posts: 349
posted September 09, 2009 07:14 AM
quote: Holy thread resurection!
Here is the best combination I found to work, it needed a second relay as said above.

This is the setup I am using and it works great.
2006 ZX14, Brock CT-Meg, PC, ignition module, E85, 214 lbs suited, 8.96@152.32 1.46 60'