
Needs a life
Posts: 10197
posted October 11, 2007 05:23 PM
Under cover black zx14s... Watch out !!!
Looks like the FHP in Fl are packing zx14 power ....Two black lowered and stretched zx14s looking for drag racers have been spotted in the Tampa bay ....They look like drag bikes and they are going to set you up and take you down ... One guy we know of got caught in the trap .....After racing one of the black zx14s he was pulled over by 4 FHP cars and hand cuffed and charged with drag racing, the zx14 was no where in sight ...FHP told him they got the guy on the black zx14 also but no black zx14 was ever pulled over....
Also reported from a good source that local PD has two under cover Gixxer 1000 .....
FL FDLE is going crazy and using anything to stop Sport bike riders ...Just remember if you are riding a sport bike you have a large red target painted on your backside ...If you have a Harley Davidson you can speed,drive drunk and be a total ass and never even get a second look from the FL FDLE ......
Smokin Performance Cycles..
Tampa Bay , FL .. Brocks Performance Dealer ..
Gen 2 ZX14R Best ET 8.43 , Best MPH 164.95

Posts: 27920
posted October 11, 2007 05:51 PM
good info - thanks!
2010 Concours14
ZX14 gone!
CBR600RR track bike

Expert Class
Posts: 412
posted October 11, 2007 06:08 PM
Thats crazy but no different from here. They have pretty much shut down a country road in this county because of so many sportbike wrecks and running from the law. Its a perfect place for Drag racing, stunts..ect.... I used to populate it alot but it got too crazy... And i lost my license 3 times but anyway you are so right about harleys. When the Trail of Tears is here they get so much respect, and sportbikes get absolutley zero....!! The only Harley i would own would be a V-rod and there way over priced.
2007 Black ZX-14
Lowering links, Brocks Strap Kit, Muzzy Full 4-2-1, No files, PC3, BMC Race filter, 6 inch extensions,16/44, Shinko 003 Ultra Soft..... SOLD!!!!!

ACP Racing
Posts: 1797
posted October 11, 2007 07:33 PM
Now that is what I call taking it to the extreme! But that has to be illegal in some way right!
2006 ZX14 Ninja "SWINE FLU"
60ft 1.23
8th Mile 5.16
ACP Racing

Needs a life
Posts: 10197
posted October 11, 2007 07:49 PM
quote: Now that is what I call taking it to the extreme! But that has to be illegal in some way right!
I'm sure in some way it is illegal , kind of sounds like entrapment to me but it's the police and they can justify anything ....I just wish they spent more time on murder and robbery than sport bike riders ....The murder rate here has gone to new levels this year and they seem helpless to stop it..... We have had cops shooting their girl friends and unarmed people ...Something needs to be done and i don't feel buying sport bikes and chasing us around is money well spent .....But just like everything else you have to follow the money ... there is no money in murder but there is a ton of money in traffic tickets and court fees ..
Smokin Performance Cycles..
Tampa Bay , FL .. Brocks Performance Dealer ..
Gen 2 ZX14R Best ET 8.43 , Best MPH 164.95

Needs a life
Posts: 10197
posted October 11, 2007 08:01 PM
On a side note ..Hulk Hogans cashed his car while street racing and leaves his friend with brain damage ...The kid just got back from the war in iraq without getting killed now he is pretty much brain dead.....Hulks son has not been charged with anything and mostlikey never will ....If that was you or me we would allready be in jail and our lifes as we know it would be over .. That is our system , the rich buy their way out of trouble and we pay the price ....
Smokin Performance Cycles..
Tampa Bay , FL .. Brocks Performance Dealer ..
Gen 2 ZX14R Best ET 8.43 , Best MPH 164.95

Needs a job
Posts: 2058
posted October 11, 2007 08:48 PM
yall should come to Arkansas we really do have the collest cops around for the most part... I think it is partly because those of us that street race do stay way out in the country we have a lot of unpopulated roads around and probably 10 percent of the cops in my town ride sportbikes. One of the Lt.s here has a total sleeper 1570 stroker busa that runs 8.20's on motor and he rides it around alot
Posts: 1664
posted October 12, 2007 04:47 AM
Edited By: SteddyTeddy on 12 Oct 2007 06:41
quote: On a side note ..Hulk Hogans cashed his car while street racing and leaves his friend with brain damage ...The kid just got back from the war in iraq without getting killed now he is pretty much brain dead.....Hulks son has not been charged with anything and mostlikey never will ....If that was you or me we would allready be in jail and our lifes as we know it would be over .. That is our system , the rich buy their way out of trouble and we pay the price ....
Was watching the Speed channel the other night, NOPI Tunervision I think, and they showed Nick Hogan in a drifting event somewhere with the rest of his family there. He crashed his Viper into the wall twice and probably totaled it. Completely took out the rear end of the car. Can't drive on the track and can't drive on the street with out crashing. Yeah he got off waaaaaaaaaaaaaay to easy. Anyone else would have been locked up.
Expert Class
Thankfully...its paid for...
Posts: 386
posted October 12, 2007 05:34 AM
Undercover black 14's....
Your FHP story reminds me of a past life in Philadelphia (used to street race cars there before I figured out how stupid it is). Street racing is extremely dangerous when something goes...wrong. Having seen cars go into crowds, people "rag doll" off bikes, it is what it is. Totally "wrong" to bait a rider into a race and then arrest him/her, but we are all well advised to heed your example.....race at the track. Maybe that's the hard part of having a bike like the 14 or a busa, you have to have restraint on the ....street. Thanks for the update though since I do come over to Tampa regularly.
Ride safe.......
'12 14R SE
Custom map
BMC filter
Leo Vince 4-2-1 w/ carbon can
Sato frame sliders
Supersprox 42T
Cox radiator guard
DID 530 X-ring chain.

