
Please... speak to the hand.
Posts: 3212
posted February 06, 2005 12:53 PM
Schools and Track Days in TX & OK - CMRA Schedule
You might think of yourself as a good rider or even as a fast rider, but if you really want to be BOTH, a rider school not only will help you be both, but more importantly, it will make you a SAFE rider. A open track day will help you hone skills that you just can't do on the street. Experiencing both will not only improve your riding skills, but give a lifetime's worth of memories.
While preparing for the upcoming CMRA season, I put together a list of track days and schools for Backmarker Racing. There might be a couple I've missed, but I thought ya'll would like to have my results.
See ya'll at the track!
Dates in bold are held on CMRA race weekends
California Superbike School
Texas World Speedway - College Station, TX
March 1-2
Ride Smart with Ty Howard
Texas World Speedway - College Station, TX
March 26
April 18
May 30
Sept. 5
Sept. 26
STARS with Jason Pridmore
Hallett Motor Racing Circuit - Hallett, OK
Sept. 8-9
Hallett Motor Racing Circuit - Hallett, OK
March 6
March 28
April 17
May 2
June 12
July 10
Aug. 7
Sept. 19
Oct. 16
Oct. 31
The Motorsport Ranch - Cresson, TX
March 18
April 4
May 2
June 3
July 11
Aug. 8
Sept. 19
Oct. 17
Texas World Speedway - College Station, TX
April 22
June 20
July 29
Aug. 29
Sept. 30
NOTE: A Riders School for a Novice Racing License is held on the first day of each event
February 19-20 Oak Hill Raceway - Henderson, TX
Sat - Rider School / Mini Sprints / 4 HR Mini Endurence
Sun - Sprints
March 19-20 The MotorSport Ranch - Cresson, TX (Counter Clockwise)
Sat - RS / Mini Sprints / 2 HR Mini End / 4 HR CMRA Endurance
Sun - Sprints
April 23-24 Texas World Speedway - College Station, TX
Sat - RS / 8 HR CMRA Endurance
Sun - Mini Sprints / Sprints
May 13-15 Hallett Motor Racing Circuit - Hallett, OK (Counter Clockwise)
Fri - RS / CMRA Open Practice Day
Sat - Mini Sprints / 6 HR CMRA Endurance
Sun - Sprints
June 4-5 The MotorSport Ranch - Cresson, TX (Clockwise)
Sat - RS / Mini Sprints / 2 HR Mini End / 5 HR CMRA Endurance
Sun - Sprints
June 25-26 Oak Hill Raceway - Henderson, TX
Sat - RS / Mini Sprints / 6 HR Mini Endurance
Sun - Sprints
July 30-31 Texas World Speedway - College Station, TX
Sat - RS / Mini Sprints / 6 HR CMRA Endurance
Sun - Sprints
Aug. 19-21 Hallett Motor Racing Circuit - Hallett, OK(Clockwise)
Fri - RS / Hallett Track Day
Sat - Mini Sprints / 2 HR Mini End / 5 HR CMRA Endurance
Sun - Sprints
Sept. 10-11 Oak Hill Raceway - Henderson, TX
Sat - RS / Mini Sprints / 4 HR Mini Endurance
Sun - Sprints
Oct. 1-2 Texas World Speedway - College Station, TX
Sat - Mini Sprints / 6 HR CMRA Endurance / USGPRU Qualifying
Sun - Sprints / USGPRU 125 & 250 Finals
The USGPRU is the officially recognized 125 and 250 US Grand Prix National Championship series. The USGPRU holds their events in conjunction with numerous racing organizations including AMA, WERA, CCS, OMRRA and Forumula USA. CMRA is honored to be chosen as the host of the USGPRU National Championship Finals.
Here are some related websites:
USGP Racers Union
Hallett Motor Racing Circuit
Texas World Speedway
The Motorsport Ranch
Lone Star Track Days
Ride Smart School
California Superbike School
National Race Track Locator
There are only three sports: bullfighting, motor racing, and mountaineering; all the rest are merely games.
-Ernest Hemingway

The Green Monster..
Posts: 1133
posted February 08, 2005 06:02 PM
You going to Oakhill next week...

Please... speak to the hand.
Posts: 3212
posted February 08, 2005 10:50 PM
Edited By: redelk on 8 Feb 2005 22:54
The boys are wantin' to go down there THIS weekend to finish shaking down their sprint bikes. Even though there is not an endurance race next weekend, I'm hoping that I can have the team's bike ready for both this weekend and next, just so we can finish up on it before Cresson.
You gonna be there?
It's not like we were hard to find last year after we got the new trailer. It was even easier to find us with our high dB generator. As a matter of fact, it was so loud, CMRA made a "generator noise" rule for 2005. Yeah, it might not have been due to ours, but I doubt it. This year, we'll be even easier to spot. Not only will we again have the "uber" black 24' trailer hooked up to my black 2500HD Dodge, but we'll also have our 10'x20' canopy, a "modified", quiter generator and they only reason you won't be able to spot all that stuff is because of the addition of a 36' Pace Arrow pulling my little 5x10 Wells Cargo. With all that crap, we'll probably have to park way out on the "south 40 acres" because all of it will likely take up close to 2,000 sq. ft. of parking space. But that's okay. In addition to our trusty ole pit scooter, we've added my old '91 KDX equipped with dual sport tires and a rack that will hold a fuel jug and a set of tires/wheels.
I've also added what I call the "BMR-TAAS" It stands for the Backmarker Racing -Track Announcement Acquisition System. Last year, we tried using a little boombox to pick up the track announcement, but it wouldn't work inside the trailer and often didn't work outside either. Tired of runing to the truck and turning on the radio to figure out whats going on, I chose to fix that problem once and for all. I went out and bought an inexpensive Sony receiver and hooked it up to a pair of Yamaha tower speakers inside the trailer. To be able to hear it on the outside, I added a 4"x6" PA speaker on the back of the trailer. Now all that stuff still would not necessarily pick up the radio signal. To make sure that there would be absolutely no problem in picking up the announcements, I installed on the trailer a FOUR FOOT by FIVE FOOT DIRECTIONAL FM antenna on a 4' mast. All of it folds down flush to the roof for transport. In early testing, I've been able to pick up FM stations that over 150 miles away and that's WITHOUT even pointing the antenna in that direction.
Some might think that the TV-like antenna might look like something Jethro Bodine did, I perfer to think of it looking as a possible NSA remote facility. Some might laugh at first, but when we turn on the PA and everyone within 100+ feet of our trailer (depending on how loud I crank the 50w PA) will be able to more clearly hear track announcements then they would standing right next to the scoring tower... well, let's see them laugh then.
Oh yeah... I'll be going to Oak Hill next weekend.
There are only three sports: bullfighting, motor racing, and mountaineering; all the rest are merely games.
-Ernest Hemingway

