
Posts: 4590
posted October 25, 2005 03:48 AM
The new ZX14 is gonna be expensive...
especially with the new "transportable garage" it comes with....

This is what I was greeted with on Saturday morning, October 22, 2005 at 9:30am.
Who is responsible for packing up the display on Friday night? What number cruncher called the shot on this mistake? Does the management at Kawi have 100% faith in The Weather Channel and its "over blown" reports on Wilma? Was this a matter of securing flights for Kawi tent personel? How could management screw up a SATURDAY at Biketoberfest so badly??? Did the corporate insurance agent call at the last minute with an urgent message about unpaid premiums???
Im thoroughly dissappointed. I won't mention the days leading up to the event... and my schedule that wouldn't permit me to view the bike on Thursday or Friday. Fack, I was trying to earn the rest of my Zx14 money!!!!!!!
Wow..just look at those threatening skies.....

So since I broke just about every traffic law on the commute down to Biketoberfest this past Saturday... and being heartbroken after seeing those three trucks sitting at the Speedway idleing....and after some consolation from Dino.... I salvaged the day by exploring the retail concept as presented by Harley Davidson.
HOLY FREAKING COW Batman.... get a look at this place.

Look at the interior...better than a retail mall !!!!!!! (and sections for EVERYTHING! Grips, pegs, seats, tassles, assless chaps, and even POKER CHIPS!!!!!)

A freaking shop you can only dream about.... (18 lifts on EACH side)

Staging area for new bikes...

Not to mention the "see thru" escalator, 2 stories of bikes, a snack bar, and full restroom facilities!!! I talked with a few folks that "worked" on the building of this place... there were as many as 400 people working almost 24hr shifts on this place to get it ready for Biketoberfest! We're talking an easy $8,000,000 facility for RETAIL sales... incredible!
The beauty of this setup is the easy access. Situated right off 95. There were thousands of bikes and bikers... nary a care about Wilma or any other high mph wind gusts buying up $5 beers and $4 bottles of water.
So as I left the buildings comfortable A/C and ventured out into the "manufacturers midway" sponsored by Bruce Rossmeyer's Daytona HD..hehe, I saw an abundance of the usual HD fare like monsterous turkey legs, 15" Philly cheesesteaks, $400 decorative kickstands, and of course our favorite.. the dyno drag trailer brought to you by the "new" JP Cycles location next to the Rossmeyer building. Here is a contestant who takes dyno "drag racing" serious.....lol

(keep in mind dyno racing has nothing to do with traction...hehe)
After being amused for all of 5 mins, I started to move on, until I heard some contestants arguing over the last "contest". A HD fatboy vs a Yamaha R6. Seems as though the Harley went a 9.xx something at 125 (lol) and the R6 was alittle slower. But.... the R6 posted a better top speed of 149 mph and according to the R6 owner...he still had more in it.
Yes, its drama like this that make me chuckle....
I made my way around to find quite a diverse display of products like the Toyota truck display where they throw mud up on a plexiglass screen via the trucks tires.... and a "bouncy pit" with wheeless bikes for practicing freestyle BMX moves. (obviously a hit with the bored kids of the HD crowd). I met up with some old acquaintances and saw a few celebs... according to The Discovery Channel.
Some familiar faces from shows like American Hot Rod and Choppers Inc.

and Billy Lane

So at the end of the day, it was easy to find my bike in a sea of twin cylinder engined turds....
but I still wondered why Kawi decided to pack up in panic when this Harley Dealer was worth 20 times more had no worries except when to deposit all the "t shirt" sales money at the end of the day. Heres my advice to marketing and or management about displaying at a prominent fall event....

A really disappointed past, present, (and hopefully future) Kawi consumer

Posts: 4590
posted October 25, 2005 03:55 AM
BTW, I dont have any hard numbers for Tshirt sales, but Rossmeyer sells something like 80,000....thats right 80,000 tshirts at $21.95 minimum during these events.
Novice Class
Posts: 41
posted October 25, 2005 04:51 AM
I was there at the same time Turbo, and had the same feelings. 5 hour drive for me each way.
Kawasaki really sucks some times!!

Needs a job
need guberment cheese
Posts: 3172
posted October 25, 2005 05:35 AM
Sad that there are no Jap dealerships that even come close to having the inventory of bikes, parts, accessories and service that the HD dealerships provide. The HD dealer in my town has a dealership that is nicer than any of the car dealerships.
I have a closet with 6 or 7 HD t shirts from various places I have stopped at, but not ONE t-shirt form any of the Jap dealerships I have dropped in on.
Sad but true. . .

Posts: 4590
posted October 25, 2005 05:58 AM
Thats the beauty of it... sure its overpriced but everyone at least buys a tshirt.
Needs a job
Posts: 3365
posted October 25, 2005 06:23 AM
But ya might've missed Billy Lane if the 14 was there - YOU WOULD'VE MISSED DUANE TOO!!!
Needs a life
Posts: 5911
posted October 25, 2005 06:42 AM
quote: The HD dealer in my town has a dealership that is nicer than any of the car dealerships.
Yep, that's the damn straight truth! Did you know Aric (from Westside Motorsports - Japan dealership) is the general manager at Shumate Harley. Go figure.