
Nobody in Particular
Posts: 1166
posted September 04, 2004 08:03 PM
10R Ownership - What trips your meter?
So, in Scottsdale, is this large mall/movietheater/parkinglot called the Pavillions. And McDonalds hosts a car and motorcycle show there on Saturday nights. The FD brings a heavy Paramedic truck for the kids to climb over, there's usually about 300 classic cars and about 100 motorcycles of all types there.
So I go, people, to do some posing with the 10R. Nothing too radical, or too obvious. No bling-bling gear (I even wore street boots). See what kind of attention the bike drew.
On my way there, I get passed by a 'busa on the freeway at easily double my speed (and I was doing 70). That'll wake you up.
I had the only 10R there. It drew crowds. I got to show off Kerry's pipe (the Jardine), and I hope I made you some sales tonight, Kerry, lots of throttle-blipping.
I got sick of explaining why the 'Busa is still faster ('it gets to 187 MPH sooner because it makes just a little more torque under the curve, dontcha know, and the 10R likes to wheelie off the line').
I answered questions about dry weight and horsepower patiently, and tried to smile a lot.
Maybe I'm getting more Republican, but I found myself escaping to go looking at the cars 'cause the bike crowd was bothering me... ruder, louder, etc. I left when the people around me were talking about obtaining Vicodin, and not in some future tense.
Somehow, it wasn't really satisfying. I knew some of the people there from other bike forums, but I didn't really mesh. Not like at the trackdays (or pocketbike race I went to last weekend).
So, for me the 10R ownership experience is in the twisties. A buddy of mine who I haven't ridden with all summer (he was writing his master's thesis) who used to be faster than me was following me today. We got off the bikes at the top of the canyon, and he was gaga at the 40-foot darkies I was leaving. I called bullshit (me? darkies?), and he and I went down the hill, and dismounted, and he showed me one - darkie right before the apex, getting thinner going up the hill.
That made me feel a whole lot better than the whole after-dark scene in Scottsdale.
Some of you like to street-race. Others like to dragrace and bracket race. Some like the top-speed thing (faster than a Viper, etc). Some I'm sure like to attract the ladies and envy of the wannabes. Some like twisties and trackdays.
What does the 10R do for you?
WERA 147
k bryant

Needs a job
Posts: 2911
posted September 04, 2004 08:21 PM
Bless you my son. For being a twisties guy and the endorsement. I proudly admit, I'm a knee dragger first and foremost. But still totally love to ride any kind of bike, on any kind of surface. I don't care as long as I'm riding. But there isn't an event I enjoy more than a trackday!
It's kinda funny about your comparo. When we have "bike & car" nights around here, the auto crowd is just so full of themselves, I have a hard time hanging around them. The bike guys are simply more my lifestyle. Whatever kinda riding they're into, whether I like or not, agree with it or not, we share the love of two wheels. And thatz just cool.
But definetly can relate as to what you're saying.

Expert Class
Posts: 195
posted September 04, 2004 10:48 PM
Don't really have bike nights over here, the car crowds still act like morons compared to the bike fraternity, you still get the occasional turkey though.
I like twisties 1st before anything else too, gotta love that style of riding, but will also go down to the dragstrip now and then, top end on this thing is just awesome.
04 ZX10R

Posts: 1094
posted September 05, 2004 01:35 AM
Trackdays!!!! If I win the lottery, I'll probably just do track days everyday for a year. I love riding new tracks and making new friends. At a bike night, all sorts of bullshit can be spewed. At a trackday, you are only minutes away from walking the walk. Kinda makes for a different attitude among participants.
If you aren't an AMA member, you're part of the problem.
NESBA #209
Novice Class
Posts: 85
posted September 05, 2004 07:01 AM
Edited By: ZX10BURNER on 5 Sep 2004 08:02
I respect those who drag race it takes talent and a different control over a bike but it's the twisties that make my blood boil. Track days and back roads are where the fun is at for me.
These Things We Do That Others May Live
big daddy

Zone Head
Posts: 616
posted September 05, 2004 08:55 AM
I'm a 'stunta'!! yeah thats the ticket.

