posted August 21, 2006 12:20 AM
Edited By: BobC on 21 Aug 2006 02:48
TiForce Getting my TiForce system set up on the Dyno' later this week. It runs well enough on a zero map, should be fantastic when it's all dialled in.
Not sure why the image doesn't show, here's the url
If it sets up ok I will have a PC map for a TiForce full system, UK 95RON Unleaded fuel, standard air filter and Flies not removed. I'd be willing to share this information. Later on I might go for Flies removed and air-box modded with a performance filter.
Candy Thunder Blue 2006 ZZR1400
Stock wheelbase
Max: 205.4 mph in 1.25 miles
2012 ZZR1400 in Golden Blazed Green
Brock CT Full System. etc
Max: 203.1 in 1 mile (so far)
posted August 21, 2006 05:14 AM
Topical question Matt, why doesn't the image display in my post? I used [ ] brackets with url and /url, what did I miss?
Candy Thunder Blue 2006 ZZR1400
Stock wheelbase
Max: 205.4 mph in 1.25 miles
2012 ZZR1400 in Golden Blazed Green
Brock CT Full System. etc
Max: 203.1 in 1 mile (so far)
For an image, use [ img ] and [ /img ] .... (without spaces of course).
I looked at the source code of the page, and it looks like you used "img", so I'm really not sure what went wrong.
Sorry, I meant "img" rather than "url". Might be a pBase problem I suppose. Anyway thanks for posting it for me.
Candy Thunder Blue 2006 ZZR1400
Stock wheelbase
Max: 205.4 mph in 1.25 miles
2012 ZZR1400 in Golden Blazed Green
Brock CT Full System. etc
Max: 203.1 in 1 mile (so far)
posted August 21, 2006 07:41 AM
Edited By: zerMATT on 21 Aug 2006 08:44
The URL that you posted above ( is actually a webpage (url), but the image itself has it's own, different location. When I posted it, I looked at the properties of the image and posted the img link with the actual image's address(
posted August 21, 2006 08:40 AM
Tonytooth got his Ti force high mount last week ...... He is having a studder at lower RPMs and i think it's do to the size of the pipe ( real big pipe) .....Ti force dyno sheet clearly show a BIG dip in power at low RPMs compaired to their low mount pipe... Any one have a Map for the Hight mount pipe? Tony is having a hard time finding or getting any info on this pipe ....Smokin...
Smokin Performance Cycles..
Tampa Bay , FL .. Brocks Performance Dealer ..
Gen 2 ZX14R Best ET 8.43 , Best MPH 164.95
posted August 21, 2006 09:57 PM
I bought it in the UK from from P3Unlimited, who import Tiforce here. You can email Richard at I found him really helpful, I missed the first batch that were imported back in July and he kept my details and got back in touch with me the other week when he knew more systems were arriving.
Candy Thunder Blue 2006 ZZR1400
Stock wheelbase
Max: 205.4 mph in 1.25 miles
2012 ZZR1400 in Golden Blazed Green
Brock CT Full System. etc
Max: 203.1 in 1 mile (so far)
posted August 21, 2006 11:49 PM
Edited By: BobC on 22 Aug 2006 00:49
Yes, they look great. I had a Yoshi' four-into-one system on order but TiForce was available first and since I was running out of time before the next meeting, I grabbed it.
Candy Thunder Blue 2006 ZZR1400
Stock wheelbase
Max: 205.4 mph in 1.25 miles
2012 ZZR1400 in Golden Blazed Green
Brock CT Full System. etc
Max: 203.1 in 1 mile (so far)
posted August 23, 2006 11:32 PM
Edited By: BobC on 24 Aug 2006 00:35
No it doesn't sound odd at all. It sounds a bit rougher when cold, like they all do and as soon as the system warms up it mellows into a deep tone. If you wind the throttle on it gets more serious and screams up to the red line. You can find quieter spots in the rev range, useful for riding in town on a light throttle. At 3000-3500 there is a slight hole in the power, although I'm on a zero map at the moment. Dyno' session later this morning should sort that out. Later I'll remove the secondary butterflies and re-dyno' to richen up at the low end.
Candy Thunder Blue 2006 ZZR1400
Stock wheelbase
Max: 205.4 mph in 1.25 miles
2012 ZZR1400 in Golden Blazed Green
Brock CT Full System. etc
Max: 203.1 in 1 mile (so far)
quote:Yes, they look great. I had a Yoshi' four-into-one system on order but TiForce was available first and since I was running out of time before the next meeting, I grabbed it.