The Green Monster..
Posts: 1133
posted February 09, 2005 09:37 AM
I didn't get to go work any of them last year, my real job didn't allow the extra time.... I am not sure yet was going to call my buddy monday and see if he needs an extra worker mounting tires there this next weekend...

Parking Attendant
Posts: 29
posted August 27, 2012 05:47 AM
I did a Trackday on my 09 VMax and it was a blast to run around some sporties on their track..Went out to Cresson, Tx 1.3 mile track, With RideSmart. Hope to get out there soon to work the corners..I would tell anyone if you can, get out and do a trackday, it will help all around to learn ur bike better then ever and ridding skills..

Expert Class
Posts: 102
posted August 28, 2012 08:52 AM
Are any of the Texas trackday org's planning a trackday at the Circuit of the America's in Austin. Now that's a track I want to ride......
Speed is just a question of money how fast do you want to go

Parking Attendant
Posts: 29
posted September 04, 2012 06:20 AM
Edited By: QTip on 4 Sep 2012 14:26
I'm with ya on that one..Would luv to roll that NEW track..
Parking Attendant
Posts: 4
posted September 05, 2012 02:43 PM
does this school focus on drag-racing only?... or is it an all around education on bikes?...thank you

Parking Attendant
Posts: 29
posted September 06, 2012 06:29 AM
How to become a better rider on the track and the streets..

Parking Attendant
Posts: 29
posted September 06, 2012 07:01 AM
A track day is an organised event in which members of the public are allowed to drive or ride around established motor racing circuits, or alternatively (though far less common) on closed or disused airfields. Most race tracks around the world now provide this facility, whereby any road legal or track prepared vehicle, (car or motorcycle) can be used without speed restriction (as if racing, though the practice of actual racing is almost exclusively forbidden at these events) by members of the public. Criteria for being eligible to participate is usually the holding of a driving licence for the vehicle in question, and the payment of a fee.
There are varying formats for the proceedings, but they usually consist of two or three groups loosely corresponding to an individuals level of experience and/or how quick they are, (e.g. Novice / Intermediate / Advanced or Beginner / Experienced). One group at a time will then take to the track in order that the majority on track at any given time are travelling at similar speed, and there is usually time for a varying number of these sessions throughout the event. Usually, participants use their own vehicles, however a growing number of tracks and organisers can provide hire vehicles if required, while quite often, extra facilities such as instructor guidance, tyre sales and advice and even suspension sales and set-up are available.
Track days are also often held in the guise of racing schools where the emphasis is on nurturing the finer skills of machine control and race craft, often under the tutelage of experienced former racers. Whatever the interpretation, primarily track days are all about having fun, whether motorbike or car, the emphasis is on enjoyment in a controlled and suitable environment.
As the performance of vehicles (especially in relation to motorcycles) increases, the track day can prove an invaluable means of improving the skills necessary to properly control these machines at or nearing their full potential in relative safety. It is a common feedback from track day enthusiasts that it helps them define the massive distinction between road and track riding/driving styles and as a result, through improved skill levels and attitudes, can have a positive effect on their road safety.
As riders and drivers become more secure with their abilities and the track environment they can progress to "Open-Pit Lane" events (more common with car track days rather than bike days). These events dispense with the groups format and participants have unlimited access to the circuit throughout the event. This is usually controlled by an organiser by populating the event with fewer participants, albeit usually at a higher price, with instructor guidance facilities usually available.

Expert Class
Posts: 102
posted September 06, 2012 02:31 PM
Nicely put. We just got back from Miller Motorsports Park ran the full course. What a blast we had. Links don't seem to work here. If your interested Vids on Youtube type in Miller one,Miller two, and Miller crash. enjoy.......
Speed is just a question of money how fast do you want to go

Parking Attendant
Posts: 29
posted September 07, 2012 09:15 AM
Edited By: QTip on 7 Sep 2012 17:17
You can see my trackday too.. Youtube.
2009 Vmax - QTip Motorsport ranch .. Watch the BEAST run down sporties on their own playground.. ENJOY!!

Expert Class
Posts: 102
posted September 07, 2012 03:11 PM
Very cool.
Speed is just a question of money how fast do you want to go