Novice Class
Posts: 54
posted September 05, 2004 04:12 PM
Ahh yes the twisties are where its at. I used to live in AZ and the roads are alright but I was always having to ride a good hour to ride some decent roads. Anyway I used to drag more back then, went out to the Snobsdale scene a few times, the car people are great, but I could of gone without meeting the majority of the squids over there. Anyway stay safe and good luck keeping cool out there.

ummm... yeah
Posts: 9660
posted September 05, 2004 04:29 PM
i'd have to say i like it all. knee draggin, drag racin (tho i'v never done it properly), or just touring at a normal pace. only thing i DONT like is commuting in a busy urban area. otherwise, if i'm riding, i'm happy
Hells Dark Lord

Needs a life
living life, and loving it.
Posts: 7981
posted September 05, 2004 05:17 PM
what does my 10 do for me.....everything......I have taken it to the mountains, taken it to the roadcourse, and prolly next weekend to the dragstrip.....I cant wait.
today I went to Cincinati and rode with a my little brother( he has an R6). We were suppose to hook up with some local guys and go ride, but I was late and they were gone when we got there. So he and I left in search of good twistie roads on our own. We had ridden for about an hour when we found the group of guys going the other way, so we all stopped chatted and then he and I turned around and fell in with them. It took about a mile and they started waving my brother and I around the other riders. He and I ended up at the front folloing the leader who was on a Speed Triple. As we got closer to him he picked up the pace. It got interesting after that. he was a pretty dam good rider and it ended up being a good pace. as we got a little closer to town I figured i would check out on him, I guess he seen it comming and he got on the gas hard comming out of the corner, the 10 just motored around him and I pulled him throught the next few corneres.
I slowed down and let him lead, as I had no clue where I was
Over all it was a great day and a great ride. As much fun as I had on my 12R, or on my 6RR, I wouldnt have traded either one for my 10 what a bike....
When in doubt, lean farther and go faster....

Expert Class
Posts: 388
posted September 06, 2004 10:29 PM
I have to say that I live for the track(not that I'm any good), just like 12R said, just a few steps away from walking the walk. I think draggin your knee is like an addiction, if I dont' do it often enough I start to get into a really bad mood, then I know what I have to do. Go to Mt. Etna and hit the twisties. Just as the bike was intended for.
Posts: 1301
posted September 07, 2004 10:08 PM
Draggin da Knee!
Needs a life
Posts: 5971
posted September 08, 2004 04:28 AM
Edited By: salsa1 on 8 Sep 2004 05:30
Acceleration ; wheelie; look good ; take corners with lightweight confidence....cruising in town ; 40-50 mile country touring; waving to fans....and other motorcyclists.
Thats most of it anyways. Oh yeah.. and kicking but (especially slow drag bikes at the track).

Expert Class
Posts: 195
posted September 08, 2004 05:47 AM
ah yes waving to fans is a favourite pastime...
Needs a life
Posts: 5971
posted September 08, 2004 07:36 AM
I mostly just wave as signing autographs would take too much of my time....

Expert Class
Posts: 211
posted September 08, 2004 08:05 AM
Knowing that I can beat most cars in first gear. Great fuel economy. Freedom.
Hells Dark Lord