I was interested in the Yoshi too..... but went with a Gen3. I didn't realize beforehand how much different the bike would be with a PC and full system ____________
2010 Concours14
ZX14 gone!
CBR600RR track bike
posted August 25, 2006 03:49 PM
Conical Canister I am not convinced that these new conical style canisters that Tiforce is offering is the way to go. Like I mentioned before, mine sounded like crap at around 3500 rpms. Everyone I rode with agrees it sounds like a raspy rice burner. Don't get me wrong, anything above those rpms it sounds great. That pipe is 60.5 mm going entering and 45 mm at the exit. Basically this this canister is choking the exhuast a little which I now know this is why the exhaust sounds this way. Besides with the core being tapered it is assured that canister will create less top end horsepower. I like drag racing and I hate to give up any horsepower.
Anyway, I complained to Tiforce as soon as I opened the box and saw this new taper design and they insisted this was the correct pipe for my bike. I rode it for 100 miles and decided to go with my gut instinct and demand a different canister. I asked if I could buy there old style canister with a spout, same length but 60.5 mm straigh through. They sold it to me at cost since I wasn't happy with the original. I got it today and I just put it on.
It sounds awsome, the way I expected it to sound the first time. I took it for a ride and it feels like it even runs better. I don't think I lost any low end infact it feels just the opposite. The only true way to know would be to dyno it. IMO, this is the pipe for this bike. I am going to express my thought to the guys at Tiforce. They were curious to know my results.
My conclusion, the standard canister sounds better, runs better, and makes more horsepower. Anyone want to buy a conical style canister
posted August 25, 2006 10:57 PM
I just got home from riding about 75 miles tonight with the new canister. No big news, I just wanted to say I am very happy with this one. That is for sure the right one for this bike.
____________ MySpace
posted August 26, 2006 01:06 AM
Interesting to read your views Tonytooth. If you think the old style canister makes more power you have 192.9 bhp to beat. I would be happier if the conical was a bit quieter but I'll take the power gain any day.
Candy Thunder Blue 2006 ZZR1400
Stock wheelbase
Max: 205.4 mph in 1.25 miles
2012 ZZR1400 in Golden Blazed Green
Brock CT Full System. etc
Max: 203.1 in 1 mile (so far)
posted August 26, 2006 07:14 AM
The conical is quieter but I find it physically impossible for it to make more horsepower. I measured accross each end of the canister and there is 1.25" difference. I personally have never seen any pipe designed for drag racing that has dropped in size like that. Infact, I can't think of any that drop in size at all. They usually only get bigger. The opening is only 1.5". You can feel the amount of pressure coming out of that canister when you start the bike. It feels like it wants to blow that cone right off the end of that pipe.
Please don't take any of this personal. I love Tiforce products. I just want to share my personal experiences with you. I deffinately don't want to get into any hp wars. I did that with my 06 gsxr1000 on another board and it is a waste of time. I had good custom tune on that bike and people where claiming they were making 10-15 more hp than I did. Personally I don't think these dynos are very accurate with one another. There is so many factors involed and the best way imo is to have a ram air dyno. The more air you feed it, the more air the exhaust needs to flow. I don't have a ram air dyno available locally. If I did, I would test them both. Until then, I am going to have to assume this canister will create more real time ram air effect horse power.
____________ MySpace
posted August 26, 2006 07:46 AM
Edited By: tonytooth on 26 Aug 2006 08:54
I forgot to mention. Orient Express and Tiforce USA are in bed together. Maybe not for long because they don't seem to get along but if you go to, that is Orient Express. They are making there own full ti system for the 14 and I'd be willing to bet it is coming from that same japanese supplier. I called skip about the conical style canister and expressed my concerns with it being tapered and he agreed. He said they are not going to offer that tapered canister on there systems. They are using a slightly shorter canister with a straight through core design. Here's a pic:
posted August 26, 2006 07:47 AM
Try cutting 6inches off the canister and maybe remove a little bit of the packing then reinstall the conical cap...Not the best way of getting more power from the pipe but it will help...Put it on the dyno after to see what the results are...
____________ Jason Miller StreetBike Seminars
*****DragRacers do it better, because they dont cut Corners*****
posted August 26, 2006 07:50 AM
Edited By: tonytooth on 26 Aug 2006 08:51
I already thought of that but the problem is the cone style end caps are size specific. If you cut the can and core, the outlet would get bigger but then there is no way to modify that end cap. Check out the pic above. Everything inside would be larger but the cone end cap outlet hole would still be small and restrict the exhaust.