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BIKELAND > FORUMS > ZX10R ZONE.com > Thread: reporting live from munich! NEW TOPIC NEW POLL POST REPLY

ummm... yeah
Posts: 9660
posted September 17, 2004 01:15 PM        
just to avoid any confusion, there are SOME roads (or sections of roads) with no speed limits, alot of roads with very high speed limits, and plenty of roads with normal speed limits. at least that's how it was when i was there last, and i understand it's still that way today.
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The Truth is Out There
Posts: 21892
posted September 17, 2004 02:12 PM        Edited By: fish_antlers on 17 Sep 2004 15:25
When I was there (1 month ago) all of the autostrada's had no speedlimit unless otherwise posted (100-130 if raining etc... or city limits) .... but as I said earlier all the autostradas have no speedlimit....

I am sure that someone who is actually there and is on this site can confirm this or straighten it out fer us.
What business is it of yours where I'm from, Friendo?

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k bryant

Needs a job
Posts: 2911
posted September 17, 2004 11:34 PM        
Day 5 - 9:32am (12:32 pst)

I have nothing to report: other than the following;

Where the f is the sun.
I'd kill somebody to get some Mexican food.
I want to ride my 10.
Going to Octoberfest tonight and will be lucky to find the booth tomorrow...

More meetings in a few minutes. Got to go. Looks like the photos will have to wait until Monday. Did get some interesting stripper photos from the Leo Vince booth. Amazing what they allow to go on in the show....

Hopefully will have something better tomorrow for you. Definetly looking forward to coming home.............

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ummm... yeah
Posts: 9660
posted September 18, 2004 12:08 AM        
"100-130 if raining etc"

now THAT is being sensible. enforce speed according to the conditions, not just some compromise of a number enforced across the board.

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The Truth is Out There
Posts: 21892
posted September 18, 2004 08:32 AM        
oh yeah.. the rain.. I forgot about that part of my europe trip
What business is it of yours where I'm from, Friendo?

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k bryant

Needs a job
Posts: 2911
posted September 18, 2004 11:20 PM        
Day 6 - I don't know what time it is or care.....

I will never go to Octoberfest again.... Oh god, where's the toilet.......

In survival mode today. Coming home tomorrow. All consumers today. Many of the American booths are completely empty of their displays. They are closed up and gone home. Pretty cheezy if ya ask me. What a bunch of wimps - and some of those guys are from really big companies in the USA. And that reflects badly I think on all of us. Oh well, more for me! Today will be packed. The sun is actually out and itz very nice today, other than the way my head and stomach feel right now.

Got to spend some time with one of the Akropovic engineers. What a very pleasent guy. Actually goĆ­ng to work on a project together. There are no better people in the industry than the exhaust guys. Brothers all.

Final report. Flying home in the morning (13 hours...).Talk at cha Tuesday and download the photos.


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Novice Class
Posts: 51
posted September 23, 2004 08:04 AM        
I stopped by your booth at the Intermot, but you weren't around at the time. Picked up your CD and business card though. I spent three full days at the show and three more in Munich. Basically just running from one meeting to another (the show is huge). Also, one very hard night at the Octoberfest (made it back to the hotel after two police interviews due to being a side stander in fights which led to two guys leaving the site unconscious in an ambulance).

Did you notice the Yoshimura slip-on (With Suzuki original logos) for the new GSX-R1000 at the Suzuki stand. The muffler on the slip-on was about 10" long, and still the slip-on was ECE approved. The Yoshi looked a hell of a lot better than the original muffler on the GSX-R.
black ZX-10R

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Needs a job
Posts: 3365
posted September 23, 2004 08:22 AM        
So where's the damn pics already?
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