Expert Class
Posts: 102
posted October 12, 2007 07:08 AM
Man, what is it with Florida lately? This BS and also the new bill in Tallahassee about confiscating peoples motorcycles for 30mph over the limit and only pertaining to motorcycles. I lived and ridden motorcycles( sportbikes) in this state all my life (45 years) and I gotta tell ya, I'm ready to give it all up. I guess it's all the punk ass clowns stunting in traffic and flying everywhere that have ruined it for everyone who rides sportbikes. All this BS has happened here over the last 5 years. Yur right, if you ride a sportbike in FL. now, You are a target!!!
Tool Man

Needs a job
Posts: 4493
posted October 12, 2007 07:54 AM
quote: You are a target!!!
The banks are failing..
The banks are failing...
Invest in Ammo
Expert Class
Thankfully...its paid for...
Posts: 386
posted October 12, 2007 09:15 AM
Sportbike riders as targets...
It's all about perception. Here in Orlando it's common to see stunts pulled in traffic and that flames the 4-wheel crowd. In truth, I mostly avoid riding on Thursday night (bike night) here just to avoid the hassle factor because the squids here do enough stupid stuff the incite the police. It cuts both ways though. If we head out in a "pack" and strafe a bridge or expressway "at speed" then the door is opened for the cops to do their thing. The "reaction" from law enforcement is generally going to trend toward excess to up the "discouragement factor" by word of mouth among us once someone gets clipped as has happened in Tampa.
Reminds me of the forum member who was minding his biz when squids zoomed by and then he ended up having to decide what to do about the police who where in pursuit of the squids, but would likely "collect" him as the sportbike on the road. Each of us has to be "smart "about where and when to "pull the trigger" on these bikes. Most likely, that isn't somewhere on I-4, I-275 or some major road frequented by alot of 4 wheel traffic.
Ride safe.....
'12 14R SE
Custom map
BMC filter
Leo Vince 4-2-1 w/ carbon can
Sato frame sliders
Supersprox 42T
Cox radiator guard
DID 530 X-ring chain.

Zone Head
Posts: 666
posted October 12, 2007 10:33 AM
What a GREAT job though, eh? You get to street race other sportsbikes all day without fear of reprimand, and you get paid for it legally! Sounds like a dream job to me... sign me up!
2009 B&O Special Edition, Brock's CF Gen 3 Exhaust, Dark Smoke ZG Double Bubble Windshield, PCIII, Muzzy Fan, Heli Risers, Throttlemeister Heavy, Nautilus Stebel Horn, Waiting on HID's and Tinted Signal Lens

Expert Class
needs more power!!!!!
Posts: 126
posted October 12, 2007 10:46 AM
Parking Attendant
Posts: 19
posted October 12, 2007 12:10 PM
quote: Looks like the FHP in Fl are packing zx14 power ....Two black lowered and stretched zx14s looking for drag racers have been spotted in the Tampa bay ....They look like drag bikes and they are going to set you up and take you down ... One guy we know of got caught in the trap .....After racing one of the black zx14s he was pulled over by 4 FHP cars and hand cuffed and charged with drag racing, the zx14 was no where in sight ...FHP told him they got the guy on the black zx14 also but no black zx14 was ever pulled over....
Also reported from a good source that local PD has two under cover Gixxer 1000 .....
FL FDLE is going crazy and using anything to stop Sport bike riders ...Just remember if you are riding a sport bike you have a large red target painted on your backside ...If you have a Harley Davidson you can speed,drive drunk and be a total ass and never even get a second look from the FL FDLE ......
In reality Harley riders dont speed..... They just SOUND like they are going fast....
I agree with ya though...

Expert Class
Shakin off the Haters
Posts: 212
posted October 12, 2007 02:13 PM
Edited By: tater on 12 Oct 2007 15:19
Thanks for the info will be in tampa in january and the bike is coming with me.  MyHotComments
ZX-14 06
Flies out
-1 front, +2 rear
2 Bros carbon fiber pipes
Tiger tail
Carbon fiber windscreen
64inch wheel base
lowering links
RC components wheels

Posts: 27920
posted October 12, 2007 05:17 PM
tater look us up a lot of us here are from Tampa/St Pete/Clearwater. Oh and in January you might need a light jacket if you plan to ride at night.
2010 Concours14
ZX14 gone!
CBR600RR track bike
Parking Attendant
Posts: 6
posted October 12, 2007 06:04 PM
Every Harley rider I know gets harassed, at least up here in Washington State.

