
Posts: 1688
posted September 17, 2005 08:04 PM
Think the '14 will crack 200?
The '12 got damn close - and with more power... what do you guys think? De-restrict her, put on a pipe and PC... and? Any guesses?

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Posts: 3056
posted September 17, 2005 08:16 PM
If aeros were the same and with only the claimed extra, what was it, 7 hp? That would not be enough. Well, Doug Meyer could have got it with the 12R if that motor had had 12 more hp, he was that close. But in terms of what most see, no.
If aeros are substantially better though, then, maybe.
Zone Head
Posts: 747
posted September 18, 2005 07:34 PM
Put on a de-restrictor, pipe, PC4, map, filters...why not? 12Rs are doing low 190s now.

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Posts: 3056
posted September 18, 2005 07:40 PM
Also depends on your definition of "doing" a particular speed.
Traditionally, the meaning was "given unlimited room."
However, in practice whether it's an official meet or not, testing is conducted only within a mile.
It's considerably harder to "do 200" in the standing mile than to do 200 period.
Are we talking "doing 200" in the standing mile, or only in those instances where several miles are available?
If the latter, then I won't be surprised if it can do it with nothing but derestricting, a Power Commander, and a pipe.

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Posts: 3009
posted September 19, 2005 11:25 AM
I will find out and let you know

Posts: 4590
posted September 19, 2005 01:18 PM
As soon as I get one, Ill take it too 9/10ths to find out.

Posts: 1688
posted September 20, 2005 06:20 PM
No offense to the real pro's, but screw the official crap mile/timed/bla bla bla I'm not a watch keeper - I'm a rider. I don't have the time or resources to get myself to a real timed event. I ride on the street - think she'll do 200 with unlimited room? .

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Posts: 3056
posted September 20, 2005 06:39 PM
With no limiter and a pipe, could be: the 12R came very close in at least one instance and this apparently has an extra 7 hp (should be worth about 2 mph with unlimited distance) and probably is a little more aerodynamic, guesstimating from the shape of the upper fairing and screen (could be worth a couple or several mph.)
Expert Class
Posts: 420
posted September 20, 2005 09:03 PM
I'm wondering if the 14 will be as responsive as the 12 to pipe ,fuel map and filter change? How about a pic chop with dual Akros?
"Look at Dad, trying to look young again."

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Kawpuke Extraordinare
Posts: 2853
posted September 21, 2005 12:52 AM
Oh I am sure it will be. I bet with good exhaust and custom map it will be close to 200 ponies at the rear.
Expert Class
Posts: 295
posted September 21, 2005 07:25 AM
in 2000 we ran almost 200 mph with a stock ZX-12 that made 169hp on our dyno. Those runs were certified by the official timing assoc. So I would expect that the ZX-14 should run at least 200 mph with no speed restrition.

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Posts: 3009
posted September 21, 2005 11:08 AM
rob, please market a speed limiter bypass for the new zx14, and please make it plug and play, no splicing.

Posts: 1688
posted September 21, 2005 01:08 PM
WOW! Rob Muzzy replied to my post!! That just made my day - Thanks Rob!! . Oh and yeah, please make a limiter bypass for the 14 .

Posts: 4590
posted September 21, 2005 03:21 PM
How about having pipes ready pre release???

Posts: 1608
posted September 22, 2005 09:16 AM
ONE LOOK at the Aerodynamics and it clear to see that the 14 can do 200 unrestricted.
You say PSYCHO like it's a BAD thing!!

Posts: 4590
posted September 22, 2005 10:40 AM

Expert Class
Posts: 390
posted September 22, 2005 11:02 AM
Edited By: 12r1 on 22 Sep 2005 12:04
With an unlimited straightaway in front of you, and a strong running piped 12, you'll get damn close to 200. Just keep that sumbitch pinned.
Sucks when thoughts like tire condition and chain/ sprockets pop in yer head, wailin' along like that....
Back when the Busa was crowned King of Speed, was that in a mile, or unlimited??

Posts: 4590
posted September 22, 2005 11:21 AM
Damned close AIN'T 200mph.... just ask Vince Hill....
We'll see when it gets here... don't plan on it though.

Expert Class
Posts: 390
posted September 22, 2005 04:37 PM
For sure. 199 ain't 200.
That's got to be more fustrating,getting soooo close.
Expert Class
Posts: 277
posted September 22, 2005 05:24 PM
Well, seeing as Doug Meyer ran 192.307 with a stock 12r...
I still don't think the 14 is a slick looking - my opinion, could be wrong, often am.
And I wonder if it's going to respond to mods as well as the 12r. The longer stroke is going to limit peak rpm. Big enough bore, but still...
Time will tell.

Posts: 1608
posted September 23, 2005 04:08 AM
It's VERY Slick.
The very things that people are critical about with it's looks are what make it "More Aerodynamic.
Just the overhead view reveals how the main Faring does not close in after the engine. No lip or Faring edge. This allows air to smoothly separate from the Faring and go past the riders legs (note; the riders legs are allowed to be closer together also..).
Ever ride your 12 with the Sun behind you and see how much your legs stick out past the Faring?!? (I'm 6 foot). It takes quite a bit of manuvering to get them behind it. This will not be much of an issue with the 14. This is just one example...
You say PSYCHO like it's a BAD thing!!