Needs a life
living life, and loving it.
Posts: 7981
posted September 08, 2004 01:11 PM
ALL THE ABOVE......and I sign autographs, I just cant seem to find anyone that wants
When in doubt, lean farther and go faster....
Novice Class
Posts: 49
posted September 09, 2004 10:56 AM
my buddies with a Duc 999, 04 R1, 03 RC51, and 04 GSXR1000 outrunning me on a straight road, but still acknowledging the fact that its only because I haven't been able to keep the front end down in the first 3, sometimes 4 gears...
looking down at that beautiful orange paint and knowing its MINE, ALL MINE!
Knowing that this bikes limits will probably never be exceeded by my skills and it will most likely always have enough power for me and then another 1/3rd of the throttle left after that...
Needs a life
Posts: 5971
posted September 10, 2004 05:09 AM
Edited By: salsa1 on 10 Sep 2004 06:38
You have a steering damper DeesKo?; if not you will not believe the difference in control...... hint ...hint .
doubt you will get outrun much then unless you are racing from dead stop and troubling with stock ultra tall first gear ;in that case gear it down some and practice shortshifting. Just a suggestion ; but you may be a lousy rider or extra heavy lol.
Kick some but....ZX-10R rocks..
Have fun;Stay alive.
Novice Class
Posts: 49
posted September 10, 2004 12:07 PM
don't have a damper yet, coming soon... I have been trying to decide which one to pick up because I don't really dig the steering response/feedback I get from bikes with dampers... I'm just not really used to it so it feels ackward to me.
As for being outrun, its just because I'm still adapting to the change from a 7R to the 10R and still working out how to utilize the power to its full advantage... even at 6'4" and 215 lbs, with my face shield almost touching the windscreen, if i bang 1st to 2nd, 2nd to 3rd or SOMETIMES 3rd to 4th depending on the road, at anything above 9,000 RPMS, the front end comes up in the air.
Most of it has to do with breaking my bad habits of throttle hard, banging the shift and going right back on the throttle... either that or I'm just gonna have to learn to get used to passing all of them on one wheel...

Expert Class
Posts: 204
posted September 13, 2004 09:45 AM
for me it's all about the trackdays... I still enjoy twisties at a moderate pace, but since I started riding on the track, I just don't get the same thrill on the street... I usually end up feeling like I'm going to be run off the road by a car at any moment, or hit a patch of gravel, or dog, or cow, etc...
'04 ZX-10R
'00 SV650
Hells Dark Lord

Needs a life
living life, and loving it.
Posts: 7981
posted September 14, 2004 03:13 AM
the track is the only place to get out and wring out the ZX10, man is it fun, but buy stock on Pirelli, or Dunlop or whatever you tire of choice
Deesko, I understand what you are saying about the damper giving to crappy feel for the road, but its by its nature to do that, and once you get use to it on the 10, you wont want to ride it without one. I use the Scotts, and love it. you can get it on kneedraggers for just over $400. It was the FIRST performace oriented thing I did to my 10. I got tired of the headshake coming out of most corners if I was hard on the gas, or coming down off every wheelie.
When in doubt, lean farther and go faster....
Parking Attendant
Posts: 13
posted September 18, 2004 06:46 PM
the feeling of transitioning from one direction to the other, and the unf$#^%ingbeleivable straightline power. trying to keep the front down whereas on my old bikes trying to get the wheel up. transitining from a 20 year old bike , huge difference, just now getting to the last quarter inch of tread on my favorite twisties(tight, less than 80 mph). my first NEW bike and yes, looking at it parked like it were a supermodel..., suprised i get to take her home.

Nobody in Particular
Posts: 1166
posted September 18, 2004 06:48 PM
that too, my friend, that too.
I came from an '87 CBR1000F Hurricane to this bike.
Parking Attendant
Posts: 13
posted September 18, 2004 07:40 PM
quote: lat,
that too, my friend, that too.
I came from an '87 CBR1000F Hurricane to this bike.
84 nighthawk700 , would have KILLED for a 1000 hurricane,... but yeah aint technology great in the new millenium?

Parking Attendant
Posts: 13
posted September 19, 2004 07:26 PM
Edited By: jlove on 19 Sep 2004 20:27
The look of the thing, the sound, the lightweight and handling, the roll-on wheelies, the exclusivity of it, track days (someday). I love it just staring at it in the garage on rainy days.