Posts: 27920
posted October 13, 2007 04:23 AM
This guy got busted attempting to flee the popo in FL.... charges totaled up to a $6000 bond!
2010 Concours14
ZX14 gone!
CBR600RR track bike
Novice Class
Posts: 75
posted October 13, 2007 06:32 AM
well, a university of florida football player and passenger were killed on friday night and the police est, 20 mph over speed limit. My point, it's not going to get better anytime soon so watch out and be safe people.
06 zx14 black ( stock)
Expert Class
Thankfully...its paid for...
Posts: 386
posted October 13, 2007 07:03 AM
Great...Flee the man...get caught and have no license......!!!!!
After seeing the arrest docket, the individual arrested seems "tailor-made" for a jumpsuit. Why is it that people ride high performance motorcycles, put themselves and the general public at great risk and don't even possess a proper license to operate the vehicle? Just the P.R. our sport needs. Another idiot rider on a sport bike with no license fleeing from the police...
Ride...with a license....
'12 14R SE
Custom map
BMC filter
Leo Vince 4-2-1 w/ carbon can
Sato frame sliders
Supersprox 42T
Cox radiator guard
DID 530 X-ring chain.

Zone Head
Justoyz Racing
Posts: 858
posted October 13, 2007 07:31 AM
Ok folks here is the skinny
Florida Contraband act has been updated to include felonys (any). If you use your vehicle, home or anything else while in the process of commiting a felony, you fall under this act. they can seize what ever it is, arrest you, dismiss the charges. they must get you into court before a 10 period (PC hearing) to prove that cause was there. Now you have no charges pending, but you have to go to civial court or make the state an offer (attorny generals office) to get your property back.
we must approach this via the politicians to get this change. currently there is no previous law cases that can assist you in your efforts, unless the fail to get you into PC hearing.
as we know officers will testilie quickly, even the judges that hear the cases don't care and will award your possessions to the state until the court hearing is adjudicated. I don't ride on the streets in FL anymore, unless it's in the day time.
don't even think about hitting the MC night spots (trouble)
2012 zx14R-blue,2012 zx14R-black, 2014 zx14Trbo, 2011 zx10R, 2007 zx10 Turbo.....
Expert Class
Posts: 165
posted October 13, 2007 02:14 PM
Virginia aint so bad after all NOT they both suck!!!!!!!!!
Expert Class
Posts: 427
posted October 13, 2007 05:34 PM
Anyone heard of entrapment?
Get a smart phone that records. (nice back up for court.)
1 ask the guy you wish to race if he is a cop or has any association to any poilce agency before you twist the throttle.
If he says no, go.
If he doesnt answer the question leave.
When u see the prick on the bike causing the trouble. Find out who he is. Publish a photo of the suspect.
I hate dirty tactics.
Never race alone.
Meet in a group. 20-40 bikes. Everyone leaves when the race is set.
Split up. Confusion. Drive at least 15 minutes to destination. (change it up) 20 minutes. Helicopters cannot stay in the air hovering over all of you.
Nor can the unmarked cars follow u. Choose an area where you can split up fast. Link up with head sets. Blue tooth is nice. 30 foot range max. Hard to listen in unless they are right there. Password the freq. Nice and quiet meet and greets. Challenges private and quiet.
Go hi-tech or go home...
Eyes open lad's.
We used to meet friday nights. Cops everywhere. Had our races and had fun. It was funny watching them. Confusion all around. When we lft it was like a fan. We were going everywhere. They waited in their fav spots for us to show up. What they thought was a great race area. Troll the street then race it. Always do the speed limit. They get bored.
Stay safe.
Needs a life
Posts: 8321
posted October 13, 2007 05:53 PM
quote: Looks like the FHP in Fl are packing zx14 power ....Two black lowered and stretched zx14s looking for drag racers have been spotted in the Tampa bay ....They look like drag bikes and they are going to set you up and take you down ... One guy we know of got caught in the trap .....After racing one of the black zx14s he was pulled over by 4 FHP cars and hand cuffed and charged with drag racing, the zx14 was no where in sight ...FHP told him they got the guy on the black zx14 also but no black zx14 was ever pulled over....
Also reported from a good source that local PD has two under cover Gixxer 1000 .....
FL FDLE is going crazy and using anything to stop Sport bike riders ...Just remember if you are riding a sport bike you have a large red target painted on your backside ...If you have a Harley Davidson you can speed,drive drunk and be a total ass and never even get a second look from the FL FDLE ......
looks like a squid crackdown ...who cares... if these squids can't go to the dragstrip and do it right..then they deserve what the law brings .... the highways and redlights are not dragstrips ...if you gonna do the crime be ready to do the time ...